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Sovereign {US Clan}

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May 11, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: slater233, NikoAD, Deathlights, AviSlater
  • Age: 15
  • Timezone: Eastern Standard Timezone, Yes i currently live in the Eastern Standard Timezone. I live in Georgia, and i do get really good connection to US servers, well because i live there. xD
  • Wins/Games played: 600/3000 (I think.) I know i have a really bad ratio, but I was a noob for around the first 1000 games, and I think I'm pretty ok at PvP, so i would be pretty good for this clan!
  • Skype ID: Slater233
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Y
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes, I do have a mic. I just currently got another one for an early birthday present. It has amazing sound, and an ok microphone.
  • PVP Strengths: Fishing rod, FnS, Classic Sword PvP, High-Ground fights, and teams around 2 or 3.
  • PVP Weaknesses: Lag, Hacker, Water Fights, Teams of 3 to 4, bow spammers, and those chase downs.
  • How active are you?: On a scale of 1-10, 8.
  • Why do you want to join Sovereign?: Because, Crusade disbanded and our clan were pretty cool friends together, and i think i would be a good addition to the clan.
  • How would you benefit the clan?: Well, I know how to handle clan battle situations, I can be really active with you guys, I think i'm ok at PvP so i could be an addition there, and I think i'm a cool guy.
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: Well, I have teamed with probably all of the members and i have teamed with sal, so yeah!
  • Additional comments:
  • I know that you guys think i'm a clan hopper, but I will tell you why i disbanded Generals in the teamspeak, and Crusade disbanded so I knew that i have been scrimmaging multiple times and think you guys are really good, so i would love to devote my time here! And i know that you don't think i would fit this clan sal, but i will do everything i can as human being to just get a chance and have trial member. I will stay on it as long as possible to be a trial. I will stay super active, try to participate in every scrim/battle, and play with you guys in-game as much as i can! If i could please get a chance with this clan, i will do everything for trial.
Mar 25, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: _EazyE
  • Age: 12
  • Timezone: EST
  • Wins/Games played: 74/402
  • Skype ID: ryan.fowkes3
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes
  • PVP Strengths: Blockhitting (and sword in genaral), FnS, Fishingrod, strafing, and bow
  • PVP Weaknesses: lag, teams of 500000000, and badluck
  • How active are you?: Very active (but this week im going to visit my family for thanksgiving)
  • Why do you want to join Sovereign?: because #Crusades got disbanded and this is a good clan
  • How would you benefit the clan?: My PvP skills an experance
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: no
  • Additional comments: Checkout my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/diamondeyesarepro ;)


Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: _EazyE
  • Age: 12
  • Timezone: EST
  • Wins/Games played: 74/402
  • Skype ID: ryan.fowkes3
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes
  • PVP Strengths: Blockhitting (and sword in genaral), FnS, Fishingrod, strafing, and bow
  • PVP Weaknesses: lag, teams of 500000000, and badluck
  • How active are you?: Very active (but this week im going to visit my family for thanksgiving)
  • Why do you want to join Sovereign?: because #Crusades got disbanded and this is a good clan
  • How would you benefit the clan?: My PvP skills an experance
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: no
  • Additional comments: Checkout my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/diamondeyesarepro ;)
Denied: Does not meet requirements.

Pending: Join our teamspeak and get to know the remainder of our members to resume to trial.
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