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My story


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
Well hi. Writing stories seems like the new fad, so I'll wrote one too. MCSG was suggested to me by my friend in October of last year, so that night I made a forums account. I didn't actually start playing MCSG until later November of last year. Man did I suck. I played on US servers, and it took me a good 300 games to figure out that you shouldn't hide in a corner if you want to win the game :p I suffered many crushing defeats, until finally, on December 28th at 12:40am, I finally got a win. It was on SG4, some guy was at corn not paying attention and I killed him easily and got his full iron and diamond sword, and won the game :D A few days later, Chad announced that Canada servers were being released! I thought this would be a good time to start fresh, but Canada leaderboards never got released.

January 1st came and Canada servers came out and I won 2 games! I thought I was the best...but others already had 20 wins by the end of that day :p A few days after that, MysteriousWays made a clan, and offered me a spot in it. I accepted the spot, and was in a clan with many great CA players, such as SluttyPig, illumina1337 and Glitchy who quit :( This clan went on well until one day, the clan was disbanded. I was devastated. I would have to go back to playing solo again. I strived to be #1 in Canada, but I knew that would never happen with illumina, Slam_Burger ScrewYouGumby2, flohoho being too good and me not being too good :p One day, I met kristier12 she asked me to team, and I killed her because she was beeg nub :p This happened for about 5 games then I finally gave in and decided to team with her. I'm glad I did, because she turned out to be a very cool kid <3

Skip forward a month(and 10 more wins) and MCSGv2 came out! I was so excited, until I saw how buggy it was. That wasn't my biggest issue though, the new font color in chat was. It bothered me so much that I quit for 3 months. I didn't miss MCSG, because I was so busy in the spring with real life.

Early June comes along and I think "hmm, haven't played MCSG in a while", and I decide to come back. I started foruming then and getting to know the community better. I still sucked at MCSG though :( So I played off and on until Mid-July, I started really playing and getting better.

Today, I'm playing as well as I ever have (got my 250th win today), foruming a lot (Got active member today :D) and having a lot of fun. I'm glad I decided to come back :)

Here's some facts about me ----> http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/things-about-me.50501/

Take the time to read this, don't TL;DR, because I spent a while writing this, I hope you can read it :p


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
Ah I remember those days in the CA Clan, we were tanks :3. I remember our huge teams and having to do 3v3's or 4v4's at the end of a match. :p


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
To be honest I remember you being really good back then when CA came out, you were always a danger to me :p
Glad to have you in my clan and maybe we could start tanking aswell c: (even though a bunch of really great players quit CA servers...)

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