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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Jun 23, 2013
Reaction score
Well, this sucks. When #Plasmic was merging most of my members told me not to. But I knew I wanted this experience. This is probably my favorite clan I have ever been in. All the memories, good and bad, were worth it. Now for the people that have been awesome to me.

Jess Jessica, even though I know you hate me calling you that I did, because we are animal cousins.
AviEddy Eddy, you were always calm and understanding. Will miss you lots <3
AviAndy Andy. Probably the most mature and chill person I have played with in a while.
killerkons Shawn, it was a pleasure to watch you get 1k wins, I enjoyed playing with you.
twixisfuntoeat xOpticKiLLeRx you guys were a funny duo. Never stop my friends.
BrianThePanda and wizliz, that one moring I spent talking to you guys was awesome. Won't forget that or that girl pooping on her mans "hood"
mrstunning Jayden, my irl friend. kthxbai.
LittleRawr_ My good lil tiger <3
Jaggerv Always fun playing with you <3
Sorry if I missed out on anyone. Just of the top of my head. As I said, this is my favorite clan I have ever been in.

Love you all, remember guys


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
I was very active when this clan started, and even to this day i loved seeing you guys battle or even practice. This clan was not a group of players. It was a family. The teamwork on this clan was great and im sad to see it go. There will always be a part of my heart dedicated to #aviate


Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Well not sure why I logged on this forum account but shortly after I did, I checked my alerts to see new Aviate posts. I decided why not check on my good ol' friends at Aviate. When the page had loaded the first thing I had seen was "#RIPAviate". I was a bit confused so I decided to go back a couple pages. This is where I saw Andy's post and I became a bit sad to see that the clan had actually disbanded.

In our short time as a clan we made a good name for ourselves. Though not everyone liked us I don't think we really cared. I loved playing with you guys and Aviate was by far my favourite MCSG experience that I've had.

Truth is I never actually considered us a clan, I felt like we were all family. Our personalities mixed so well and I enjoyed every single conversation I've had with each of you. Best of luck to you all in the future, as for me I'm thinking of quitting MCSG as well as Minecraft as I don't enjoy it as much.
AviAndy I'm going to miss talking to you man, silly asian. From our derpy experiences in the Homework lounge to you not understanding that there will always be a ceiling above my head. I enjoyed every moment I spent talking to you. You are a great leader and you managed Aviate with a lot of maturity.
AviEddy Though I didn't talk to you that much, the times that I did I honestly enjoyed. You probably are the most chill guy I've ever met and I'm still pretty sure that you're 25 years old.
killerkons Oh Shawn, you had to be one of the funniest guys I've ever met and I loved screaming at you for random reasons. I will always have the "video". (ur bjs rock) #ScienceHomework.
R3vVolution Cole, you probably were one of my favourite Aviate members. You had a lot of dedication to the clan and I loved talking to you though I did not get the chance to often. You also somehow predicted anything I was about to say which scared me.

(Sorry if I missed you out as I am pressed for time right now.)

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Mar 2, 2013
Reaction score
Well not sure why I logged on this forum account but shortly after I did, I checked my alerts to see new Aviate posts. I decided why not check on my good ol' friends at Aviate. When the page had loaded the first thing I had seen was "#RIPAviate". I was a bit confused so I decided to go back a couple pages. This is where I saw Andy's post and I became a bit sad to see that the clan had actually disbanded.

In our short time as a clan we made a good name for ourselves. Though not everyone liked us I don't think we really cared. I loved playing with you guys and Aviate was by far my favourite MCSG experience that I've had.

Truth is I never actually considered us a clan, I felt like we were all family. Our personalities mixed so well and I enjoyed every single conversation I've had with each of you. Best of luck to you all in the future, as for me I'm thinking of quitting MCSG as well as Minecraft as I don't enjoy it as much.
AviAndy I'm going to miss talking to you man, silly asian. From our derpy experiences in the Homework lounge to you not understanding that there will always be a ceiling above my head. I enjoyed every moment I spent talking to you. You are a great leader and you managed Aviate with a lot of maturity.
AviEddy Though I didn't talk to you that much, the times that I did I honestly enjoyed. You probably are the most chill guy I've ever met and I'm still pretty sure that you're 25 years old.
killerkons Oh Shawn, you had to be one of the funniest guys I've ever met and I loved screaming at you for random reasons. I will always have the "video". (ur bjs rock) #ScienceHomework.
R3vVolution Cole, you probably were one of my favourite Aviate members. You had a lot of dedication to the clan and I loved talking to you though I did not get the chance to often. You also somehow predicted anything I was about to say which scared me.

(Sorry if I missed you out as I am pressed for time right now.)

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Hello guys, Im actually in tears, not only did the clan I love and always will love is disbanded, It's that I was only mentioned by one person so I see that I wasnt as big of an impact I thought I was. Besides the point Ill miss this clan forever and never forget it, this will always be the best month and a half of my life <3.
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