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Because I am a Sheep, come meet your Leoderp :3


District 13
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, we are supposed to make one of these so here I am. Ask me questions or just read it or don't read it, it's up to you. But I really enjoy reading about lots of you (yes, I sneaky ninja read a lot of your threads about you) so I thought you might like to learn some more things about me. :) It was also a handy procrastination tool from the painting portfolio I am meant to be working on.

IGN(s): Le0plurad0n
Nickname(s): Le0, Neo, NeoFlooradon
Age: 17
Region: I play Australia, mate. But I am from near Hobbiton, Middle Earth New Zealand. :)


One Cool Fact: I'm an artist, I made @krackan's avatar; though I don't have much time to do art outside of school. I have also met Christopher Paolini (author of Eragon), and I really love the outdoors, hiking, biking, etc.
One Embarrassing Fact: I once ended up smacking someone with a book because I hallucinated a spider on them while half asleep, I sleeptalk too. I also have a tendency to get nose bleeds in formal situations.
One Fact that makes you proud: Uhm, that my pet lamb won Supreme Sheep award. :D I have also climbed Mt Ngauruhoe (which is Mt Doom in the Lord of the Rings films, minus the CGI.)
One Fact no one would ever guess about you: I have licked a whale fossil that is over 15 million years old, so I can probably say that I am the only person to have licked a whale fossil.
Most Common question you get asked: Can I has OP? Check my mod app? ARE YOU GOING TO CANDY MOUNTAIN, CHARLIIIEEEEEE? Can I ask you a question?<---most common one.
Favorite Animal: Eagles or Wolves. Though I love all animals.
Favorite Plant: Oak trees, venus fly traps, pine trees.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Anything unhealthy, really.
Biggest Pet Peeve: Grammarrrr, people who eat loudly.
Astrological Sign: Gemini (Not Leo, sorry. :c)
Personal Catchphrase: My Tekkit is Dead (I can't say it apparently, due to my accent. :c)
Heard about MCG by: InTheLittleWood
Ever Bring someone to MCG: 2 IRL friends, and I also came here with Sporangia and TheSneakyGeeky who are also IRL friends.
First friend in the community: The first person I ever talked to on TS was actually @qqopp right before my interview :) Dean was probably the first person I talked to a lot.
MCG role-model: Karoleigh would have been my first, then probably @Bicentennial_Man , he's always been fair and on to it. @Col_StaR is a pretty swell guy, too. :)
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: Photoshopped Chad's head onto Old Spice riding the horse, helping people who have been treated wrongly. Winning 30 games of MCSG.

Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Me. I am taller than Chad.
Call me maybe? Nope.
Do you team in game: Sometimes, I usually just end up with some person who has played one game give them good stuff, we go on to glory where I usually fall off something or die in an embarrassing way. But usually I fly solo.
Have you been backstabbed: Yeah, a few times. But that's what you get for eing too nice in game. xP
Ever Broken a bone: A pet calf stood on my foot once, and I also broke a finger by punching a couch when running by. :D My friend also dislocated my thumb by rolling a rock onto it when we were being Pokemon, aged 8.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird? Bird, definitely. I would love to be able to fly.
Personal Skills:

Computer specs: 2 1337 4 u:
~Acer Aspire 5536 laptop
~256mb integrated graphics
~2GB ram
~2.0 GHz
~Runs at ~170 degrees Fahrenheit (80-90 Celsius)
~Stopped working once, then it fell off my bed and started working again (happiest day of my life)
Computer operating system: Recently swapped from Vista Home Edition to Win 7 Ultimate, also a partition with Linux.
Program I use to record: Fraps.
Favorite movie: The Lord of the Rings movies (NZ movie!), Harry Potters, I have too many favourite movies.
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Coldplay, Muse, Imagine Dragons, Evermore. The genre is alt rock. Favourite composer would be Hans Zimmer, and I love soundtracks too.
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): Morrowind/Oblivion. Any Elder Scrolls title. Portal is great too. On that note, you should add me on Steam.
Favorite character from fiction: Saphira from Eragon, probably. xP

Favourite book: I'm really into the fantasy/scifi genre, I collect books, I have over 300 :L My favourite would have to be the Inheritance Cycle, and also the Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffery.
Terrified of: Possums. Give me a spider any day, I like them. I don't know why, but I just can't stand possums. (Australian brushtails)
Personal website: I don't really have a website, but I have a DeviantArt: http://le0plurad0n.deviantart.com/
Favorite website (Other than these forums): Probably YouTube or somewhere I can watch TV shows/movies.
Dream job: I'm still at that crazy stage you are supposed to grow out of where you want to be an astronaut, study dinosaurs, solve murders or fly aeroplanes. Yeah, I thought you were supposed to grow out of it at 10 too. :L But I would really like to study animals.
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: I'm currently not working. Though I do plan on getting whatever job I can over summer, before Uni.
Favorite thing about the community: I really love getting to know new, international people. For hat reason I love TS, and talking to people in other countries and walks of life I just find really cool, and how we can all just get along. I also love the forums for that reason, I love how close everyone is and it really is like we are all part of a (very dysfunctional xP) caring family.

Roles and Responsibilities: I pretty much just do whatever needs doing, mainly on the Au servers and the forums. I guess looking after the AU servers, staff and community is my main task.
When I am online: Probably on TS/servers when you are all asleep. But I'm always on the forums :)
Previous moderating experience: None! :D Aside from Harry Potter fan pages (over 15,000 people on it thank you very much)
Been a member of staff since: Ages ago (Early July 2012)
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc): I am always on the AU hub/servers, and sometimes on creative. Often TS, and always on the forums.
Personal goal(s) as a staff member: I basically strive to be an approachable, friendly member of the staff team. You should never be afraid to come to me, whether it's for a reason or you just want to say Hi. If you have any problem, you can always come to me and I will try sort it out if I can. Really my goals have never been to be ranked so highly within the community, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise that my positions have changed so. I really enjoy making everyone's time here that bit more pleasant, which is why I'll always talk to you if you talk to me. I actually really get a buzz from people saying "Wow, thanks!" after I congratulate them for winning their first game to which no one else cares, or something like that.
Last edited:


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Favourite animal: Venus fly trap... Sounds suspicious, considering @Revengefull has the same thing :p #Detective


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Wat, no, it's my favourite plant not animal. xD and come off it, they are awesome. :D
Woops, I meant plant :p yes, they are awesome, but despite controversial arguments, they don't actually eat the fly. But still, awesome
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District 13
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Woops, I meant plant :p yes, they are awesome, but despite controversial arguments, they don't actually eat the fly. But still, awesome
Well they catch it, excrete digestive enzymes, and absorb the nutrients from the fly pieces. That's technically eating, surely. xD


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Well they catch it, excrete digestive enzymes, and absorb the nutrients from the fly pieces. That's technically eating, surely. xD
Humph. :p seems legit. Whenever I swallow a fly I seem to excrete bile (from my mouth lol):p


There's nothing about your Internet there :c

It's beautiful and a read it all.

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