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My MCSG story.


Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
2012-April: This was the first time ever i joined theese server, I search on google "Minecraft Hunger games" and MCSG was there. It was still in beta, so it was kinda buggy and I didn't understand anything, as lobby you walked around in a city and waited for the game to begin. I think I played like three games, I totally sucked at it and left the server to find a new server.

2012-June-Juli: I was playing Survival Games on a server, I sucked real hard on pvp and I thought everyone who blockhitted was hacking :p. I liked that server back then, I forgot about this server for that time. But then, something happend, this server changed, it got so bad that I didn't wanna play on that server anymore, so I left the server for good. After that, I didn't know what I was gonna play, I searched on Google again and MCSG came up again. I rememberd that server and joined one. I liked it, it was no longer beta and it was fantastic! I don't remember wich map I won my first win on, but either Survival Games 1 or Survival Games 2. I played some 24 servers and lost, when I was searching for a new IP I found 48 servers, I loved it. I only played 48 server from now on. And then later, I found 120 servers... OMG what I was happy, I recorded every game I could and the best I came was 2th ;) I just countine to play and play...

2012-August-September: Sometime around this date 1.3 came, It was SO buggy > : ( you couldn't almost play, but they fixed it, and then I realised that 48 servers and 120 servers got deleted, I was very sad and made a forum account just because of that, I didn't know about this awesome community and I made a thread about why they deleted 48 and 120 servers, they said that they will maybe not be adding 48 and 120 servers to MCSG anymore, and I was kinda sad, and I started to play 24 servers again.

2012-October-November: In early October, Survival Games 4 was released, I loved the map, everything was so new, and every round I walked to the crashed airplane in the, and I always got two diamonds from the tier 2 :D. I still sucked at pvp, but I just played over and over. And then I watched ZenoTheRebel's first MCSG video and changed to his route ty Zeno and I won alot more.

2012-December-January: I just heard about clans like The Blamphs and The CyanVolts (Yes I know, a little late) And someone explained to me what's it all about, so I wanted to join a clan. I was watching one of Samdude09's videos and someone wrote in the comments, "I've got 50 wins, is that enough to join your clan" And Samdude09 answered: "Yes, That's enough". And from that moment, I wanted to get 50 wins before applying. At the moment I was watching random clan threads and viewing applications and see if they got accepted or not, and I though if I applied, would they accept me?

2013-February-March This was when MCSG V.2 came out! I lured my friend Oliver2001 to start playing MCSG, and we played alot together,The rubberbanding, the lags, everything was new, I liked that they changed so you could use Flint and Steel in deathmatch. But I missed the old deathmatch arena, it was the best :(. I lured my friend Oliver2001 to start playing MCSG, and we played alot together. And I finally got my 50 win! I was so happy :D! But Samdude's clan was disbanded :(. And I went from 50 to 100 wins the 5th of March! And one day when I was looking through the clan/teams page I found one clan called #BeastAttack. March the 9th I took courage and applied to that clan, I got accepted. I was so shy, so I almost never talked in groupcalls, never talked to my clanmembers, but I teamed with sometimes, Brynemannen8 is a hell of a fighter, Youbetterrun, can never forgert you ;) and G8mes4u, I'm sorry I was inactive and I hope you forgive me<3 So #BeastAttack disbanded and I wasn't that sad, just sad that I didn't talk so much. So all of sudden, I got better at pvp, I don't know how, but I just played and played and got better.

