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DQ - Meet The Staff


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Michael
IGN(s): Zenority
Nickname(s): DQ
Age: 18
Region: US/CA

One Cool Fact: Im getting ready to go to college soon
One Embarrassing Fact: I just googled "What is my astrological sign?" For the question a little ways below.
One Fact that makes you proud: I can design a pretty good looking website :D
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: Honestly, i have no clue.
Most Common question you get asked:
Favourite Animal:
Favourite Plant: idk
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Food: Pizza :D
Astrological Sign: Leo
Personal Catchphrase: Bloop! @cctlcats
Heard about MCG by: Just randomly came across it on the internet.
Ever Bring someone to MCG: nope
First friend in the community: @-K2skier-
MCG role-model: None.
Things that you've done/are proud of: Nothing.
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Well, so far the score is DQ - 3 and Chad - 0
Call me maybe? nty
Do you team in game: only with friends
Have you been backstabbed: yea
Ever Broken a bone: Nope :D
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: Bird, definitely.
Personal Skills: Programming
Computer operating system: Windows 8
Program I use to record: OBS
Favourite movie: Harry Potter
Favourite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: I dont have a favorite anything, i just hear a song and if i like it, i listen to it for weeks and weeks on end.
Favourite game (other than Minecraft): League of Legends
What does a fox say? [When i think of something funny to put here, i will let you know]
Terrified of: Spiders
Personal website: mcsg.in
Favourite website (Other than these forums): YouTube
Dream job: Game Designer / Computer Programmer
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: none
Favourite thing about the community: How much its grown since 2012.

When I am online:
- Comment weird things on people's profile pages.
- Sit in the hub
- Get betrayed by @Virtual for points

Been a member of staff since: July 26 2013
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): MCSG
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: Become Sr. Mod, maybe Admin someday.
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