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15 Random Facts About Yourself!


District 13
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
1. My First name is Camilo
2. I'm 13.
3. I came to this community in November 3rd 2012.
4. My favourite color is pink.
5. I'm too lazy to think for other facts about me.
6. This counts as the other 9 left.


Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
1. My name is Chris.
2. I'm a freshman.
3. I live in Louisiana, and can assure you, we aren't all rednecks, as is the stereotype. -.-
4. I pull all the hoes. c;
5. I used to play travel baseball, all-star basketball, and was asked to join several travel soccer teams. Then I found mcsg, and all that stopped. xD
6. The statement above is sort of a lie, considering I'm on my highschool's varsity and jv's soccer team; so sports didn't entirely stop.
7. I originally only bought my minecraft account to play tekkit.
8. I'm drinking a smoothie right now, because I got my wisdom teeth removed and my bottom jaws still hurt like hell.
9. I'm in all honors sophomore classes (except for electives, of course).
10. My favorite map is probably Teweran 2.
11. If I don't have a bow w/ some arrows in a game, I tend to die.
12. I have two dogs - a jack russel terrior, and a german shepherd/lab mix.
13. My favorite food is country fried steak. Stuff tastes like Jesus.
14. I've been stopped in the hallway at my highschool for "looking like a pot dealer".. -.-
15. It took me far too long to think of 15 facts about myself. c:


Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
1: I am Scottish.
2: My real name is Gavin.
3: I got my nickname "Gavwav" from my family.
4: I am aged 17.
5: My skin is me in a Saiyan-like costume.
6: I am a DBZ fanboy.
7: I am an anime fanboy.
8: I am a nintendo gamer.
9: My favourite game of all time is Super Smash bros Brawl
10: I work at a restaurant as a waiter
11: I have made around £4,000 out of my job. :D
12: I am the opposite of sossokaninbitare and hate skiing. :p
13: My brothers are watching the Man of Steel movie right now.
14: I have broken 3 limbs before. (both my wrists and my right shin)
15: I am the tallest in my family.


May 3, 2013
Reaction score
1. I have blue eyes.
2. I am the youngest in my whole group of family and relatives.
3. I am 13.
4. My favourite game other than Minecraft is either Realm of the mad god or Team Fortress 2.
5. My favourite food is pasta :D.
6. I am Scottish.
7. I am quite small... ;-;.
8. My favourite desert is sponge cake.
9. <-- Is my favourite number.
10. My favourite animal is a otter.
11. I know Lord_Axely IRL.
12. My favourite sport is tennis.
13. My PC is amazing :D
14. I got the "h" from J4meyh as a typo when typing my name on another website but I decided to roll with it :D.
15. The "4" came when Jameyh was taken. I'm now J4meyh on everything xD


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
1. I have blue eyes.
2. I am the youngest in my whole group of family and relatives.
3. I am 13.
4. My favourite game other than Minecraft is either Realm of the mad god or Team Fortress 2.
5. My favourite food is pasta :D.
6. I am Scottish.
7. I am quite small... ;-;.
8. My favourite desert is sponge cake.
9. <-- Is my favourite number.
10. My favourite animal is a otter.
11. I know Lord_Axely IRL.
12. My favourite sport is tennis.
13. My PC is amazing :D
14. I got the "h" from J4meyh as a typo when typing my name on another website but I decided to roll with it :D.
15. The "4" came when Jameyh was taken. I'm now J4meyh on everything xD
11: How lucky you are!


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
1. In real life, I don't actually have a beard.
2. I'm not even ginger.
3. When I designed my skin, I thought it looked brown. (Great Monitor.)
4. I play PS3 as well as PC. Please don't eat me.
5. I don't like chocolate. Please don't eat me.
6. I like Apple and Windows 8. Please don't eat me.
7. Je parle francais.
8. I love making movies and animating.
9. I want to be a famous actor.
10. Secretly, I just pretend to be a nub, but actually I AM GRAVEY4RD! (My excuse.)
11. I know J4meyh in real life.
13. I like to secretly miss out the number 12.
14. My favourite movies are Inception and Now You See Me.
15. My favourite animal is a Gorilla.


Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
1. I don't have a life.
2. Well I do, but it's called MCSG.
3. A lot of people in this community both love and hate me.
4. I like baby back ribs.
5. I live in Boston.
6. I'm amazing at CoD.
7. I suck at MCSG.
8. I used to be a clan hopper.
9. My internet is Good.
10. My alt account is: xXThe_KokiriXx and has a 3/4 ratio ^_^
11. patsrule123 and I know each other IRL.
12. You may not realize it yet, but someday I will be no.1 on the leaderboards.... (for cod ghosts jk lol leedle sweg)
13. I'm in 7th grade making me one of the younger MCSG players.
14. My favorite color is black.
15. H8rz gonna h8 cuz they bad at cod but alas i 2ez aldem


District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
  1. I have long, blond hair.
  2. I'm fairly short (155cm 5 feet 1 inch)? Something like that..
  3. I love doing egg puns (celinevanelden knows this especially)
  4. I live in Åkersberga (Stockholm)
  5. I've helped on various Mcsg maps (Venezia, Imperial Venue, etc)
  6. I suck at pvp .__.
  7. I love interior design (especially in minecraft)
  8. I have fiber internet.
  9. My favourite food is some unknown thai soup(Really freaking hot, I loved it .__.) It was like, transparent and yummy..
  10. I speak fluent Swedish, okay English, and muy mal español.
  11. My go to pizza is "Acapulco"
  12. I eat lots of burgers, often a special one with jalapeño spiced meat.
  13. This is my favourite number
  14. I am male, contrary to popular belief.
  15. This statement is false.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
1. Minecraft was my first and still my only online game.

2. I honestly can't tell if my eyes are green, blue, or grey; they change with the light.

3. I never grew after about 7th or 8th grade so I am only 5'7" to this day.

4. I was 18 when I took my driver's license test and I passed on my first attempt.

5. I used to run a YouTube channel where I uploaded public prank videos, in which I did pranks inspired by pranksters like Ed Bassmaster and Jack Vale. Prior to that, on that same channel I used to be popular in a community of people uploading sports card videos.

6. I hate most modern mainstream music and television.

7. I once took a job as a sign-waver for a furniture store and it was a horrible experience; I got lots of splinters and sweated a lot.

8. Only one biological grandparent of mine is still living.

9. I handle eating utensils and most tools with my left hand, but I write and throw balls with my right.

10. I first heard of minecraft when it was still a relatively new game from a friend who was quite obsessed with it and always tried to pressure me into playing it, but he had mostly quit by the time I started playing in May 2012.

11. My favorite video games when I was little were car racing and the Crash Bandicoot games; for the PS1.

12. I've never been a captain of any kind in real life; nor is it likely I ever will be.

13. I live about 20 minutes away from Chad; something I didn't know officially until after being a moderator here for months. I first suspected this fact when I heard the same noise from a thunderstorm that was in the area that he heard while doing a livestream.

14. My favorite number is 12.

15. I have never had any injury that required me to go to a doctor in my entire life.

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