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My Minecraft Story, Probably pretty long.


Feb 18, 2013
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So, I started out like any other person that heard about it, from Yogscast. I thought, heck, this is great! I need to find a server that plays that! I did, it was called Sippycraft. At the time, that was hard because I had an old Mac X, which ran at 10 fps on tiny with everything off. Then, when I found out about MCSG, I also learned about Skype. Skype was great, but it made a 10 fps computer a 1 fps computer. After a week or so of MCSG, I met this guy name Josh, I don't remember his IGN though, but he had this server were I was OP(I was 10 at the time, a bit immature) And eventually met @darkflame7 on MCSG and Skype. He introduced me to others, like @mudpile and @resistantcorn12 and @F34RL3555 who I am still friends with. Mudpile went a bit weird, he didn't scream back then, he was really funny and stuff. I also met Graser10cp and his buddy Patrick, I made friends with Patrick, but Graser is ugly and smelly. Graser would blow off my Skype calls, which made me a little sad, but I didn't complain. Heck, he wasn't a big youtuber! I eventually got my first win, but I don't have the screenshot because I'm on a different computer now. I probably don't remember, but I usually met my friends in MCSG on Skype or whatevs. I'm going to skip a few months, because other wise this itself would be like 3 pages. So, this is about the time Primeval was at its Prime, hahahaha, but they declined me from the clan because they thought my answers were from a book. But that doesn't matter now. I eventually joined/made Greeks, it was kind of a friend clan. I disbanded that, and there was DEFIANCE. We did pretty well, we got @iJUDG3R and @swagtastic153 and @MaxTheKokiri to join, and eventually got into clan wars 3, which didn't have a chance because of #Storm flaming up the ass. Excuse the French. After a few annoying months, I got to 200 wins, over a 3 team in full iron and diamond swords.
I was pretty psyched, I was now in the top 800. I applied for Titans, and was accepted for trial, and eventually was kicked by Zeno, for flaming, which I don't blame anyone for. I also met a lot of cool people, and met resistantcorn again. We really didn't meet, as he was in Sovereign at the time, but it was cool. I met @SniperSnakez who was a good friend, Maxizcool24. I also made some enemies, like Iancool. But that's ok. I eventually joined Reunited, and met some cool friends. I made a pretty funny friend, @HeartAndSoul, and invited him to Reunited. I eventually was granted officer, which was great. But, then we hit rock bottom, they disbanded. Then they made a merge, and ruined my friendships which both sides. I had hit 400+ by now, and that is the story.


Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
"I want be the best in the world not for the money or the fame or the girls."


Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
I wish you talked about me more, and our good times through being bois from college.

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