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My Story ~ Quno79


Jun 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, Im Quno79 and this is my story about my minecraft survival game story.

My mate known as ronaldo4life got me an account called crazykid8gb and i used that for a while. Though I was a noob getting introduced into everything i barely knew what a server was. I started up on this survival games server. It wasn't mcsg but it was so laggy. That was the only server i played on for about two months. Later on Ronaldo4life got me into playing mcsg on crazykid8gb again. Indeed the first 1500 games i properly got only 25 wins. Later on I got given a new account by my awesome cousin named Quno79 and they made there own account called Quno23 and Dano****. So i got this account while just got good but wasnt at my best. When i was into my 500th game i proberly was up to around 40 wins. I started on another server to get my pvp skills better which ronaldo4life told me about called Oresomecraft. It was fun but I knew I always wanted to play MCSG. While i was on my 100-120- Wins I got asked by JellyJ/xswagbear to join a clan called #eagles. It had great members that I looked up to. Later it got disbanded so I decided to make a MCSG clan called #Cyber. It didnt start very well but it worked out. My first member was a awesome guy called Stevohh. Who is know one of my best mates. So me and him were leaders of #Cyber and we met more new friends along the way like xxtristangxx and Step_Childz. As we played many games together as our clan went well. Later on things in my clan didnt work out and everything got split up. But me and Stevohh were still great mates. I later went on and got contacted by a guy called Donkee/Juzzyy who accepted me into the clan called #Nuggetz sooner on I left and decided to help my friend from school named Jlobo start up his first clan. He first named it #Gooses but I thought he should make it a cooloer name so I came up with the name #Delta. It went well for him untill he decided it was too much effort. We met some amazing new zealenders called Step_Childz, Georgebjorn and jakebjorn. Unforntunatly Jake and George are not getting along to well at the moment :(. I also met a great new friend who was a girl called cindy aka bennybenson2012.Me and Stevohh had our ups and downs but we always knew we were mates from the beginning and we will never let each other go. Later on I started my own youtube Channel which started off alright but now i need more views to post more videos.


So i decided to make my own MCSG Graphics design!


Later on Stevohh met a new friend called zombieslayer, hes a nice guy and great at PVP and so Stevohh made a new clan with the help from me, bennybenson2012 and Step_Childz called #KroniKle. With the members of Jlobo, Katielee, Ghostix64, Quno79, Stevohh, bennybenson2012!


Thanks for listening to my story i will edit it in the future events coming up!

Sorry If i Missed anyone please tell me if I did!

If you like what I have done Please add me on skype <3


Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 11.05.30 AM.png

KroniKle Image.png



Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Ok lets talk realistically here what happened is first you got accepted into Nuggetz then we kicked you out of the clan because you had a hissy fit that I beat you in a 1v1. Then you made Cyber. I would say more negative stuff about you but thats not my personality.


Jun 9, 2013
Reaction score
Ok lets talk realistically here what happened is first you got accepted into Nuggetz then we kicked you out of the clan because you had a hissy fit that I beat you in a 1v1. Then you made Cyber. I would say more negative stuff about you but thats not my personality.
did u guys kick me out? i couldn't remember haha sorry :p

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