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My Mcsg Story


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
So this is my mcsg story...
In September i just got minecraft and i wanted to play on cool new servers so i typed in "Minecraft Hunger Games Servers" and i came onto mcsg.
I played a few rounds and thought wow this is sooo freaken awesome then i saw one of my school friends fastfish14 playing on the server he was like 5th best in australia at the time and he didn't even know i got a minecraft account. We go in a call and he became my master and i was his apprentice, he showed me his routes and learned the ways. Even with his help i was pretty noob played 1500 games and i only had 15 wins. My first win was on a 48 person server and fastfish was one of the first to die. I however used his tactics and won my first game. After feeling i was bad at mcsg i stopped playing on it, my computer was (and still is bad) only running at 25 fps average. And started to play ghostcraft after i quit, this was where my pvp skills sharped. I don't know how ghostcraft isn't exactly the best pvp game but i got better. I restarted to play mcsg on the christmas holidays and i found out another of my school friends played on mcsg hazzadagun. The three of us started to play on faction servers and mcsg and i got up to 90 when the holidays finished. Then one of my friends thedorkyd1 made a new clan #Pegasus, he allowed me in and we played alot of clan battles and i was in most of them. Then eventually hazza wanted to be in a clan but hazza didn't have enough wins, so me and fastfish left which created #Pegasus's demise. Then Fastfish created #UnDead. Most people who where in #Pegasus were in #UnDead with new players we challenged more clans until all our members left to join a new clan #Ravens. After that dorky recreated #Pegasus then even less people joined. After a month the clan leader stopped going on mcsg and he started to play LoL so we all left.
After this i wanted to get better at solo mcsg and started to play by myself (I know that sounds wrong). Then one game me and fastfish met darkrai202. He thought we were pretty cool and so did we <3. Later that month darkrai remade #Phoenix, darkrai asked me and fastfish to join it so we did. Phoenix accepted us as family and we have made a disfunctional family where we do prank calls and make halarious jokes. Also me, hazza and fastfish made our owned youtube channel where we have done the no chest challenge. This has been my mcsg story so far and yea here are some peeps in mcsg:
@hazzadagun <- Awesome friend
@fastfish14copy <- My mcsg teacher
@Thedorkyd1 <- Leader of mai first clan
@Fantasyofcheese1 <- Became friends from first clan
@LT_Cookiemonster <- Became friends through fantasy -> @croe97 and kittyface1399
@yozy3 <- Walls pwner
76camlsrad76 <- Awesome kid
@ChadTheDJ <- Thanks you for our morning games and our fearsome fights. Amen
@kkww @_Dusky_ <- Faction Player
Choclitt <- FireSlimeAndBemo4Lyf
@darkrai202 <- Smexy narwhal
Rest of people i am sorry if i didn't list you plz forgive i love you all <3
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