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Kristie's long awaited MCSG Story.


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone, Kristie here. I know a few of you have been yelling at me since i resigned to post my MCSG story, as i said i would when i resigned in August. I guess it's finally time for me to sit down and do this. Don't expect any quality writing and don't expect this to be short. You've been warned.

It all started in November of 2012. I started watching Bajan, when he still had a small amount of subs and had just started posting MCSG videos. These videos really intrigued me, and i really liked the gameplay and style that MCSG portrayed. I promised myself that one day, i would get the game and try it out.

And so i did. December 27th, 2012, i bought Minecraft, and i made a forum account. I wanted to try and learn the basics of minecraft before i hopped right into MCSG, so i went on single player for a little while. I knew nothing about minecraft, and i hadn't gamed at all or even used a computer in well over a year, so i didn't know what to do. So i walked around for a little while, and ended up getting stuck in a ravine ,_, I ragequit for a few days, until coming back around the 30th. I decided to get on the actual MCSG server and start playing what i bought the game for. I played my first game with a steve skin and no knowledge on how to even sprint. This continued for a few days until i figured out how to skin and how to sprint. (Stop judging me k.)

So i had been only playing like 4 games a day before rage quitting every day, and i was looking through my emails on December 31st, and saw an email from MCSG. They would be releasing Canadian servers that night! I was excited and wanted to try them out, so the next day, i did. It was still when it was the village lobby, and you could always get stuck in that well in the middle of it. I played CA, and it was easier and since i lived in Massachusetts, i got good connection to the CA servers. And thus i became one of the original CA players. (If you were one of them, you'll know what i'm talking about.) Along with @billyguy1, @illumina1337, @SC_Swag, Minorburn, glitchy24, Will_The_Blondin and many many more. It was a few days into January and i started to team. Usually it would be with some randoms, but i was one of them too so it was okay. I do remember teaming with billyguy1 a lot, after finally convincing him to team with me after him rejecting it many times. Sometimes i would team with the players previously mentioned, like SC_Swag when he was a bacca ;), but not usually until later. I remember my birthday, January 10th, when i turned 15. I played one or two games of mcsg that day, as i was starting to really get into it. A week or two passed, and somebody in a lobby named "Tucker6565" asked me for a skype team. I agreed and gave him my skype name. He added me and tried to call, but i was afraid so i rejected. I continued to reject his calls for a few days, until one day, i answered. And that was the start of a beautiful friendship that will be continued later in the story. c:

I had started to realize that i was bad at this game and i wasn't getting any better. I had won 2 games in three weeks, and it was frustrating me. So i began a new tactic... If i was in a game, and somebody was chasing me, i would simply say "please i girl." and 100% of the time, they left me alone after i said that. That tactic NEVER failed for me, in the few weeks of me using it, and it spared my life many times and even made me go on to win a game or two more. That's how i met another friend, @Afro_Smack. He was killing me on breeze, and i said "please i girl." and he left me alone, at 1/2 a heart no regen. After that, whenever i saw Afro and his little brother, Purplewater, we teamed. Once, i was in his game, and this video, featuring me
was recorded. I watch it now and laugh at how ridiculously bad we all were, and how weird they were to me back then. I eventually saw them in another game after that, and asked to skype. They added me to a call with the two of them, Pancakekojo, and kiwipitcher18. They all went to the same school, and i started to become friends with them. I usually talked to only Afrosmack, and eventually during a call, @InfinitySx3 was added. I didn't like her at all at first, but we continued to talk. We all became friends, and we started to endlessly talk on skype every day after school and until we went to sleep. I introduced them to Tucker6565, and Whatshisface17, who i met through another friend.

If you're an original CA player, you'll remember me and Infinity's big teams. It was nearly impossible to find us in a game where me and her weren't together, and we usually had another 4-6 people with us. We would play ALL day, and we ALWAYS were together. it got quite frustrating for other people, and people began to dislike us for it. We became somewhat notorious in the CA servers for it. Any time we would join a game, people would complain and leave because they knew they were going to get teamed on. The day after Valentines day, I met @flohoho and @Ciphoux through Infinity. They began to team with us, making our teams even bigger and more feared. I had 9 wins at this point, but i was still really bad. This was around the time when me and Infinity stated killing ourselves every single game and giving the wins away. (That's why both of our ratios are so bad and why i eventually ended up buying a new account.) We killed ourselves so much, i made a montage about it...
. Around this time, somebody bought me donor and i ended up getting perma-banned for chargeback. Since i hadn't committed the offence, i was unbanned within a few hours.

Somewhere within this time, and i met @snoopyk9 and @Celsur through Flo. Snoopy became one of my closest friends, and we started talking a lot without the rest of the group. This happened all throughout March, and i started playing a lot with Snoopy instead of having big groups. It's now around mid to late April, and our entire group of friends started playing a faction server. We were obsessed over this server, so i took about a month and a half break from MCSG. I still play a bit, but not a lot until the beginning of May. At this time, i had wanted to be a moderator on MCSG for soooo long, since i started playing. I decided to write an app, and i put as much effort as i could into it, and i submitted it around May 7th. I waited for a few weeks before convincing myself i was going to be denied due to my past ban, although i had been unbanned.

