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Revengefull- Meet The Staff

Dave | Rev

May 2, 2013
Reaction score
First name: Dave
IGN(s): Revengefull / DaveP_7
Nickname(s): Dave, Rev, Revenge
Age: 16
Region: AU

One Cool Fact: I can understand Italian.
One Embarrassing Fact: Uhm, when i did swimming a couple of years back, when i jumped in, my pants came off...
One Fact that makes you proud: Well i became Mod. Yeh
One Fact no one would ever guess about you:
Most Common question you get asked:
Why didn't you spell your name with 1 L nub?
Favorite Animal: Doggie
Favorite Plant: Venus Flytrap
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Buffalo Wings #swag
Astrological Sign: Libra
Personal Catchphrase: Off the rails
Heard about MCSG by: My friend @Manos_T
Ever Bring someone to MCG: Viper5737
First friend in the community: N4T10 ( i dont see him now :c)
MCG role-model: @Le0
Things that you’ve done/are proud of: Becoming Mod, being in High Acheivers at school, finishing various parkour :p
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: Probably Chad, Me noob.
Do you team in game: Not if im on Skype or TS with them
Have you been backstabbed: Yes, plenty of times.
Ever Broken a bone: My collarbone (as a baby, i fell down a flight of stairs)
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: Fisheh, for the lolz
Personal Skills: Tennis, Debating, Computer Stuff
Computer specs: School Laptop #bad... well its a HP Probook 4330s
Computer operating system: Windows 7
Program I use to record: Fraps
Favorite movie: Red Dog
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: Avicii/Hardwell
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): Assassins Creed, Gran Turismo, GTA
Favorite character from fiction: James Adams (CHERUB Book Series)
Terrified of: Slugs, Bugs, and hackers :O
Personal website: N/A
Favorite website (Other than these forums): Facebook, YouTube
Dream job: Air Force Pilot
What job you currently are doing, or plan to do: Im currently working part time at Maccas
Favorite thing about the community: Probably the forums, and how so many people like to help out.

When I am online: From 9-3 weekdays, and all day during the weekends
Previous moderating experience: A small servers with my friends

Been a member of staff since: 19/10/13
Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc) MCSG
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