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My real, full MCSG story.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
So, little 12 year old Josh gets into Hunger Games! He goes on youtube and looks up, "Hunger Games Spinoff". I find Antvenom's Minecraft Hunger Games. I become addicted to watching videos of MCSG, so I bought an account. Back then, I thought I was a really cool kid back then and remembered my friends shirt that said "So Fly" from Nike. BAM* Account name idea! SoFlyImTooHigh was then purchased. I logged on to skitscape's and began to play on a tracpad. I got used to it. After 4 games I won my first game, I was so excited! Excited enough to use my savings on a gaming com PC. I was back 2 weeks later on gaming PC. I began to win, win, and win. I began to climb the leaderboards, got skype. And just began to dominate. Made several friends, I went to school and told everyone. Everyone from school began playing with me. I told them I will not give them wins, I said I wanted to stay on the leaderboards. At this time, I began teaming with friends and getting higher on the leaderboards. I remember one week I started off at 101st on the leaderboard and at the end of the week I was 44th. I was no lifing to the extreme. I finally hit my 500th win and was 42nd. I remember. The top 40 were also nolifing try harders who were out of school, so I was stuck on 41st forever. I was getting fatter and I was growing away from school, I was still an A-B student the whole time, just growing away from my friends and sports that I loved. The day I broke into the top 10. I celebrated by taking a day off and getting back into real life. Then summer came, I finally had enough time for real life and SG! I began to play like it mattered again. When I got back, I was ranked 45th. Within a month I got back in the top 10. Skitscape contacted me about trying to get mod, I denied the offer. I really wanted to focus on winning and getting to the top at the time. I got 7th and had a hard time fighting up, finally breaking into the top 3 the next month. I began to nolife again. The summer was coming to an end, I had to get to number 1. I got it, I did it. There was a huge celebration on the server. I had 2,563 wins. I had done it. After having my title for 3 days, my sister walks by while I'm playing my 5000th game, and she knocks off my gaming PC. I cried and cried. After months of trying, I had gotten something just to have it taken away by my sister. I got in contact with skitscape saying what has happened. He said he felt sorry. Around late August, I got a crappy laptop. I logged on skitscapes to find out that I wasn't even in the top 500. No one remembered me... I tried to talk to skitscape but he said he didn't remember me. The 1st place guy then had an insane amount of wins, like 7000. I sucked. The skitscape announced they were reseting the wins, and getting rid of the leaderboards. I was sad and relieved. I decided to leave and find a new server

I joined us14, and continued to play SG on my new crappy laptop that gave me 2 fps. I made around a ten man friend group that teamed everytime we saw each other. It was so fun, we sucked but it was the most fun thing ever. The had the likes of jjbabys, @thesportvids, @ButterShark2, LightningWolf69, @ellebelle16, @octoemi, GrahamC22, and some of the best friends I've had. None of them were like bonniep and @operative001 . I was on us14 like always, I saw this guy named codbraden and he was cheated out of a win, I teamed with him and meet bonniep. We skyped and just had fun time, we soon began to team with operative. Us 3 and Nicole,Elle, and Emi began to team. We meet a couple of guys called @YourFavoriteTreecko @Yured @mudpile . But they'll come in later. I took a break and got bored. I began to get active on TS and I a lot of fun. But then, Yured messaged me on skype and told me to join the #Royals. I did. We bonded and I got officer after awhile and made lifelong friends. We became a good clan, and began to get better and better. Yured was kicked for inactivity. But me, Xero, furret, and Snivy lead it together as friends. We got in CW3 and lost to the Titans, with only 1 left on their team (@ChrisComedies y u do dis) and it lead to our ultimate dismise. Right now I'm getting bored again, I guess you could say I'm waiting for that invit to a clan again. I've been trying to relive the fun I had in the Royals with a couple clans, but just not the same.

I guess I really just want a "home" again in MCSG.

Thanks to
Your my best friend on MCSG, maybe even my best friend period. We went through a lot, stop talking, then you became my best friend. We've been through a lot.
@Alex Spear
Dude, your awesome. So glad you joined Royals, we've gotten out of touch need to change that.
You are the definiton of swag, your fun to be around and had great time in Royals with you
The rest of the royals (@EricParazak @KillyourbuttMC @ProfessorRetro @jspwn @keithcrate @Gamer101luke @Cat_On_A_Poptart @RTGxxKaos @MrAmazing1337 @Carz @fatcatcocoa1999 @thebeardydragon )
You guys are so awesome! Sad it had to end
Bonnie, Op, Elle, and the rest
Love you guys!!! <3
TS friends (@AeRaGraphics @AkFortySeven12 @bomb542 @SniperSnakez @SkillfulReptile )
You guys got me active in the community again <3
Ancient TS friends (@TheKidz101 @matrixskillage )
You guys were awesome, never even knew you guys knew Xero.

<3 I might have almost left, but I'll never be able to leave this <3


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Forgot some
PANERA BREAD!!!1!!!!!111!!!!! Your awesome lol
Thanks for inviting me to Royals! Hope we can be friends again, maybe even start a clan with mudpile
Dude, your a good friend. Thanks for helping me when I need a server!


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Lol amazing just how many people find out about Mcsg through Antvenom and CaptainSparkles etc etc.


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May 14, 2013
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Translation: I really have never gotten to know you but this is a great story and you seem like a great person. Hopefully we will talk sometime in the future :p.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I know I was mentioned earlier, but we never talked while I was officially in Royals, and I was part of this group :p
<3 u mpr

You're probably the only I talk to regularly still out of that group, AeRa I think quit or found a new group, AK is rarely on, bomb quit, Sniper is still here but I don't talk to him and Skillful is just gone


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score

You're probably the only I talk to regularly still out of that group, AeRa I think quit or found a new group, AK is rarely on, bomb quit, Sniper is still here but I don't talk to him and Skillful is just gone
Miss those days :(

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