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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry I haven't been on in the past couple of days, but I am currently grounded and will probably be on this weekend, sorrt for being inactive.


Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
    • Name: Drew Olsen
    • US/CA: US
    • Timezone: Eastern US
    • Time Available: Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturday, Sunday.
    • Age: 15
    • IGN: Sir_Cronos
    • Wins/Total: Adding both of my accounts ( Sir_Cronos, zehoyya22 <-- not used anymore )46 but i'm still good a pvping just don't always win.
    • *Skype: drewo136
    • *Teamspeak: Yes, and I go on a lot.
    • *Mic: Yes, I have a mic.
    • Best PVP Quality: Good with Sword Strategies and secondary weapons ( mostly flint and steel, and fishing rods. )
    • MCSG Donator: Yes, i'm a gold donator.
    • Why do you want to join Aviate: I want to join Aviate to have fun, battle other clans, and most off all improve my skills at PvP. I don't want to join Aviate for the fame or for the bragging rights I want to join to make me a better player, meet new people, and have fun and be competitive against other clans. When people first join something they stick with it for a few days or a short period of time but i'm willing to make a commitment and take hours away from my week make room for Aviate.
    • What makes you unique: What makes me unique is that I don't win very much on MCSG but I play on other PvP servers and i'm very good on them. Also another thing is that I spent a lot of time on this application because I actually care and am willing and want to make the commitment and take it serious.
    • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Yes!!!!!!! I WANT to change my name to AviDrew, and I will the minute I get accepted if I do which I hope I do.
    • Comments: I hope that you will accept me even though my lack of wins, I will admit i'm not the best at PvP i'm good, and skilled but one of the reasons I want to join is to improve everyone needs to improve or life would be pointless if everyone is perfect. I really hope you give me a chance.

      Thank's for your time - Drew/Sir_Cronos
Accepted! Rank: Full Member, Welcome to Aviate! @Sir_of_Cronos
  • Name: Michael/leep
  • US/CA: Both I like CA more
  • Timezone: US East coast
  • Time Available: Around 3-5 sometimes more sometimes less.
  • Age: 13
  • IGN: leeparhity
  • Wins/Total: 84
  • *Skype: leeparhity
  • *Teamspeak: leeparhity (don't really use it)
  • *Mic: It is pretty good you can ask hks
  • Best PVP Quality: I kinda suck but I think it would be that i can get double hits and i am pretty good at block hitting.
  • MCSG Donator: none.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: because my clan joined yours
  • What makes you unique: I am really good at teaming (meaning i can snipe people over a teammates head and stuff)
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): yea i think i can.
  • Comments: Misha aka hks told me our clans are joining.
@Leeparhity Your application is currently Pending.

  • Name: Nemanja
  • US/CA: CA
  • Timezone: EST -5 (Same time as Misha)
  • Time Available:From around 3:40 - 6 or later and much more on weekends
  • Age: 13 in a few days
  • IGN: Neksi007
  • Wins/Total: 115
  • *Skype: neksi_007
  • *Teamspeak: Neksi007
  • *Mic: Yes
  • Best PVP Quality: Rushing + Taking out Teams
  • MCSG Donator: No
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: COZ DAH MERGE
  • What makes you unique: I am a very offensive player
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Don't think so
  • Comments: Merge
@Neksi007 Your application is currently Pending.
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Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
I just wanted to comment on how well structured this clan looks and seems. I've pvped your members, and a lose or a win is handled with great care from them. Good job @AviAndy for this great clan and would consider u to be in the top 4

I rarely ask for cheerleader, but CHEERLEADER BBY <3!!

Good Luck in the future boiz
Last edited:
Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: Mathew Yes, one t. HUG ME BRUTHA.
  • US/CA: US.
  • Timezone: Eastern
  • Time Available: I cannot play on the weekdays, but I play quite a lot on the weekends. Usually when I have no homework (SUPER RARE), I play.
  • Age: 12, very mature.
  • IGN: Vulza or Mwinkl3sHD, you can call me what you'd like.
  • Wins/Total: Around 280? 270? Check on my both accounts.
  • *Skype: Mwinkl3sHD, I have it.
  • *Teamspeak: Yes, I have it.
  • *Mic: TurtleBeach X12, got it for a bit of money.
  • Best PVP Quality: Flint ,n, Steel, (FNS).
  • MCSG Donator: Gold on Vulza, lifetime on Mwinkl3sHD.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: This is a very well structured clan, with very good members. I think if I made it in that I'd make a difference to the clan, I am a very skilled PvP'er with maturity. Do not judge a book by it's cover. I am a good sport, if you guys would like to know.
  • What makes you unique: My name, lol, jk. BUT, I am a good PvP'er that has some very nice strats many do not know.
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Possibly, I am very sorry guys if I do not, I am very low on money as of now.
  • Comments: Good luck me, and even if I do not get accepted, great clan guys. Also, you guys may want to add a "Past clans" to the application.
  • Past clans: Plasmic, Rebels trial, Organization.


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
I just wanted to comment on how well structured this clan looks and seems. I've pvped your members, and a lose or a win is handled with great care from them. Good job @AviAndy for this great clan and would consider u to be in the top 4

I rarely ask for cheerleader, but CHEERLEADER BBY <3!!

Good Luck in the future boiz
Wow, thank you so much Cookie. <3 BTW i'm fatcatcocoa1999


Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
  • Name: Johnny
  • US/CA: US
  • Timezone: EST
  • Time Available: at 3 hours on weekdays and almost always sat. and sun.
  • Age: 12
  • IGN:
  • Wins/Total: 376 I think.
  • *Skype: mineboss100
  • *Teamspeak: Yes.
  • *Mic: Yes.
  • Best PVP Quality: flint and steel and strafing
  • MCSG Donator: Diamond.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: I feel that Aviate is a organized and well put together and I can help.
  • What makes you unique: Um... I have a big D.... does that count? F and s!
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Yes, but on next sat. not this one!
  • Comments: I really just hope to get in. Thanks for looking at my app!
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