Applications are closed we have reached 20 players here is the line up of who versus who! make sure you accept my contact request on skype or add me m-shark-99. The winner of each round will advance the looser will be disqualified. You get 3 games per round. After the first two rounds there will be 5 players left. Each player will vs another two players. the 3 players who have the top amount of rounds won will advance. The grand final has a twist so be prepared for anything on the day
. Msg me if you cannot make the date. play with friends on my server to get used to my plugins and pvp.
1.Camohobic vs Blakew447
2.Pandabackflips vs RhinoViru5
3.Entoricore vs Elbowz
4.Flakaay vs Quno79
5.Farani22 vs AMooseMan3
6.Mustyleaf4 vs Jgjg6
7.Smoottexs vs Viretine
8.Weary_ vs Ragezane
9.Gunnishone vs Juzzyy
10.Thedorkyd1 vs Brand95625