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The Legend of The Arena Master

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The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Late March, 2012. I was out on the road, late at night, making my way home from the brand new movie that was stealing all the craze, "The Hunger Games". Prior to having seen it, I had no anticipation to go to it, but I was simply sitting around at my home like I usually would on most weekends, so I agreed to head out with my brother and his friend. After sitting down and watching it all the way through with an open mind, I was blown back. About a year before seeing the film, I attempted to read the books but only came a quarter or so through before setting it down. After watching the movie, I was amazed by the story and I thought it was a great film (I read the first book in one day later on). Later that night, I came home and sat down to play minecraft. Then I put two and two together and thought about it: The Hunger Games in Minecraft. I quickly pounded on the keys and googled it. Sadly, there were no results. Minecraft Survival Games wasn't on the horizon for another week or two, so I just continued to play on a Minecraft server that I was mod on.

Fast forward a week, the server I'm a moderator on installed something called "The Survival Games". The owner was explaining how it's similar to The Hunger Games except in Minecraft. Having hoped for the idea earlier but not having found it, I was excited to try it out, but what I came to play completely blew my mind. At this time, MCSG still wasn't out for another week or two, as this map was brand new along with the plugin. There were a couple buddies on the server, and we played a round with around 12 people. I quickly got sucked in and started to dominate the arena. I was knocking others out of the ring left and right. I managed to get down to the final 2 and the owner warped us both together. I then killed him and won. I won my first ever Survival Games match. The adrenaline was crazy inside of me, and I hungered for more. The second round I played I lost, and then I won the one afterwards. What happened next would definitely change me and the way I spent quite a deal of my time...

April 19th, 2012. It was a Thursday, and I was looking forward to the approaching weekend as well as graduating from 7th grade. I was on the computer when I discovered that there were official MCSG servers. I went on to try one out, and least to say it blew the unofficial server out of the park. I went back on the server I was mod on and told the owner about the official servers. He then threatened to remove my staff rank because I needed to be dedicated to his server (That pissed me off). So, later that night when he went to sleep, I went on the server, destroyed the spawn, de-oped everyone, banned everyone, and created a world-edit lag hole that would crash the server whenever he got in a proximity. He wasn't happy, but I was: I found the best server of all time.

It's now late April, and I'm sporadically playing MCSG. I just couldn't feed my craving. Every day I would come home and rush onto MCSG. At the time I was barely 13 years old, just coming off of 12. I wasn't the most mature at the time, and I could have quite the temper with people. I typically kept myself on a private and mysterious side, while at the same time building up my name on the leaderboards and forums. After playing whenever I had the chance, a name started showing up more and more. His name was @OMGjustin.

At the time, I teamed with no one. I was a one man army. But that was soon to change. In early May I started to play with Justin, and I didn't regret the choice. No one knew it at the time, but the man was a powerhouse and I could tell we could get a name out there for each other. No more than 3 or so days after meeting Justin, another name popped up. @Demanter

Not a lot of people know Demanter, and not a lot of people know him now. He's a bit of a mysterious figure that's been gone for quite a while, but he's confirmed that he is still out there. At this point I introduced Demanter and OMGjustin and we started to become one of the unstoppable trios. We took down hackers and we started to blend out wins like a piece of cake. Everything was going well, until late May and early June, when another name showed up. This time, the name came from the dark side of MCSG.

@Kiko also known as "Im_Kiko" was one of the infamous original hackers of MCSG. He's one of the only users who had the balls to blatantly hack and kill you and then trash talk you on the forums. He was quite a piece of work, and Justin and I weren't impressed. We busted our chops, but we managed to get the user banned for hacking on two different occasions. Kiko has gone on to hack on other servers. Good riddance. By this point we're hitting June or so of 2012, and yet another name is popping up. FinsGraphics. Prior to doing his amazing avatars, FinsGraphics won a banner contest for MCSG. I then looked into his works, and noticed his amazing youtube channel for Calvin and Hobbes (those videos are now privated). I started to team with him, and he was an awesome person to play with. We were both kids at the time, and it was nice to kick back with someone closer to my age.

A few days after beginning to team with FinsGraphics, my name was at the top of the scoreboards, and just as my school broke out. It was quite a fun time for me. Kiko was banned, I was at the top, and I felt like I was on top of MCSG for a while. For the rest of June, I continued to play on MCSG with Justin and Demanter. All was good. In late June I went on vacation and my rank naturally fell behind, but I wasn't too upset. Someone can only be at the top for so long, and I got my name across.

