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- Nov 1, 2012
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yaya!!!!!!Adding to queue.
By position, I mean what pose you want your character in. I'll add you.
Ur gonna has to wait bb
Request for one nub.
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
yaya!!!!!!Adding to queue.
By position, I mean what pose you want your character in. I'll add you.
Ur gonna has to wait bb
Request for one nub.
Adding to queue.IGN: ChrisKrispy
Position: Cooking a fish over a fire
Background: campfire
Would you like your name on it?: sure
Shoulders-up, Waist-up, or Full body?: full body
Preferences (anything I should know): nope
Will you use it?: yes
Do foxes rule the world?: sure
Adding to queue.IGN: oreo51679
Position: Eating a cookie in a corner, sitting down like Im eating the cookie in secret :3
Background: Boxes of cookies everywhere, and some light illumination the room slightly
Would you like your name on it?: No thanks
Shoulders-up, Waist-up, or Full body?: Full body
Preferences (anything I should know): Nope.
Will you use it?: Yes! omg they look great!
Do foxes rule the world?: If oreos rule along with them then yes.
No.Decemberr wants one. :3
IGN: Decemberr
Position: Idunno.
Background: Outer space bcus inub.
Would you like your name on it?: Yespls. (Dece) x
Shoulders-up, Waist-up, or Full body?: Up to you, dear. ^-^
Preferences (anything I should know): Nopee. <3
Will you use it?: Ofc. Or I'll stare at it and admire teh prettiness. *-*
Do foxes rule the world?: Only @Mamiamato24 ones.
igocrynow. ;cNo.
kigocrynow. ;c
No, I'll still be posting completed requests and updates. I'd like it to stay open.Would you like me to lock the thread?