I actually tried to play on the nexus (*braces for the hate and booings), its almost completely impossible to enter without a diamond donor rank. It costs $150 dollors for a lifetime of diamond donor!!!!! Ain't nobody got time for dat!!!!! Here it costs, what, $75? $60? That ok, but $150!!!? No, just no.
Anyways, im much more at home here that over there with all those fanboys. I used to be a Bajan fan back until he started playing with Sky, Husky, and such. Then, his fanbase grew to about 60% 9-12 year olds. I just couldnt take those immature little (cuss cuss cuss cuss cuss). (I am sorry if you are an 9-12 year old fan and you are actually mature, thats pretty cool then. *High five). So i left Mitch and experimented with @
ThatOneTomahawk (i luv u) and @
Blamph. Much better.
Again, im sorry if i offended someone or if i killed your puppy with these hate messages. Idk if maybe i just started a flame war, i hope not. God please dont let them ban me....
Well, these are my opinions and stuff, urs might be different. Wait, is this a bit off topic? Lets see...this thread is about other servers......i guess its ok. If its not, delete this message plz
*winces as he prepares for the hate