Around July or so, I began making videos in Minecraft on my original channel, "BigGreenMovieMachine". They were atrocious quality, but I enjoyed making them. I continued to play on MCSG, and started to play with even more friends such as @Clbrend @CandyFTW and @bart
Then in late July, the sh*t hit the fan. I was on skype late at night with one of the original admins, and I wasn't the happiest with the way she dealed with situations. She wasn't happy with me though, so she decided to permanently ban me. Boom. Just like that. A few wrong words with the wrong person and everything I worked for was taken away. Besides being angry, and then sad, I thought,
"MCSG isn't the only server, there must be more."

And naturally, there were. Millions. But none of them were quite like MCSG. They didn't have the simple yet gorgeous quality and entertainment MCSG provided. This was the time when I had more freetime on my hands then anything else. I recently got back from vacation, so I wasn't going on another one, I didn't hangout with my friends too often, just every now and then, and I was permbanned for MCSG. At this time I would basically wake up and walk around my house all day. It was miserable, and I was bored out of my mind. Then one day when watching videos, I thought
"Hey! These are pretty good! How hard could they be to make?"

This is how Walrus Explosion was born, boredom. And that's literally what powers the channel today, my boredom. I make the videos when I'm bored. I started to make some videos, and they weren't quite the quality of someone like ItsJerryAndHarry or CraftedMovie, but I was happy with them. Around late August I was starting school. Every morning I would head down to my office before school with an hour or so on my hands to watch videos or just derp around. While on youtube, I noticed FinsGraphics made another video. I was happy for him, as he was making it off well, even though we started at similar grounds. The video he made was, naturally, another speedart. But this one was of a new server called MCTF2. I decided to try it out, and I was very impressed. I quickly began to play that non-stop, and for a while it became my new MCSG. It wasn't quite the same, but I wasn't complaining. There were also some MCSG community members there, which made it even better.

I needed things the same though, so naturally I started to build up my rank. This time I did it all alone, no Justin, no Demanter, nobody. Just me. I managed to quickly climb my way up to #1 on MCTF2 and built a name for myself yet again. A few weeks after I hit #1, I heard news about Chad buying out MCTF2. I was excited, as I thought I might be able to come back onto MCSG, and when I heard he was doing a livestream I saw this as my chance: and if you go back and watch that livestream tape you'll be able to find me spamming in the chat asking why I was banned for MCSG just hoping to talk to Chad. So, while on MCTF2, they joke around about banning me because I was banned on MCSG, but the joke quickly got out of hand and they did actually ban me. Clankster banned me on MCTF2 because I was banned on MCSG. Today, Clank and I are pretty good friends, but at the time I wanted to smash my computer and rip all my hair out. It wasn't fair, I worked so hard and finally felt at home again but I was kicked out.

After that, I went dumpster diving for more servers, but I couldn't find any. I was back down to rock bottom. My name was basically unknown by this time on MCSG and all I could hear was second hand news about things like Baccas (I had no idea what the hell those were at the time) and Breeze Island. Around October I got a message on skype from my friend Candy. He was telling me about yet another server, TIMV. At the time, TIMV was a project by Vareide. The Hive wasn't on the horizon for quite a few months, so they were focused on TIMV. I played for around a month, and guess what happened next? I became #1. This is all making me out to sound like a no-life, but me becoming #1 for MCSG, MCTF2, and TIMV all happened during the school year. I have no idea how I managed it, as I had a good deal of homework every day and scarce time to play, but I managed it. I suppose at the time you didn't have to play for nearly as long.

After playing for TIMV for a while, I decided I needed back in. Out of desperation, I tried to log onto the MCSG teamspeak, and was stunned to find my way on. I quickly began talking to Clankstar (An admin at the time) and he agreed to unban me from the MCSG servers as my ban wasn't really worthy and I didn't ever have a chance to file a ban appeal.

I was so happy, I was finally back. I was so excited to play and get back into the game I loved. But things had changed: I was still banned on the forums, there were nasty things called baccas, and before I left there were only 3 classic maps, now they were getting all sorts of new maps I couldn't stand. Things had taken a turn for the worse, but I was still happy to be back. One of the worst blows however was the fact that my friend Demanter left, and right before I got back. I looked at the leaderboards, and knew I could never get my rank back, but I could get my name back. I started to get active again in the community, or at least as much as I could have. Like said earlier, I was still banned on the forums. I played MCSG for a bit, but the forums were such a big deal to me I just returned to TIMV. The door to MCSG was starting to open, but at the time they were still looking at me from the window.

