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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name:Eric
  • US/CA:CA
  • Timezone:ET
  • Time Available:Weekends all day week days all day but 6:00 - 8:00
  • Age:11
  • IGN:KCEric
  • Wins/Total:97
  • *Skype:Yupers
  • *Teamspeak:Hell Yeah!
  • *Mic:Yup
  • Best PVP Quality:Block hitting , Fishing rod
  • MCSG Donator:Nope D:
  • Why do you want to join Aviate:Cause i wanna be a cool cat
  • What makes you unique:I dont have a lot of wins in mcsg but im very good a pvp
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT):Yeah i can change my alt
  • Comments:I am littlerawr_'s cousin he taught me how to be amazing at ze pvp


Dear fellow Aviates, I'm sad to announce something that I've been thinking about that has been on my mind lately.

Do you guys remember when I use to write a tons of clan updates that were so long? If you do, than you must be a really old member and I truly want to thank each and one of you for being in the clan along this crazy journey we got ourselves in. This is gonna be like one of those clan updates, but instead it isn't going to be as happy :c. Back when I formed this clan, I knew I wanted this clan to be somewhere I enjoyed myself at. Something I enjoy myself going to and playing, but now being in Aviate doesn't feel like home to me as much anymore. Not because I don't like the members as much, but I just don't find myself being the leader I used to be. As time went on, I realized that I didn't feel like putting in all my hard work into forming the clan. I became lazy in updating the thread and replying to players. I just felt I didn't like doing this anymore. I realized I was becoming a horrible leader and I felt bad about it. I couldn't change myself as hard as I wanted to, I was just too busy and lazy. This is where the clan began it's downfall, I realized we weren't as united as we once were.

Being in a clan represents unity and being together as one. With us, we were all sort of drifting apart and losing members that I once had an amazing connection with. It all reached this point when I got "bored" of playing MCSG, because things were to repetitive. People complained to me about my members, and it all didn't feel right. I do realize as a clan we did some things that represented us "bad" but I apologize for any problems we have caused in the past. I know as a leader I should've stopped it, and with me not stopping those things I knew I was becoming a bad leader.

My journey with Aviate has been the best experience I had during Minecraft. It led me to meeting new people and just making me an overall better player. You guys have taught me things I've never knew before, and it gave me the chance to know each and one of you so well. I sincerely apologize for creating something I didn't know I couldn't handle, and apologize for letting you guys down. During this experience I realize I just enjoy to be a regular player. Just talking with friends and getting to know them better and better. Not being in charge of a clan where I have to "kick" players, because that was something I couldn't do. It was too difficult for me to remove someone I had a strong connection with, and that's where I will need to improve on next time.

Understand that I have all of your backs. I will never forget any of you who has been in Aviate. You guys do mean a lot to me, and I had the honor to lead you guys. We had an amazing run of 3 months which honestly felt only a month to me. Times go by fast when your having an amazing time. Realize this isn't the end, I still have each of you guys on Skype, and feel free to ask me to play with you a feel times. I would like it if we all got together and played with each other once in a while. Just to catch up or even maybe some of us will cross paths in the same clan once again.

iiKatie You were the first member of Aviate. The reason why I created Aviate in the first place. I'm glad I was able to find you, and you were the one who made me addicted to this freaking game. Your probably not even gonna see this, but it's okay. If you ever do I miss talking to you, cause we hardly do anymore and hopefully you are having fun playing with other people. :)

Macobeast You might be wondering why your on this list, maybe you do but I wanted to let you know something. Ever since you were in the clan when you told me I was a "good leader" it meant the world to me. It was something that made me happy for weeks, and it just was the motivation I had for the time. It made me feel I was doing things right, and hearing it makes me happy. Hopefully you realize what you can say can really change the way another person thinks. Thank you for telling me that, your an amazing person and I hope we cross paths in the future once again.

DatJuanGuy We had an amazing time together, and I'm glad I had the chance to meet you. Your an amazing friend I'm glad I have, and hopefully we will continue to keep in-touch. Those days when we did homework together to trolling random people, it was great. Good luck on whatever your doing your a butthole sometimes.

Lucidictive Oh god, where do I start with you? It was an honor to have you in the clan. I was blinded when you were in the clan knowing how much you helped me out. I was dumb and didn't see how much you were trying to help, and I regret that. You are an all-around an amazing person and a great friend to have. Know that I will always have your back and I will be there for you when you need me. Thanks for being there to give me advice and everything, it was awesome getting to talk to you. Hopefully we can still play Dungeon Realms together, because that's what I will be doing more often :)

Jess Hey there Jess. Your probably one of my best friends I have right now. You've been there since the start and never left our back. I know we pick on you a lot, but you know it's a joke. It's cause I'm comfortable with you, and your like my little brother. We really know everything about each other, and it's been a great experience with you. I know were not going to lose contact, so I will keep this short and simple.

killerkons Shawn, oh my Shawn. We have been through a lot as well, knowing you were one of our best PVPers it was devastating to know you left. Things weren't really going that great when you left and when it all began when I started to become a bad leader. I was glad you rejoined to brighten up the mood, and you are a butthole too. I also don't think were gonna lose contact, so I might as well keep this short and sweet. But love you <3 (i'm not gay)

Lemonz87 I apologize for making things really complicated for you. I know you wanted to be a mod, but in Aviate at the same time. But, things got unfair but good thing that is all settled now. But, now to find out Aviate is disbanding hopefully you won't get mad at me. It's something I do for our own good, and hopefully I'll see you around with Shawn and get to play with you guys more. Your a really nice person and know that I'll always be here for you.

ThatOneHks Misha, you've really helped out the clan tremendously. It was a great idea to merge with you even though it was only you it was still a good choice. I'm so glad we got to meet you, your an amazing person. You are such a chill person, and probably one of the coolest dudes I know. Your mature, nice, and basically everything I like in a clan member. You honestly deserve to be in any clan you like cause your such a well-rounded player. Good luck on what you do, cause I heard you were interested in moving to the Hive.

BrianThePanda @ WUTTUP SEXY! Your such a funny dude, you make me laugh everytime I talk with you and it's been a great short time with each other. I better get to play with you Liz and Hailey cause you guys are so fun to play with. You guys are all really nice people, and hopefully we don't lose in touch, because of this. Better invite me to some of your games m8, I'll be seeing you around! <3

R3vVolution Your an amazing person bro, you help me out with the forums tremendously. Your such a real person and it would suck to lose contact with you. Hopefully we will still get the chance to play with each other and get to know each other more. I didn't get to play with you as often as I would've like

OpTic and Twix ain't no buddy got time to find your names. You guys are so funny ermagawd, I have to talk to you guys more. I wish you guys the best for you future where ever you guys are headed. It was a short run, but I was glad I had the chance to meet you guys. <3

Mamiamato24 Oh god you. It takes a year to convince you to use your mic, and I finally got you to use it for a bit. I'm so glad you joined Aviate. I know you didn't even like play with us, but it's okay. Your still a good friend of mine, and you better still talk to me. I'm gonna miss you bro, even though I didn't know you as well as I would've liked.

Last but not least Kimmi. I'm glad I was able to meet you, I was able to talk to you for advice even though you suck at giving advice. I got to know you so well in such a short amount of time, and it was sad to see you go. I'm sorry I couldn't help you much, but things is what it is. I still am in pretty good touch with you so that's goooood. No need to say more about you cause you already know what I will say any ways.

That's it! The end of Aviate, if I missed anyone it's because I didn't really get to know you as much. I'm sorry. Hopefully you guys understand my decision and not hate me </3.

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” - Albert Camus.

Sorry for every grammar mistake there must be a ton. I have to get off to study so I rushed it at the end, hope you guys give me a break :/ Ugh Asian problems.


Mar 2, 2013
Reaction score
Dear fellow Aviates, I'm sad to announce something that I've been thinking about that has been on my mind lately.

Do you guys remember when I use to write a tons of clan updates that were so long? If you do, than you must be a really old member and I truly want to thank each and one of you for being in the clan along this crazy journey we got ourselves in. This is gonna be like one of those clan updates, but instead it isn't going to be as happy :c. Back when I formed this clan, I knew I wanted this clan to be somewhere I enjoyed myself at. Something I enjoy myself going to and playing, but now being in Aviate doesn't feel like home to me as much anymore. Not because I don't like the members as much, but I just don't find myself being the leader I used to be. As time went on, I realized that I didn't feel like putting in all my hard work into forming the clan. I became lazy in updating the thread and replying to players. I just felt I didn't like doing this anymore. I realized I was becoming a horrible leader and I felt bad about it. I couldn't change myself as hard as I wanted to, I was just too busy and lazy. This is where the clan began it's downfall, I realized we weren't as united as we once were.

Being in a clan represents unity and being together as one. With us, we were all sort of drifting apart and losing members that I once had an amazing connection with. It all reached this point when I got "bored" of playing MCSG, because things were to repetitive. People complained to me about my members, and it all didn't feel right. I do realize as a clan we did some things that represented us "bad" but I apologize for any problems we have caused in the past. I know as a leader I should've stopped it, and with me not stopping those things I knew I was becoming a bad leader.

My journey with Aviate has been the best experience I had during Minecraft. It led me to meeting new people and just making me an overall better player. You guys have taught me things I've never knew before, and it gave me the chance to know each and one of you so well. I sincerely apologize for creating something I didn't know I couldn't handle, and apologize for letting you guys down. During this experience I realize I just enjoy to be a regular player. Just talking with friends and getting to know them better and better. Not being in charge of a clan where I have to "kick" players, because that was something I couldn't do. It was too difficult for me to remove someone I had a strong connection with, and that's where I will need to improve on next time.

Understand that I have all of your backs. I will never forget any of you who has been in Aviate. You guys do mean a lot to me, and I had the honor to lead you guys. We had an amazing run of 3 months which honestly felt only a month to me. Times go by fast when your having an amazing time. Realize this isn't the end, I still have each of you guys on Skype, and feel free to ask me to play with you a feel times. I would like it if we all got together and played with each other once in a while. Just to catch up or even maybe some of us will cross paths in the same clan once again.

iiKatie You were the first member of Aviate. The reason why I created Aviate in the first place. I'm glad I was able to find you, and you were the one who made me addicted to this freaking game. Your probably not even gonna see this, but it's okay. If you ever do I miss talking to you, cause we hardly do anymore and hopefully you are having fun playing with other people. :)

Macobeast You might be wondering why your on this list, maybe you do but I wanted to let you know something. Ever since you were in the clan when you told me I was a "good leader" it meant the world to me. It was something that made me happy for weeks, and it just was the motivation I had for the time. It made me feel I was doing things right, and hearing it makes me happy. Hopefully you realize what you can say can really change the way another person thinks. Thank you for telling me that, your an amazing person and I hope we cross paths in the future once again.

DatJuanGuy We had an amazing time together, and I'm glad I had the chance to meet you. Your an amazing friend I'm glad I have, and hopefully we will continue to keep in-touch. Those days when we did homework together to trolling random people, it was great. Good luck on whatever your doing your a butthole sometimes.

Lucidictive Oh god, where do I start with you? It was an honor to have you in the clan. I was blinded when you were in the clan knowing how much you helped me out. I was dumb and didn't see how much you were trying to help, and I regret that. You are an all-around an amazing person and a great friend to have. Know that I will always have your back and I will be there for you when you need me. Thanks for being there to give me advice and everything, it was awesome getting to talk to you. Hopefully we can still play Dungeon Realms together, because that's what I will be doing more often :)

Jess Hey there Jess. Your probably one of my best friends I have right now. You've been there since the start and never left our back. I know we pick on you a lot, but you know it's a joke. It's cause I'm comfortable with you, and your like my little brother. We really know everything about each other, and it's been a great experience with you. I know were not going to lose contact, so I will keep this short and simple.

killerkons Shawn, oh my Shawn. We have been through a lot as well, knowing you were one of our best PVPers it was devastating to know you left. Things weren't really going that great when you left and when it all began when I started to become a bad leader. I was glad you rejoined to brighten up the mood, and you are a butthole too. I also don't think were gonna lose contact, so I might as well keep this short and sweet. But love you <3 (i'm not gay)

Lemonz87 I apologize for making things really complicated for you. I know you wanted to be a mod, but in Aviate at the same time. But, things got unfair but good thing that is all settled now. But, now to find out Aviate is disbanding hopefully you won't get mad at me. It's something I do for our own good, and hopefully I'll see you around with Shawn and get to play with you guys more. Your a really nice person and know that I'll always be here for you.

ThatOneHks Misha, you've really helped out the clan tremendously. It was a great idea to merge with you even though it was only you it was still a good choice. I'm so glad we got to meet you, your an amazing person. You are such a chill person, and probably one of the coolest dudes I know. Your mature, nice, and basically everything I like in a clan member. You honestly deserve to be in any clan you like cause your such a well-rounded player. Good luck on what you do, cause I heard you were interested in moving to the Hive.

BrianThePanda @ WUTTUP SEXY! Your such a funny dude, you make me laugh everytime I talk with you and it's been a great short time with each other. I better get to play with you Liz and Hailey cause you guys are so fun to play with. You guys are all really nice people, and hopefully we don't lose in touch, because of this. Better invite me to some of your games m8, I'll be seeing you around! <3

R3vVolution Your an amazing person bro, you help me out with the forums tremendously. Your such a real person and it would suck to lose contact with you. Hopefully we will still get the chance to play with each other and get to know each other more. I didn't get to play with you as often as I would've like

OpTic and Twix ain't no buddy got time to find your names. You guys are so funny ermagawd, I have to talk to you guys more. I wish you guys the best for you future where ever you guys are headed. It was a short run, but I was glad I had the chance to meet you guys. <3

Mamiamato24 Oh god you. It takes a year to convince you to use your mic, and I finally got you to use it for a bit. I'm so glad you joined Aviate. I know you didn't even like play with us, but it's okay. Your still a good friend of mine, and you better still talk to me. I'm gonna miss you bro, even though I didn't know you as well as I would've liked.

Last but not least Kimmi. I'm glad I was able to meet you, I was able to talk to you for advice even though you suck at giving advice. I got to know you so well in such a short amount of time, and it was sad to see you go. I'm sorry I couldn't help you much, but things is what it is. I still am in pretty good touch with you so that's goooood. No need to say more about you cause you already know what I will say any ways.

That's it! The end of Aviate, if I missed anyone it's because I didn't really get to know you as much. I'm sorry. Hopefully you guys understand my decision and not hate me </3.

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” - Albert Camus.

Sorry for every grammar mistake there must be a ton. I have to get off to study so I rushed it at the end, hope you guys give me a break :/ Ugh Asian problems.
It's been a good run man #RipAviate
Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Dear fellow Aviates, I'm sad to announce something that I've been thinking about that has been on my mind lately.

Do you guys remember when I use to write a tons of clan updates that were so long? If you do, than you must be a really old member and I truly want to thank each and one of you for being in the clan along this crazy journey we got ourselves in. This is gonna be like one of those clan updates, but instead it isn't going to be as happy :c. Back when I formed this clan, I knew I wanted this clan to be somewhere I enjoyed myself at. Something I enjoy myself going to and playing, but now being in Aviate doesn't feel like home to me as much anymore. Not because I don't like the members as much, but I just don't find myself being the leader I used to be. As time went on, I realized that I didn't feel like putting in all my hard work into forming the clan. I became lazy in updating the thread and replying to players. I just felt I didn't like doing this anymore. I realized I was becoming a horrible leader and I felt bad about it. I couldn't change myself as hard as I wanted to, I was just too busy and lazy. This is where the clan began it's downfall, I realized we weren't as united as we once were.

Being in a clan represents unity and being together as one. With us, we were all sort of drifting apart and losing members that I once had an amazing connection with. It all reached this point when I got "bored" of playing MCSG, because things were to repetitive. People complained to me about my members, and it all didn't feel right. I do realize as a clan we did some things that represented us "bad" but I apologize for any problems we have caused in the past. I know as a leader I should've stopped it, and with me not stopping those things I knew I was becoming a bad leader.

My journey with Aviate has been the best experience I had during Minecraft. It led me to meeting new people and just making me an overall better player. You guys have taught me things I've never knew before, and it gave me the chance to know each and one of you so well. I sincerely apologize for creating something I didn't know I couldn't handle, and apologize for letting you guys down. During this experience I realize I just enjoy to be a regular player. Just talking with friends and getting to know them better and better. Not being in charge of a clan where I have to "kick" players, because that was something I couldn't do. It was too difficult for me to remove someone I had a strong connection with, and that's where I will need to improve on next time.

Understand that I have all of your backs. I will never forget any of you who has been in Aviate. You guys do mean a lot to me, and I had the honor to lead you guys. We had an amazing run of 3 months which honestly felt only a month to me. Times go by fast when your having an amazing time. Realize this isn't the end, I still have each of you guys on Skype, and feel free to ask me to play with you a feel times. I would like it if we all got together and played with each other once in a while. Just to catch up or even maybe some of us will cross paths in the same clan once again.

iiKatie You were the first member of Aviate. The reason why I created Aviate in the first place. I'm glad I was able to find you, and you were the one who made me addicted to this freaking game. Your probably not even gonna see this, but it's okay. If you ever do I miss talking to you, cause we hardly do anymore and hopefully you are having fun playing with other people. :)

Macobeast You might be wondering why your on this list, maybe you do but I wanted to let you know something. Ever since you were in the clan when you told me I was a "good leader" it meant the world to me. It was something that made me happy for weeks, and it just was the motivation I had for the time. It made me feel I was doing things right, and hearing it makes me happy. Hopefully you realize what you can say can really change the way another person thinks. Thank you for telling me that, your an amazing person and I hope we cross paths in the future once again.

DatJuanGuy We had an amazing time together, and I'm glad I had the chance to meet you. Your an amazing friend I'm glad I have, and hopefully we will continue to keep in-touch. Those days when we did homework together to trolling random people, it was great. Good luck on whatever your doing your a butthole sometimes.

Lucidictive Oh god, where do I start with you? It was an honor to have you in the clan. I was blinded when you were in the clan knowing how much you helped me out. I was dumb and didn't see how much you were trying to help, and I regret that. You are an all-around an amazing person and a great friend to have. Know that I will always have your back and I will be there for you when you need me. Thanks for being there to give me advice and everything, it was awesome getting to talk to you. Hopefully we can still play Dungeon Realms together, because that's what I will be doing more often :)

Jess Hey there Jess. Your probably one of my best friends I have right now. You've been there since the start and never left our back. I know we pick on you a lot, but you know it's a joke. It's cause I'm comfortable with you, and your like my little brother. We really know everything about each other, and it's been a great experience with you. I know were not going to lose contact, so I will keep this short and simple.

killerkons Shawn, oh my Shawn. We have been through a lot as well, knowing you were one of our best PVPers it was devastating to know you left. Things weren't really going that great when you left and when it all began when I started to become a bad leader. I was glad you rejoined to brighten up the mood, and you are a butthole too. I also don't think were gonna lose contact, so I might as well keep this short and sweet. But love you <3 (i'm not gay)

Lemonz87 I apologize for making things really complicated for you. I know you wanted to be a mod, but in Aviate at the same time. But, things got unfair but good thing that is all settled now. But, now to find out Aviate is disbanding hopefully you won't get mad at me. It's something I do for our own good, and hopefully I'll see you around with Shawn and get to play with you guys more. Your a really nice person and know that I'll always be here for you.

ThatOneHks Misha, you've really helped out the clan tremendously. It was a great idea to merge with you even though it was only you it was still a good choice. I'm so glad we got to meet you, your an amazing person. You are such a chill person, and probably one of the coolest dudes I know. Your mature, nice, and basically everything I like in a clan member. You honestly deserve to be in any clan you like cause your such a well-rounded player. Good luck on what you do, cause I heard you were interested in moving to the Hive.

BrianThePanda @ WUTTUP SEXY! Your such a funny dude, you make me laugh everytime I talk with you and it's been a great short time with each other. I better get to play with you Liz and Hailey cause you guys are so fun to play with. You guys are all really nice people, and hopefully we don't lose in touch, because of this. Better invite me to some of your games m8, I'll be seeing you around! <3

R3vVolution Your an amazing person bro, you help me out with the forums tremendously. Your such a real person and it would suck to lose contact with you. Hopefully we will still get the chance to play with each other and get to know each other more. I didn't get to play with you as often as I would've like

OpTic and Twix ain't no buddy got time to find your names. You guys are so funny ermagawd, I have to talk to you guys more. I wish you guys the best for you future where ever you guys are headed. It was a short run, but I was glad I had the chance to meet you guys. <3

Mamiamato24 Oh god you. It takes a year to convince you to use your mic, and I finally got you to use it for a bit. I'm so glad you joined Aviate. I know you didn't even like play with us, but it's okay. Your still a good friend of mine, and you better still talk to me. I'm gonna miss you bro, even though I didn't know you as well as I would've liked.

Last but not least Kimmi. I'm glad I was able to meet you, I was able to talk to you for advice even though you suck at giving advice. I got to know you so well in such a short amount of time, and it was sad to see you go. I'm sorry I couldn't help you much, but things is what it is. I still am in pretty good touch with you so that's goooood. No need to say more about you cause you already know what I will say any ways.

That's it! The end of Aviate, if I missed anyone it's because I didn't really get to know you as much. I'm sorry. Hopefully you guys understand my decision and not hate me </3.

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” - Albert Camus.

Sorry for every grammar mistake there must be a ton. I have to get off to study so I rushed it at the end, hope you guys give me a break :/ Ugh Asian problems.
I'll have you know that I only cried for 20 minutes!
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