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Mr Dice - Meet the staff

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  • I like Tacos

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Mr Dice

May 28, 2012
Reaction score
First name: Josh
IGN(s): Mr_Dice
Nickname(s): Dice, or just Josh
19... never turning 20
Region: EU, but I often play US too :p

One Cool Fact: In my spare time I like to dress up as a taco and solve crimes.... maybe you'll see me flying across rooftops... or mysteriously eating in mexican restaurants.... And they call me.... SENOR EL TACO!
One Embarrassing Fact: While I was still in high school me and my friends thought it would be funny to joke around with an elderly supply teacher we had for maths, and one of my friends dared me to stand behind her and spank the air as if I were spanking her... She stepped back and... well... oops... DETENTION!
One Fact that makes you proud: I WON THE HUNGERCRAFTS!
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: Despite my suckish PvP skills now, I used to be in a PvP clan that would go around factions servers killing everyone... What Dice used to be good at PvP? HAX
Most Common question you get asked: It's usually @Philly67 asking "Hey Josh, Do you want to ban a hacker?" :p
Favorite Animal: Snake
Favorite Plant: What's a plant?
Favorite Color: Electric Orange... Zap
Favorite Food: Taco one guess :p... Nope, it's actually Lasagne
Biggest Pet Peeve: People using internet slang while talking.... Grrr.....
Astrological Sign: I think it's aeries... Not sure
Personal Catchphrase: Not sure, but I like to make up answers when somebody says something I don't understand, like if somebody says something in Japanese to me, I'll pause for a couple of seconds, then say something like "Just last week!" or "No no no, it's three tablespoons!" :p
Heard about MCG by: Then PvP clan I was talking about was on the verge of disbanding and somebody said they were having fun playing on a hunger games server that had just started, so I decided to google it, and found MCSG, this was back in like May last year I believe, and I didn't have the account Mr_Dice back then, so I played for a few weeks and got bored of it. So I left and joined an RPG minecraft clan, they wanted to expand the server so I started working on a map for them, but the map was huge so it took a long time, and the leader of the server made a few bad decisions and a lot of people left, meaning the server died, and I was left with a useless map, then I remembered about MCSG and how when I was last here there were very few maps, so I came back and asked @Teije how I would go about converting it into a survival games map, and how I would contact Chad about if he wanted it, I didn't realise how big MCSG had got while I was gone, so he told me to put it in the maps area of the forums, I never did :p
But I just stayed after that.
Ever Bring someone to MCG: I've got my friends to come on the servers a few times, but they've just never really got into it :(
First friend in the community: The first person I remember talking to on here really that I ever still speak to is @K259864, but the first person I still consider myself good friends with is @Bowser52000, he got mod a week or so before me, so eased me into it... thanks for that Benny :)
MCG role-model: Mufassa... I want to be @ChadTheDJ's cat...
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: I'm proud of myself for catching @stephaniemarie27, I love her and don't know what I'd do without her <3
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: WE CANNOT HURT CHAD! He is the protector of our lord and saviour... Mufassa... All hail Mufassa!
Call me maybe?: Yes... my number is on the MCGamer toilet wall
Do you team in game: Depends how I'm feeling, usually I'm the lone failure type.
Have you been backstabbed: Yes... by @Wronsiski... But I got him back...
Ever Broken a bone: Nope... never intend to either :p
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: Depends, if I'm a fish can I transform into Gyarados? If not I'll be a bird...
Personal Skills: I learn things extremely quickly
Computer specs:
- i5-2500k (Upgrading soon... too slow... eugh)
- 16GB Ram
- GTX 780
Computer operating system: Windows 7/Red Hat Linux
Program I use to record: Fraps
Favorite movie: 1967 Planet of the Apes, or Moon, or the 1989 Batman... Can't decide.
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: My favourite genre is definitely rock... can't decide on a subgenre of it though. My favourite Band is Red Hot Chili Peppers... Ermahgerd. But my favourite song is Run by Snow Patrol... Weird, I know :p
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): Half Life 2, Mass Effect 1, The Last of Us, Alan Wake or Age of Empires 2... Can't decide between them.
Favorite character from fiction: Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly
What does a fox say?: All Hail Mufassa!
Terrified of: Heights
Personal website: Not got one :p
Favorite website (Other than these forums): youtube.com or amazon.co.uk
Dream job: Games Developer
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I'm currently at university studying computer science, so that I can continue on into an internship in a games studio :)
Favorite thing about the community: @stephaniemarie27 <3 Never liked the idea of online dating, still don't but she's just that incredible that I'd do anything to be with her... even online dating

When I am online: Teamspeak: Pretty much never off In-game: Not been on that much because I've been on break, but I'll be on a lot more now. Forums: Whenever
Previous moderating experience: No server moderating experience, but I'd moderated my school network :p
Been a member of staff since: February the 18th
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): It was always MCTF2... but now I'm on MCSG the most.
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: BAN ALL THE BAD THINGS!

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