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Hey, guys! :D


Mar 8, 2013
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Hi! I'm Nadarekyle, and some of you may know me from back a few months ago.

Not that it's a matter of the utmost public concern that I'm using a website :p, but I'd love to become an active part of this community again, like I once was, before I inadvertently got myself mixed up in squabbles and situations I would very much like to take back.

I used to play MCSG daily, and tried my best to be a helpful and active member of the forum community as well, but unfortunately, life got in the way, and I gave up, so here I am, ready to try again!

So if anyone would like to chat me up, I'd love to meet some new people from the community! :D

I like developing map-specific strategies and reviewing new maps, so if you want to run an opinion by someone new and get a few more thoughts on your creation, I would jump at the opportunity.
I like odd music, comedies, mexicans (but who doesn't, in some way) and other weird stuff, so yes, since I cannot think of anything to say to save my life right now - goodbye, and I hope to speak with you all over the forums, here is a cow:

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