The Hive then came out a few months later, and I got into that. It was nice to be back playing Survival Games, but it was never the same. While I was unbanned from MCSG, I wasn't on the forums and I felt that was an essential. Today, I can't stand The Hive, or at least for the most part. My reason's vary, but I wasn't happy with it. Around April or so, I managed to get my original forum account (the one I'm using right now) unbanned and I was finally back all the way. I quickly got back into the community and participating with everyone.

Then one day while on the forums, I was looking at a thread about a Master Sword on Demon's Breeze, I was curious on how to get it and I posted on the thread asking for help. I got a reply from someone named @Virtual. At the time I didn't know who he was, but he knew who I was. I didn't remember it at the time, but on The Hive he tryharded me to death. I suppose he felt bad and wanted to make it up, so he showed me the sword. A few days after he asked to team, and we began a new duoship. Around this time I hated Justin's guts, we went through some hard times and our friendship was waning. Virtual was the new replacement, and I was happy playing with him. He was a great MCSG player and a good friend.

A few months later I start talking to Justin again and we started making up. We both acknowledged some of our mistakes and we apologized. We had good times, and to be honest we mostly hated each other out of the competition. We both were #1 at one time or another, and we were both becoming a bit of power hounds and trying to out the other. It was probably good for us, after months of having to team and work together you want to put your skills to the test against the other I suppose.

A bit after meeting Virtual, I met one of his friend's, Denster91. Today, Denster91, Virtual, and I are a trio. It's a bit like the original trio with Justin and Demanter, except reincarnated. Things have definitely changed since Chad first planted the seeds of MCSG, but I can't say I'm complaining about how it's worked out. I had some crashes into obscurity, but I managed to sooner or later work my name back up from the lowest trenches, and I did it all in good time.

Photo Book
My first ever screenshot on MCSG: April 19th, 2012

My first win on MCSG: April 21st, 2012

Teaming with FinsGraphics: June 4th, 2012

Hitting #1 on the leaderboards: June 5th, 2012

One of my favorite screenshots, Kiko about to be swiss cheese: June 10th, 2012

My first game on SG3, I managed to win! July 8th, 2012

One of my last screens on MCSG before my departure: Justin, Demanter, and a previous #1 ranked user, WM_Blackout21: July 8th, 2012

The last screenshot before the departure: July 19th, 2012

On the set of If Movies Were In Minecraft: September 2nd, 2012
At the time, I only had one actor. I used Nodus at the time for the "Freecam" option. If you watch the video, you'll notice The Dora The Explorer scene has a obvious freecam motion.

My first screenshot on TIMV: October 28th, 2012

My first screenshot when I was back on MCSG: January 31st, 2013

Probably one of my favorite photos I've taken. It always came across to me like Graser10CP was about to hump the crap out of @JustAHotDog: February 12th, 2013

Meeting up with Fins again, he refused to team, said he didn't know me, and then blamed it on lag when I I killed him in game: February 16th, 2013

Celebrating getting my new computer with Half_Squirrel. Now I can play MCSG whenever and record videos whenever! February 24th, 2013

One thing I do miss about The hive is trolling with buckets. March 3rd, 2013

The first photo of Nakatomi Plaza, one of the most time consuming projects. It's been in the works for around 8 months now: April 28th, 2013

On the set of the 500 subscriber special: June 11th, 2013

First photo in the new hub: July 5th, 2013

One of my most recent and favorite photos, Virtual chasing @Alpha up a skyscraper on SG2: October 8th, 2013

It's been a long ride, but it's been a fun one. I'm still going to hold onto MCSG for as long as I can, and I'm still going to hang onto the good times. I want to thank everyone who's been along on this ride!

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District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
He then threatened to remove my staff rank because I needed to be dedicated to his server (That pissed me off). So, later that night when he went to sleep, I went on the server, destroyed the spawn, de-oped everyone, banned everyone, and created a world-edit lag hole that would crash the server whenever he got in a proximity. He wasn't happy, but I was: I found the best server of all time.
Walruses are scary :eek:

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
yes how do i apply to be a friend of the walrus i'd like to be in this circle of friendship i don't like my friends right now
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