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Eagle's MCSG Story



What the hell, looks like everyone else has done it except for me :).
BTW, while I was making the title I noticed a mistake:
Screen shot 2013-10-20 at 12.07.46 PM.png


Anyways, lets get on with it!
It all started when I got Minecraft on my 11th birthday on June 28. I had a great party and everyone had fun. What intrigued me the most was that everyone was playing on this particular server. I asked:
"What server is that?"
"It's a server called 'The Hunger Games'." one of my friends said.
Of course. The Hunger Games. People went crazy at school when the movie went out and now they had made a automated server on it! As soon as everyone left (I was too busy eating cake and going to play laser tag and go karting that I hadn't been able to play it) I went on it straight away. The IP to the server I went on was Saplings.mcsg.in. I think it was the server that inthelittlewood played on (I've only heard this from other players, I was a HUGE noob at the time). It just so happened that my friend was in the same game as me. I asked to team and he said alright. The map was SG2 and I got fisted to death :). But the next game I played I skipped spawn and went strolling when I found the OP boat on SG2. I was like OMGWTF DIS IS GONNA MAKE ME WIN LIKE A BOSS! I found full leather and a stone sword. i also had two iron but I was a nub and didn't know how to craft a sword :p. I ended up dying to the wrath of a guy with full iron and a diamond sword.

I started playing more and more. I loved these servers but I was so bad at them that I got bored sometimes. To realease this boredom I started playing survival servers. I got better at PVP (still really bad) by fighting monsters. Nothing else much happened in this month.


Before I jetted off to America, I was playing one night and someone came on and said "Go on EU28"
I was intrigued at this and left. (I was later to find out that Saplings was actully EU24). I went on EU28 and realised that there was a whole new band of servers. Instantley I added these to my server list.
Next week I was in America. I was having an amazing year.


When I got back from America, I looked at my server list and Saplings said 'Cant reach server'.
The next day it said the same thing. My heart sank. Saplings had obviously been taken down by MCSG. I was intrigued about this and looked up 'Saplings.mcsg.in'. EU24 came up, and then I saw something that interested me. There was a link to 'Minecraft Survival Games'. I looked at it and it was amazing. I signed up right away.


I finally record my first win (after 5 months of trying). It happened after I got full leather and a iron sword at the dungeon on Breeze Island. In DeathMatch I climbed up to the creeper face and everyoen followed me. We had a fight up there. I killed one person and knocked the other guy off the cliff. GG!


This was the month that the new lobby competition was made. I started... and got bored after 5 blocks lel.
I went to my grandparents house for Christmas AND THEY WOULDN'T LET ME USE ANYTHING THAT USED INTERNET. I went to building an aeroplane and ended up finishing! It looked horrible (at least I don't have a scrrenshot). When I got back I had two days to do whatever I wanted before going to my summer beachhouse. I ended up making my own server (Which I used LogMeInHamatchi no make so only people with Hamatchi could go on). I made the server map with my friend (Which somehow got deleted :().


It's the new year yay! And when your stuck with no internet it is a HUGE downer. As said I spent my time making th map and going to the beach. I had a great holiday. Then I found out that I couldn't get the server to work :(. And the fact that I lost ALL the files for the server :(. My holiday went from good to bad in an instant.


This is one of the greatest months in MCSG history. MCSG V2 HAS COME OUT WOOOHOOOO
Great job to @Forairan @kpwn243 @mooman219 and @subv3rsion (Potato). The plugin was amazing compared to the dull V1 plugin. Along the way came Team Elite's Lobby of Awesomeness+Sponsoring. I started playing even more. It was like a itch that you couldn't get rid of. MCSG was life.


I was starting to be obsessed with MCSG. This was also the BajanCanadian period where Bacca's were poisoning the community. I had started to watch Bajan for a bit but when I found out that he used Better Sprint Mod I basically left his channel. I don't support anyone that hacks or cheats. (Except maybe @LeafyGreenTea because Yolo). Boy was I happy when he was banned.


Donz remember anything :p


Nothing here xD


It's 12th Birthday time! This month I loved of course. I renewed my iron donor again, got myself a headset so I could actully go on Skype and TS for my PC (Which was far better than my Mac). I started playing with my friends more and more. I also reached 50 wins the day before my Birthday! Damn it, should have been the day after that xD. I was also getting in trouble at school for not doing my homework in time. I was making time for MCSG instead.


The Hub. The new hub was amazing. It was so much easier clicking signs than having to wait ages for the server to restart. I started watching YouTubers as well. My life was dedicated to MCSG, YouTube and Forums. (Lol not really).




Holidays were let out. Perfect timing as well. I was let into @Ninga 's PVP competition. I beat @NyanCaatt easily in the first of Best of Three and the she smashed me in the next two :(. I left an hour later (Wow awesome timing @Ninga!) to go moutain climbing in the middle of Australia. It was full of flies and it was as hot as hell but I had fun with my cousin.





Most Votes for a map Ever?

The good 'ol sign!

Killing someone with the potions on Survival Kingdom!

Thinking I was a pro after killing leo2by4

Finding Blamph in a lobby (he left shortly after).

ShadowOrc17 leaves 5 times.

Teaming with @KINKYNARWHAL


Best game ever! Shoutout to senstar for helping me (we are friends IRL).

Will continue with screenshots in next post.


Hounorable People

@EagleMan-For being awesome
@Lululioness-For helping me make an unfinished map
@senstar-For being an IRL friend that be bothered making an account on the forums.
@hiphop43441jr- For being an IRL friend that cant be bothered making an account on the forums.
@marsbar121212-For being an IRL friend that cant be bothered making an account on the forums.
@imBLUNT-Accepting me into #Divine.
@Darby100-For being an awesome guy to play with.
@Pixelatorx2- Great guy online and even awesomer In Game
@AwesomenessFace- Accepting me into Hungry Games!
(List may continue if I think of more to add).


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Hounorable People

@EagleMan-For being awesome
@Lululioness-For helping me make an unfinished map
@senstar-For being an IRL friend that be bothered making an account on the forums.
@hiphop43441jr- For being an IRL friend that cant be bothered making an account on the forums.
@marsbar121212-For being an IRL friend that cant be bothered making an account on the forums.
@imBLUNT-Accepting me into #Divine.
@Darby100-For being an awesome guy to play with.
@Pixelatorx2- Great guy online and even awesomer In Game
@AwesomenessFace- Accepting me into Hungry Games!
(List may continue if I think of more to add).
I didnt get alerted, but cool story mate! sorry I cant be more active on skype, sadly were on opposite sides of the planet :/

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