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Unuxons MCSG story


Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hello my name is Robert. Most of you probably know me as Unuxon and quite a few of you may know me as Gamer or Gamer1754. My MCSG story started off nearly 2 years ago in May of 2012. I was 12 years old and i was chillin' with one of my best friends on a bench talking about our favorite game in our amazingly high pitch voices. We rambled on for about 10 minutes about the game until another one of my friends Drake walked up and after hearing what we were talking about started telling us about this other game called... Minecraft. The game sounded amazing, like nothing i'd ever played before it wasn't like COD or anything else. My friend Drake was telling me that you could do anything in this game ANYTHING.

Immediately after getting home i jumped onto my moms crappy HP desktop computer opened up Internet Explorer and searched Minecraft in Yahoo. I clicked on the top link and it took me to the Minecraft site where i was disappointed to see "Buy Now". Lacking money i decided to go onto Youtube with my 1 mbps internet and attempt to watch Minecraft videos until my Mom got home. Right when my mom came home i begged her to buy Minecraft and she did! But another disappointment came along, My moms crappy HP wasn't powerful enough to even open the game. Luckily i went to my Dads house 2 days later and was happy to find that his laptop could play Minecraft but was sad to find i had about 10 fps when playing...

The day after i was able to actually play Minecraft i was bored with singleplayer. So i decided to look up Servers. I looked for a while and found some server IPs, but none of them were satisfying i didn't really like the idea of building that much. I liked TNT and killing mobs and i enjoyed hitting anything with a sword and shooting bows. Then out of no where i remembered something, a book i had read earlier in the year. Hunger Games! So i looked up Hunger Game servers and stumbled upon Minecraft Survival Games a server in Beta(I had no clue what Beta meant when i was 12). I immediately joined a server, only to of course join the game as a spec and have no clue how to actually play. After about 20 minutes of typing in all caps trying to figure out how to join a game i somehow found out and was able to join a game.

My first game. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I wasn't able to get anything so i got into a tree and chopped all the leaves off except a few to hide myself and shifted. Only to be killed 5 minutes later. I wondered how he saw me while shifted only to see later that i punched almost all the leaves off the tree and it definitely didn't look natural at all.

After playing MCSG for a while and not being able to win a game i decided to look for other servers only to stumble upon the Creative Server. The creative server was awesome you got you're own plot and could do whatever you wanted. This is where i met 2 people that i would know for quite a while on MCSG although one of them not so much the other would make MCSG about 10 times more fun. I was mainly just messing around and building random stuff, helped a few random people build stuff. Then i saw a huge statue and it was a exact copy of someone skin I was amazed! I wanted one but i didn't know how to build one. This is where i met Pherrera. Pherrera built me a statue of my skin on my plot it was awesome! Although Pherrera and I pretty much never played MCSG at all together i still saw him in games everyone once in a while. Even though he had built me a really nice statue of my skin i cleared my plot a day later(he was really mad).

So i decided to build my own statue of my skin. I went on miners need cool shoes and copied the colors on my skin the best i could with the different types of wool. When i had finished it was pretty good. I bragged a little in chat and caught the attention of someone with the IGN Tinyoneo. Tiny made me come look at her pixel art she made. Every day i came on she had something to show me, this only lasted for about 2 days because i got bored again. So i decided to go back to MCSG this time with a team mate so i asked Tiny to come play MCSG with me.

To this day i have no idea how we were able to get into a server together without donor and only being a type team. Tiny and i both sucked horribly at PVP and MCSG all together. We still played games with all the noobiest tactics tryharding, teaming on people and all that good stuff. Well one day Tiny got tired of losing and decided we needed to actually try and practice. We were still only type teaming. Eventually Tiny got decent at PVP then better and better. Before i knew it she was winning 1/5 games we were playing(Which was good for us :p) Although i was learning from her, she was much much much better, i still didn't have a single win.

