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My MCSG Story


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Hey everyone, Sage the Penguin here. I read a MCSG story and felt it was time to post mine because I'm unoriginal and can't think of anything else. I really don't have a time date because it was a really long time ago, so I will give you the time frame, which won't be completely accurate.

September 5th, 2011: My good friend bought me a game called 'Minecraft'. The first impressions were 'Wtf is this stupid blocky, pixelated, nerdy game?' I named the account Sage9597 because my birthday is September 5th, 1997. If you know me, you will be surprised that I am 16. I know, I sound 14 or whatever. Eff off haters ^.^ Anyways, I played survival and learned the game. The one thing I would take back from Minecraft is learning how to craft. That was really funny to learn how to craft and ask my friend on skype. So, I played survival for 3 months or so. Then, I started playing multiplayer and was having so much fun with minecraft. I was ADDICTED to it. I would talk about minecraft with that same friend. Then a couple months later, I learned of Hunger Games. They were decent servers, but I watched a video of CaptainSparklez, where you would find chests and then kill others. I found these servers (Not sure how) and immediately enjoyed them. I joined during beta and I was really bad. I didn't get my first win until about 120 games and it was given to me by a skype teammate xD. Well, after a couple months when it went out of beta and stats were reset, I took a break.

Summer 2012: I was getting pretty good at the game. I was winning 1/5 games, which was very good because I had started again after a long break. I found a young boy named @SpellCaster24 and asked to skype team him :p He added me and I asked him if he teamed a lot. He said he ran a clan, the Hawks. I had played Call of Duty before and knew what clans were, but Minecraft? This sounds a little nerdy. Well, I applied and he accepted me after he got to know me and see my pvp skills :3 We had long nights of playing together with others, like @conreuss @Freshedoutjay @jdudeisme @knightofdeath306 @shakyy @xAlexH . These guys grew on me and I started to be in their calls almost every night. I had so much fun, but after 4 or 5 months, Trevor disbanded the clan :( He said he joined the #Rebels. This was really saddening since I would be clanless. Well, I still talked to him a lot and we would play, but I was sad we weren't in the same clan.

Summer 2013: One year later, I applied for the Rebels. I got denied the first time because I wasn't available when they were doing interviews. I applied a second time and got denied for @Rexxy and @NewieLordArbiter. This saddened me a lot. I still hate that stupid @Branbob83 to this day for what he did. Just kidding <33 I wasn't active enough, so I realized I needed to be more active. Since @Zoeticly and @Stealthtjmax got moved up to being officers (I THINK, PLEASE DON'T GET MAD IF I AM WRONG), I didn't have to reapply and I got another shot. I got accepted after I got back from a vacation trip I had taken and was so excited. I had around 400 wins at that time. That was around early mid-August. Since then, I have had soo much fun with everyone from the Rebels. It has been one fun trip playing with each and everyone, getting to play in scrimmage clan battles. My wins jumped from 400 to around 770 now. I try harded it and I am proud of it :D

I know this wasn't the most eventful MCSG story, but I felt I wanted to share it with everyone because, why not? If you want, ask me questions below if you are confused or want to know more of me :D

~Sage the Penguin
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