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Thanks and Goodbye!


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Alright guys, it is about time I did this because I am not benefiting the community or my clan anymore, and I am getting quite bored of MCSG atm. I would first like to start off by saying that thank you to the community in good times and bad, I had great times on MCSG, but I think it is time I parted ways for now. I am very thankful that I got into the clan "The Rebels." They are the best thing that has happened to me in my MCSG career.
I am going to try to include everyone who has been a friend or has helped me along the way in these past months.

@Branbob83 Thank you so much for being a great friend, and a great leader through this experience of my MCSG career. You also made awkward moments funny in times of despair. Thanks so much for what you have done. I will never forget you <3.

@RyanHolland You were my first MCSG "chat team" friend. You were the one who encouraged me to do my best and try to get in the Rebels at the time you were leader. I always looked up to you so I was your so to speak "fanboy." Thank you so much Ryan for what you have done for me <3.

@Turnip You have always been awesome. You were the one who I had good conversations with too, and I could go to you to talk to you about things I needed advice or tips on. I really appreciate how you hung in there with me even when we had tough times xD. Thank you <3.

@Uncrowdedflyer5 Gage, you were always laid back and chilled, and we would always play fun server whether or not it be MCSG, or a minigame server. You were also a good friend to me and I thank you for that. <3

@Stealthtjmax Thanks for being a good friend and I appreciate even when would get a little ticked at each other we always made up right away. You also were really fun to talk and play with too <3.

@Zoeticly I did not talk to you very much, but you always were a nice person! Even with the few times we talked I had fun. <3

@duckluv321 #Wisconsinbuddies4lyfe, but in all serious, you were a good friend to me, and I appreciate that. <3

@polarisXD #DatFishingRod, You are a great pvper, and all the screams and laughs we had were really fun. Never lose you voice powawa, Never <3.

@SpellCaster24 I Did not talk to you a ton Trevor, but I know you were a great pvper with a good personality, and you were really fun to play with <3.

@Cscoop Thanks for making me my skin for my alt account xD. I will never forget the first time we talked and played together. Stay awesome my friend <3.

@LiningHawk1702 Even though we had our differences, I still definitely consider you a friend. I remember some times we had a while back, and those were the days <3.

@Rexxy I remember the first time I invited you to the ts on SG2, I have no clue why I remember that, but I do. We had fun games back then, and you are nice person who is good at pvp too <3.

@Yesh (DoodleBob91) Doodle, even though you are not real active now, we used to have really fun times on MCSG. I remember those times, and you were always awesome Doodle <3.

@mikefroot At first we were not the greatest friends, but we ended as good friends IMO. You are really fun to play MCSG with or any other game type, and you are also fun to talk too <3.

@Torchy You were always awesome and great at pvp. We would usually always play MCSG, and had a blast. Thank you Torch <3.

@shakyy I didn't usually talk to you all that often, but you seem like a really cool guy, and I know for a fact that you are good at pvp <3.

@piranga stay awesome my young friend. Piranga, you were always there for me, and I appreciate it, we would always have fun too. Thanks <3.

@NewieLordArbiter Your a chill guy, who is really nice and makes good decisions. I had fun when we talked. thanks <3.

@Sage Pickering Did not really know you all that well, but by people telling me, you are funny and cool. Stay that way <3.

@Hawk62 hawka hawka hawkward, xD hawk you were someone who I had deep (not really xD) conversations with. You are hilarious and have a good personality <3.

@BlueHeron All I knew you by was you were good at pvp and an active forumer. Even though I didn't know you that well, you seemed really cool <3.

@Rhino1928 All I know is that your in the Rebels and a newish member! I hope you really like us, even if we bite sometimes cough Crafty cough <3.

@Cupcake Eden, you were a new member, but you were really fun and gullible xD. You fit in real well and I hope you enjoy your stay <3

@Keanu267 You are a nice, chill person who seems to enjoy yourself which is great! Thanks for being that way <3.

@Jacob <--Dat forum name xD, you are a good fit for the Rebels, since you are fun and funny! You are also fun to play minecraft with <3.

@Exodus I remember a really long time back, we used to play MCSG together, and you would always wreck me xD. Thanks for playing with me though <3.

@michael harmon You are a really fun guy to play with, and you were a great friend to me. I really enjoyed the times we played together <3.

@omega_moon Even though I never heard you talk, you a very respectiful guy who made good decisions. You were a great leader and I hope you come back <3.

@CraftyKratonite You are really funny and I also hope you go back to Rebels since you are an amazing guy. We also had fun playing MCSG <3.

@ryanroks594 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3, we had tons of fun when we played together and talked! Also stay in the afk part of ts <3.

@Zado you were fun to play with, even with your crappy internet when you would time out 30 times a day xD. Thanks for that Zado <3.

@Apollo1817 The few times I just started to talk to you, I knew you were awesome when you walked in xD. Thanks Apollo <3.

@Kimberly When we played games other than MCSG, we had fun, and when we just talked too! stay awesome Kim <3.

@norverified Patrick, hope you get back in Rebels. You were awesome even though you were not the most active <3.

@Denster91 Even though we did not play a ton, we still had fun games like recently when I helped get your 500th win <3.

@TheKidz101 You did not think I would forget about you did you now xD? Chase Thanks for being my first TS friend, I still remember the times in TheKings xD. Thanks <3.

@Everyone Else Who Has Helped Me Or Talked To Me Along The Way Thanks to everyone and I am Soooooo sorry if I missed you because I thank each and every one of you who has even done the littlest thing for me. I will miss the clans and teams community forever, but if you see me ingame, just say hi xD. Thank you again to everyone I will miss all of you guys
-Arched (Charlie) <3333


Roll Tide
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
Charlie. :( I love you, I've played tons of fun games with you and all. I still want to play with you though. ; _ ; This can't be forever. :c


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
#WisconsinBuffies4Lyfe <333

I'll miss you, Charlie. Good luck in life :)


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Charlie noo :C You are so awesome! I wish you a great life and good luck in future indevers!


Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Charlie. :( I love you, I've played tons of fun games with you and all. I still want to play with you though. ; _ ; This can't be forever. :c
I will still play with you guys, but I want to focus on IRL things first and formost like school and friends, I will still get on ts sometimes


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Charlie, you've been one of my best friends at MCSG. Good luck with the IRL stuff and come on TeamSpeak sometimes in the future <3
One of the best memories I have at MCSG is Chase, you, and myself playing every morning mid-summer. (Even thought Chase ALWAYS won ;-; )


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
You are a perfect example of why the rebels are so well loved by the community. The members are amazing. Thanks for helping the clan grow. <3 I'll miss you.


District 13
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Goodbye Charlie, I will miss you I think everyone that knew you will. Come on teamspeak if you ever have the free time. <3
Love Max


District 13
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Charlie :( I will miss you. I didn't get to know you that well but I whenever I talked to you I really enjoyed it. Ily Charlie good luck with whatever you decide to do.


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
You are probably one of my best friends right now, Arched. You'be always been there for me when I needed you. You say that you looked up to me, but I looked up to YOU. You are seriously such an amazing person. I hate to see you go, but promise me you'll always be my friend :) We had some pretty nice nights recently. Playing Pokemon X , Y, and MCSG together :p I love you, man. I hope you have fun :) Thanks for always being such a great friend.

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