My first win came along with the during the time there was the sand fall DM arena. I was running from a guy in full armor then he timed out or something and i had won my first game by default! Even though it wasn't really my fault i won it still gave me confidence. I finally started getting wins. Not that much but i was getting them. I was getting wins very slow and i was still really bad i probably had 14 wins and almost 1000 game played. I needed someone to help me. That's when i discovered Teamspeak. A cool program that let you talk to people that you were playing with.

I downloaded Teamspeak, installed it and opened only to be stumped on how to get to the MCSG Teamspeak. Luckily after asking people in chat a player by the name of Mkilop2 told me how to get in. At first i was shy and muted my microphone. I was sitting in a channel being brave and had my mic un-muted when a 2 people joined my channel. Soulv2 and YoshiYamiYori. I had seen Soul before and he was amazing at PVP, he always played with NorthyO. I remembered he had asked me and tiny to join the Rebels when we were on SG2 once. Although i had never seen Yoshi before.

I can't remember what Soul was saying when he came in but Yoshi was trying to get him back into a different channel. When they left i stayed in my channel and played some more MCSG until later that night was bored and decided i wanted to play with someone else. So i joined a channel. I kept my mic muted, but i was able to type and played a game with these people and learned their names were mat56789 and Lescent. Lescent was worse then i was at the time so i felt good playing with theses people :D.

I started using TS a lot and met lots of people including, YoshiYamiYori, mat56789, Lescent, Soulv2, NorthyO, Kerbals, SluttySheep(Richard), Sluttypig, endy163, ZachK, creepinonchu, ohheyitscarly, Reavezz, maxiscool24, wavie, Vikkiann, flesheatingpanda, Chrisbro, Korrenian, Nova, Acecard, captaincabbage12, willyrin, philipedeha, NoahSailer, CHEEDOS OuchTheSchauzer, SoggyPickle, blueshadow, angelgun, Epic_Frog_Song, CraftyKratonite, BranBob83, Swagrocker, Geanhimes and so many more.

I started getting better at PVP with the help of Maxiscool24 and Epic_Frog_Song. These 2 helped me a lot, and were pretty cool. I eventually was able to get my old friend Tinyoneo to get teamspeak and we played MCSG together a lot more. She also helped me get better at PVP.

Skipping a lot of time i'm gonna skip to earlier this year in June or somewhere around then when i got my new account "Unuxon". Oops i probably forgot to mention everything before this my name was Gamer1754. Yeah i'm sure you can see why i got a new account. Gamer1754 was pretty boring. By the time i had Unuxon i only had 208 wins on Gamer1754. By this time i had long since lost my Motivation to try in MCSG and mainly just messed around. I became a lot more active on the forums and a lot less active in-game.

Sorry if the story was bad. I'm was really tired and bored writing it. I might try and edit it tomorrow. I could have made this thread so long but my eyes are tired and i'm starting to derp so goodnight.


Tinyoneo - Probably one of my best MCSG friends

Soul - I don't know he's just a cool guy, introduced me to factions

YoshiYamiYori - Super Funny and i had a great time with clashcrew and everythign and #legion

Kerbals - I don't even know what to say about this pig.

Slam _Burger - Well you are probably one of my favorite MCSG friends.

ReaVeZz - Another great friend.

Epic_Frog_Song - Pretty much taught me how to PVP

OTSchauzer - Another Great Friend

endy163 - Had some great times with him

kristoniface - Amazing.

TPH_Toxin - You let us hide in you're teamspeak one time.

Theres so many people i could put in there but i'm too tired and stuff so yeah. Thanks everyone for the great times. I guess i posted this because i'm kinda losing interest in MCSG. I'll probably be on the forums a lot but game are getting a bit boring.


(Oh btw i'm 14 now so it's been a while since i started playing)​


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Its funny because when my friend told me tobplay minecraft i really hated it. Now i cant live without it. Good story. Btw where is my name? :p


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
So your name is Robert awesome :D

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