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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
So the majority of your clan members buy a MC account and name it Avi(InsertNameHere)? Well would kind of suck if the clan disbands... people would have wasted their money on naming their MC account after this clan, unless you really like this clan and don't care that it disbands you will still like the name.
One thing I worry about...
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Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
So the majority of your clan members buy a MC account and name it Avi(InsertNameHere)? Well would kind of suck if the clan disbands... people would have wasted their money on naming their MC account after this clan, unless you really like this clan and don't care that it disbands you will still like the name.
As of right now, ten people have bought an account. Two people have left (are you guys millionaires or something?) and eight are still in. That's a total of about 250$. Doing a bit of guessing, I can safely say only twenty percent of people would use the account if the clan decided to disband. That's around 200$ wasted. Just a bit of statistics.


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: Liam
  • US/CA: US
  • Timezone: Hawaii
  • Time Available: Everyday
  • Age: 15
  • IGN:NativeTalent
  • Wins/Total: 275/2248
  • *Skype: Yes
  • *Teamspeak: Yes
  • *Mic: Yes
  • Best PVP Quality: Bow, FnS, Strafing
  • MCSG Donator: No
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: I want a serious and organized clan with amazing PvPers that are ready to have some fun and go far in the community at the same time.
  • What makes you unique: I am different from other people because I always strive to improve my overall ability.
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Yes, if I am able to change it I will.
  • Comments: Im sorry for the misunderstanding before :( it was stupid of me and I promise if accepted I will stay true to this clan
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Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
I've realized, as a clan we are together as one. Whether your in this journey with the clan till it ends, or you drop out because of problems. But, when someone leaves our family you just have to learn from it and realize we cannot do anything to get them back. It's their choice, their decision and we try our best to prevent those things. Every clan awaits problem ahead of their journey, and we will have problems as well. We just have to persevere and go through those things as a team. Things will be bad for us somedays and somedays we will have the good days. We will find those who are loyal with us and stick with us through this journey and those who aren't fit will drop out. Hopefully those of you who might leave because of one small problem realized it can be fixed. Realize I try my best to make you want to stay in the clan. Realize I will do everything to get the loyal members to stay, but I can only do so much.
Ermygurd #TheInspirationalSpeech :( I cri erry tim
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Jul 26, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: might say to members if im accepted
  • US/CA: I live in the us Therefore i play on the us servers
  • Timezone: i live on the east coast so my time is EST
  • Time Available: weekdays about 6-9 and weekends (if i can play) it would be at anytime
  • Age: I will be 13 tommorrow :D
  • IGN: I have bought the account CrayZae_Apple
  • Wins/Total: 322/1051?
  • *Skype: my skype is sean.is.boss
  • *Teamspeak: I have teamspeak and my name is same as IGN
  • *Mic: Yes i have a well working mic
  • Best PVP Quality: I think my best PvP quality is my FnS ability
  • MCSG Donator: Yes i Have gold donor for about 1 month left or so?
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: I want to join Aviate because i have seen how organized they are and how loyal everyone is and that everyone seems really cool
  • What makes you unique: I feel i can be a threat to any PvP challenger which in my opinion makes a good resource to have (trying to say this as least cocky as possible :p )
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): If this clan stays together for at least a month while im in it i will consider it but not now( hope this doesn't hurt my chances of getting in though :( )
  • Comments: If there is anything wrong with something on my app or something i have done wrong please tell so i can(to my best ability) fix the issue


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: might say to members if im accepted
  • US/CA: I live in the us Therefore i play on the us servers
  • Timezone: i live on the east coast so my time is EST
  • Time Available: weekdays about 6-9 and weekends (if i can play) it would be at anytime
  • Age: I will be 13 tommorrow :D
  • IGN: I have bought the account CrayZae_Apple
  • Wins/Total: 322/1051?
  • *Skype: my skype is sean.is.boss
  • *Teamspeak: I have teamspeak and my name is same as IGN
  • *Mic: Yes i have a well working mic
  • Best PVP Quality: I think my best PvP quality is my FnS ability
  • MCSG Donator: Yes i Have gold donor for about 1 month left or so?
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: I want to join Aviate because i have seen how organized they are and how loyal everyone is and that everyone seems really cool
  • What makes you unique: I feel i can be a threat to any PvP challenger which in my opinion makes a good resource to have (trying to say this as least cocky as possible :p )
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): If this clan stays together for at least a month while im in it i will consider it but not now( hope this doesn't hurt my chances of getting in though :( )
  • Comments: If there is anything wrong with something on my app or something i have done wrong please tell so i can(to my best ability) fix the issue
:) Thanks for applying, good luck.
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