In-game Name: Creepy_Crawler
Age: 16
Skype Name: vlad.cruz826
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time.
What are you applying for (Redstoner, Terraformer, Builder, All-around) : All Arounder.
What build team(s) are you on currently: Team Elite.
How long have you been on the build team(s) that you are currently on: Around 8 months.
What are you on the team(s) that you are currently on (Builder, redstoner, etc) : Technically, I'm not a Builder, Redstoner, or Terraformer. On Team Elite, I am the TeamSpeak Manager, but I do help out by building, redstoning, and terraforming.
What has the team(s) that you are on made (maps, lobbies, etc. List ALL of their works) : Lobby for MCGamer, MCGamer Hub, Lost Ridge (SG Map) , Fallen Empire (SG Map) , Partial Credit to Solar Frost (SG Map).
How much did you contribute to the projects by this team(s): The Hub for MCGamer, I would say that I did around 5-20% of buiding. Solar Frost is echo's and mine, so we did most of the work, around 60-70%.
How active are you on their team (how many hours per week) : I usually a forum person, so I look at applications and sometimes contribute to their projects, though they are very limited, considering that I am not staff at MCGamer anymore. But so not alot can be done.
How active will you be if you are given the chance to be on the team (how many hours per week) : Now that have more free time, I can dedicate around 2-3 hours a day, more if needed.
Why should we give you an exception (what makes you different from the next person) : I am a dedicated person when it comes to creativity and building. I was also n this build before, so I understand the expectations and rules that are on Red Forest.
Terraforming: What part of terraforming are you best at (pick one from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Drastic Terrain Changes (Cliffs, Holes, etc)
[X] Gradual Changes (Mountains, Larger Hills, etc)]
[ ] Terrain Variation (Different Materials with splatter commands, etc)
Provide pictures or videos of the one category you chose above:
Redstone: What part of redstone are you best at (pick one from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
[X] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles of redstone and using them effectively)
[ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
[ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners on the team)
Provide pictures or videos of the one category you chose above:
Building: What part of building are you best at (pick 2 from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[X] Color Schemes (What blocks go best with each other, etc)
[ ] Original Ideas (No boring, old, overused building designs)
[ ] Use of Depth (More to a building than what appears to be)
[ ] Block Variation (Using a lot of different types of blocks but not too many)
[ ] Good at Space Management (Building inside a set border/limit)
[ ] Exceptional at Interior Designing
[X] Creating Well-Themed Structures (A library actually looks like a library)
Provide pictures or videos of the categories you chose above: