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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
I hate to be a drama starter, but that was uncool.

We're trying to scrim a clan (Primevil), and you guys repeatedly follow us game to game even when we ask you to leave. You interfered in our scrimmages by targeting our (Both Sovereign's and Primevil's) members off spawn, just to piss us off. That is borderline harassment.

After switching servers to avoid you guys, you once again followed us into our new server. Here's a screenshot of Aviate members in our game, right after we told them repeatedly to leave.

- Smashmaster731
- Leeparhity
- Vulza
- AviAndy (Leader of Aviate)
- Defrasa (In Aviate TS during scrim)
- Fatmanmak (In Aviate TS during scrim)

MCSG Rules:

  • Stalking a player around into servers and constantly targeting them is considered harassment
Not cool. If this type of interference and harassment continues, we will be forced to get a staff member involved.
Last edited:


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
I hate to be a drama starter, but that was uncool.

We're trying to scrim a clan (Primevil), and you guys repeatedly follow us game to game even when we ask you to leave. You interfered in our scrimmages by targeting our (Both Sovereign's and Primevil's) members off spawn, just to piss us off. That is borderline harassment.

After switching servers to avoid you guys, you once again followed us into our new server. Here's a screenshot of Aviate members in our game, right after we told them repeatedly to leave.

- Smashmaster731
- Leeparhity
- Vulza
- AviAndy (Leader of Aviate)
- Defrasa (In Aviate TS during scrim)
- Fatmanmak (In Aviate TS during scrim)

MCSG Rules:

Not cool. If this type of interference and harassment continues, we will be forced to get a staff member involved.
How long ago was this, because Karter and blotz_g2 aren't in our clan now and they have no reason to follow you guys...


District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
I would like to say I would like to stop the fighting and complaining between our clans. I wan't to have scrims and get practice in without getting mad and seeing people being cocky on both parts of the clan. So how bout a truce? We shall stop the fighting and play like civil citizens of mcsg?
Note: (If you agree) Report anyone talking trash or being rude to me. This means without instigating the problem.


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
How long ago was this, because Karter isn't in our clan now and he has no reason to follow you guys...
It just happened today, but Karter is in Primevil so its all good.

I don't wanna have a flamewar here, so PM me with any further questions.


I would like to say I would like to stop the fighting and complaining between our clans. I wan't to have scrims and get practice in without getting mad and seeing people being cocky on both parts of the clan. So how bout a truce? We shall stop the fighting and play like civil citizens of mcsg?
Note: (If you agree) Report anyone talking trash or being rude to me. This means without instigating the problem.
Thanks, that sounds good.


  • Name: Jake
  • US/CA: Us
  • Timezone: EST
  • Time Available: On weekdays 3:30-5:00 and then 7-9. Weekends I can play anytime.
  • Age: 15
  • IGN: Palastros20
  • Wins/Total: 30 (almost lol)
  • *Skype: Palastros20
  • *Teamspeak: Yes
  • *Mic: Yes
  • Best PVP Quality: F&S and a bow
  • MCSG Donator: No
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: Because I play best in a team setting, andy is really cool.
  • What makes you unique: I am just a player that wants to have fun with people that like to do the same thing.
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Yes but only if I make the clan obviously.
  • Comments: Like I said before please don't base your entire decision on my wins. I am a cool guy, and it would be so fun to be in as good a clan as this. I also believe I got better at PvP.
How much can you really improve when it's only been a few days?!


Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
I hate to be a drama starter, but that was uncool.

We're trying to scrim a clan (Primevil), and you guys repeatedly follow us game to game even when we ask you to leave. You interfered in our scrimmages by targeting our (Both Sovereign's and Primevil's) members off spawn, just to piss us off. That is borderline harassment.

After switching servers to avoid you guys, you once again followed us into our new server. Here's a screenshot of Aviate members in our game, right after we told them repeatedly to leave.

- Smashmaster731
- Leeparhity
- Vulza
- AviAndy (Leader of Aviate)
- Defrasa (In Aviate TS during scrim)
- Fatmanmak (In Aviate TS during scrim)

MCSG Rules:

Not cool. If this type of interference and harassment continues, we will be forced to get a staff member involved.
Beeg nub.:cool:
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