When you are out of middle school take a class on marketing, maybe then you will understand the benefits of doing promotions/giveaways.
Yes it was suspended.
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And once again it seems you are just mad. Your account has been active for almost 4 years. I've had my account active 2 weeks and in that time have managed to gain more subs than you. Maybe you should think about doing some sort of giveaway to increase the traffic to your channel, however I doubt that would help much since people don't really like your videos, not to mention you post fake videos to get views. I find it funny that almost half your channel views are from a video where you say "i just wasted 34 seconds of your life." Real mature.
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Anyway, thanks for the free bump of my thread! You just got me 3 more subs and follows because of it! So, feel free to keep replying, I appreciate it!
P.S. I'll talk to an administrator to get Diamond Sponsor removed from your name since it "glitched" and you aren't one.
Not to mention most of those 62 subs were already subbed to me, they just posted here to be part of the giveaway.
Thanks Kor <3 We should stop feeding the troll though. haha