2013-April-May: So this is the mounth I got better to talk to people on Skype, it all started when I logged in on Skype to skype with my friend Oliver, he denied my call and said that he was talking with someone called Livingmaxsw3, lets call him Max. He asked if I want to talk with him too, and I answered yes, this was the first time I've ever talked to someone who I don't know. My heart beated faster and I got nervous, seriously, I got nervous, when he invited me I said "Hey"! to max, and he answered "Hey"!, then we played together, we three. Just because of that, I've talked to many others who I don't know after that, I'll always remember that. And this was the time I found out about a bunch of Swedish youtubers, and they were all cool, Ryska_ryssen, Matiass96, Chilooo. And my friend talked about his friend, Toklasse who just started YouTube, I was in one of his videos, and that video got the most viewes of all his videos, I don't know why. But the 9th May I got banned for using BSM, I was so angry, because I didn't use it, but I waited out my 7 days ban, and from now on, I've being careful sometimes just walking around so people see that I don't use BSM. May the 18th I wrote on Static_Nightmare's "
Be on a number plate in an SG map!", And I wrote, Caek is lie and it got on a number plate :D on Survival Games Highway. May the 19th I got 300 wins :D, I just kept playing and playing. May the 23th I applied for the swedish clan called "JOGA's Päron", it was an YouTubers clan and I got accepted. But then, the clan owner went on vacation and the clan got inactive, and after some weeks I said to the clan: "I'm going to leave this clan, it's not fun because we never have clanwars and this clan is so inactive". Then after that, everyone else agreed and left too, and the owner is not playing MCSG anymore.

2013-Juli-June: Sometime around June I got my 400 win! And in Juli, Survival Games Highway got realised and some other maps, (can't remember xD). My friend on Skype asked me if I wanted to join their clan #TheBoxers, I said yes and wrote an application and got accepted. To be honest, this was the funniest, best clan I ever was in, it was only Swedish players so it kinda turned into a Swedish clan and we group chatted alot in that clan. But then, when we had a clanwar, #TheBoxers won against #TheNetherians and they denied it, and they got one of us banned, by recording it, just because of that EVERYONE called this clan a "Hack clan". Players wrote on our clan page that we suck and that we hack etc. The clan leader, Elcho couldn't handle it anymore, so he disbanded the clan. I was very sad, but it happends so I lived on. I didn't remember much of this time, most because it was summer and I didn't play that much then.

2013-August-September: I got my 600 win here! And they added the beta chest update! I got nostaliga of the update, I loved it, too bad it was only on US :( And one day when I was Skyping with my friend Oliver, he told me that his friend asked him if he wanted to join his and Ryska_ryssen's clan called #Zenith. So me and Oliver wrote an application and we both got accepted, I talked to in the clanchat and I was in one clanwar and we won, but after like 1 month, Ryska_ryssen wanted to refresh the clan because the Co-owner left the clan, so everyone got kicked from the clan and if they wanted to join again they could just apply. I waited some weeks before applying again and got accepted, but it wasn't the same #Zenith, one of our best wasn't in the clan anymore, Gabiss. So I got bored of #Zenith and left. And the 11th September I got my 700 win! I slowly started to play less, and less, and less. I started to get bored of MCSG. My friend left MCSG and I wasn't playing full time anymore. MCSG isn't what it used to be.

2013-October-November: So in October I heard that 1.7 was coming soon with BSM, I was happy and I thought, "If I stay low and don't play so much until 1.7 come out, I'll not have any chances of being banned from MCSG for using BSM" (Not because I used). I didn't play so much and I started to play more LoL (League Of Legends), but if a friend wanted me to play MCSG with him/her, I did. On the 12th of October I joined a swedish clan called #Interception, it didn't last long, I played like one clanwar then the clan disbanded, I don't know why every clan I'm in disbands, Is it me? Anywho, I got 800 wins and reached for 900, and I'm soon there.

So this is my story, I'm slowly drifting away from MCSG,
I think I'm going to reach for 1000 wins, then I'll take a break.
This year has been awesome MCSG, I'll always remember you.
But it's just not what it used to, I wanna say thanks to:

Oliver2001: For being my friend and playing ALOT with me.
Livingmaxsw3: For being the first stranger I've talked to.
Elcho: For creating the best clan I ever knew.
And everyone else who's been there for me, Thank you <3



District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Nice story, glad you are enjoying your time here :)

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