Due to convincing myself of denial, around May 15th or so, I decided to apply for helper on this faction server that we had all been playing for nearly two months now. I got it within a few days, and i decided to edit my MCSG app and add that under my experience. On May 22nd, i got a response on my moderator application on MCSG. I had been denied for missing a question. I was quiet angry at myself, but i added the question in and applied again. Within 24 hours i had been accepted! I was soooo excited and happy, i went and got teamspeak and got on the teamspeak for my interview right away. I was quite lucky, they were doing interviews that day. I got my interview, and i passed and was accepted for moderator! I hadn't realized, but Infinity had applied for mod when i did too, yet she didn't tell any of us from the group. She was interviewed the day before me, and was accepted. I was so happy for her, and now i could join her in being a moderator. We went to play a game right after i was accepted, and i ended up getting my in game rank right then and there, while she didn't have hers yet. I was so excited and thus began a long road of moderating.

My journey of moderating was shorter lived than i had anticipated, but it was an amazing experience and accomplishment on my part. I spent the next months meeting amazing people, that would become some of my closest friends, that i'll include some special things for some of them in the end. (@Easy_Soup @Philly67 @Zeno @Cazmax @Angryjukebox @Vox @Jarni @YoshiYamiYori @KiNNEY @MCJackson ) and soooo many more.) I spent all of my free time moderating, hanging out on the ts, the forums, in game, and eventually i broke out of my shell and started to become outgoing, friendly, and loud, rather than the quieter, calmer me that used to skype with the same people every day. This is when i started becoming friends with so many people, so many mods, sr mods, and regular members. I can't tag you all, i really can't even if i tried. I just want you to know i love everyone i back in mod days<3 I ended up resigning on August 15th, just short of three months of moderating these amazing servers.

I was so lost at this point.. I missed moderating, but i had already left. So i started hanging out with the Rebels and the Forgotten. I became close friends with so many people in the rebels, and i was you all to know i love you all<3. I'll tag a few people here that i really got very close to. @Turnip @Branbob83 @Yesh (DoodleBob91) @Uncrowdedflyer5 @Stealthtjmax @michael harmon @Cscoop @Cupcake @Rexxy @piranga and soooo many more. I love you all, and thank you for being like a family to me<3. I also became friends with a lot of people from The Legends, and The Titans.

At this point i tried to reapply for moderator, but i was sadly denied. The reason was that they feel i'm not what they're looking for, and i'm okay with that. So instead of trying to become a moderator again, i found the Titans. I hung out with them for a little while, and i fell in love with the clan and the people in it. It's an amazing clan and i'm so glad i decided to join, and i wanna thank you all (Especially Zeno) for accepting me, and welcoming me to the family<3.

Now since this is dragging on 5ever, i'm going to wrap it up with A FEW SHORT messages to people. I'm only doing them to people i have known forever and am/were very very close with, so don't feel left out if you're not down here. Also, pls no yell if i forgot you in the story... i have a loooooottt of friends.

@Wolf_Rush3r You, my friend, are my first friend and my best friend. I remember when i met you on Tucker6565, thank you for being my best friend. I can't wait to meet you IRL in two weeks, Alex<3.

@Philly67 You are so amazing Philly. I love you so much<3. Thank you for being an awesome friend, and always being there for me and being the sweetest person on the whole of MCSG. It's always so easy to talk to you, and I can't wait until January when we get married ;)

@Easy_Soup My late night buddy<3. I've always loved talking to you, and i'm so glad we met back in mod days. Thank you for being an amazing friend.<3

@Angryjukebox Alexbby, ily. You've been an amazing friend of mine since August. I know i didn't include you in the story, but that's because you get a special part down here. I tell you pretty much everything, and you do the same. I'm excited for out friendship to grow more, ily.

@Branbob83 Ily, you're a great friend, and i'm sad we never talk anymore, talk to me okay? Thank you for introducing me to the rebels. BGTB<3

@InfinitySx3 I miss you, Kelly. You were my best friend at one point, and i'll always remember those months of constantly being with you. Talk to me more bby? Please? And get Sr. Mod, k? ;)

And lastly, @Yesh (DoodleBob91) <SW3G #BCF.

Longest mcsg story? Yes? Sorry guys, i didn't even include everything i wanted to.. Bye!<3

Edit: @ChrisComedies fat

EDIT: I'm not leaving omg
Last edited:


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
Got tagged, time to read :]

EDIT: wow...geez..that's a long story. I remember those early CA days fondly though :)


Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score

You played and moderated mainly during my 'down time' from MCSG... sad to catch you at the end. Have the funs.


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score

You played and moderated mainly during my 'down time' from MCSG... sad to catch you at the end. Have the funs.
I'm not leaving :p I just didn't include much detail about my more recent friends, but i didn't forget you Bobo<33.

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