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The Rebels (US Clan)

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May 1, 2012
Reaction score
It's their thread, let them post what they want, even if it isn't the exact truth.
There isn't any need to talk to them about it, because they won't budge.
I told him they could count it as a win. I kinda figured he wouldn't do it any way, but it's fine. They got the win, let's just drop it.


District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Move over big boy @michael harmon

Minecraft ID: Epic_Frog_Song
Age: 16
Donor: Indeed
Wins: 1040+ (Total)
Got Skype/TS: Yes, puttmeincoach. I have the ts3 as well.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) puttmeincoach
Got a mic: Yes I do, there turtle beaches x12, got them on Amazon for 50 bucks, pretty sweet deal, skipping got me to 56 dollars tho. I didnt use my coupons. And it was not a gift item. heres the specs:
  • Amplified Audio - Enhances game sounds for a more immersive experience
  • In-line Amplifier - Quick access to gaming audio controls
  • Variable Bass Boost - Adds depth and realism to the game audio
  • Microphone Monitor - let's you hear what you're saying
  • USB Powered - No batteries required
Timezone: Us-Eastern

How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Teamed? I think a good bit, not to sure tho.
PvP Strengths: Water PvP, I wreck @michael harmon everytime. FnS, I guess a bow now ;)
PvP Weaknesses: I kinda screw around in pvp..
Past Clans (If any) oh jeez, well here we go. Rivals, The Fallen,Rebels, Empire, Affliction, Forgotten, Primeval, Impalers, Sovereign, and then Audacity.
You cool?: Shoot mayne I'm da best.
Best puppy picture:


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
Move over big boy @michael harmon

Minecraft ID: Epic_Frog_Song
Age: 16
Donor: Indeed
Wins: 1040+ (Total)
Got Skype/TS: Yes, puttmeincoach. I have the ts3 as well.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) puttmeincoach
Got a mic: Yes I do, there turtle beaches x12, got them on Amazon for 50 bucks, pretty sweet deal, skipping got me to 56 dollars tho. I didnt use my coupons. And it was not a gift item. heres the specs:

    • Amplified Audio - Enhances game sounds for a more immersive experience
    • In-line Amplifier - Quick access to gaming audio controls
    • Variable Bass Boost - Adds depth and realism to the game audio
    • Microphone Monitor - let's you hear what you're saying
    • USB Powered - No batteries required
Timezone: Us-Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Teamed? I think a good bit, not to sure tho.
PvP Strengths: Water PvP, I wreck @michael harmon everytime. FnS, I guess a bow now ;)
PvP Weaknesses: I kinda screw around in pvp..
Past Clans (If any) oh jeez, well here we go. Rivals, The Fallen,Rebels, Empire, Affliction, Forgotten, Primeval, Impalers, Sovereign, and then Audacity.
You cool?: Shoot mayne I'm da best.
Best puppy picture:

I don't think we care about whether or not if you have a mic, it just helped with application process when Zeno wrote the app over a year ago, but now I know what new headphones I'm getting xD


Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: slater233, NikoAD
Age: 15
Donor: Not any, but buying donor for my birthday! It's gonna be life diamond. :3
Wins: 500+
Got Skype/TS: Yes sir, both.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) Swagstealer
Got a mic: Yes, I have Turtle beach x48's.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Zone
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I have teamed with bran, crafty, zoe, and max. I think I have a decent amount of knoweledge with them, but I wikl be spending a lot of more time on the ts!
PvP Strengths: Rough terrain fights, teamwork skills, plain sword fights, and pretty good with fishing rod.
PvP Weaknesses: I need to work and improve on bow, and sorta flint and steels, because I havw been lacking in using those recently.
Past Clans (If any) Reunited
You cool?: Yes, I think I am!
Best puppy picture:

Although I am not in the clan, but I can speak for most people when I say you need to show dedication to the clan because you apply for a bunch of clans.


Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: slater233, NikoAD
Age: 15
Donor: Not any, but buying donor for my birthday! It's gonna be life diamond. :3
Wins: 500+
Got Skype/TS: Yes sir, both.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) Swagstealer
Got a mic: Yes, I have Turtle beach x48's.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Zone
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I have teamed with bran, crafty, zoe, and max. I think I have a decent amount of knoweledge with them, but I wikl be spending a lot of more time on the ts!
PvP Strengths: Rough terrain fights, teamwork skills, plain sword fights, and pretty good with fishing rod.
PvP Weaknesses: I need to work and improve on bow, and sorta flint and steels, because I havw been lacking in using those recently.
Past Clans (If any) Reunited
You cool?: Yes, I think I am!
Best puppy picture:

Moving on on. What kidz said, you applied just a few pages ago they saw your app no need to reapply.


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
Move over big boy @michael harmon

Minecraft ID: Epic_Frog_Song
Age: 16
Donor: Indeed
Wins: 1040+ (Total)
Got Skype/TS: Yes, puttmeincoach. I have the ts3 as well.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) puttmeincoach
Got a mic: Yes I do, there turtle beaches x12, got them on Amazon for 50 bucks, pretty sweet deal, skipping got me to 56 dollars tho. I didnt use my coupons. And it was not a gift item. heres the specs:

    • Amplified Audio - Enhances game sounds for a more immersive experience
    • In-line Amplifier - Quick access to gaming audio controls
    • Variable Bass Boost - Adds depth and realism to the game audio
    • Microphone Monitor - let's you hear what you're saying
    • USB Powered - No batteries required
Timezone: Us-Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Teamed? I think a good bit, not to sure tho.
PvP Strengths: Water PvP, I wreck @michael harmon everytime. FnS, I guess a bow now ;)
PvP Weaknesses: I kinda screw around in pvp..
Past Clans (If any) oh jeez, well here we go. Rivals, The Fallen,Rebels, Empire, Affliction, Forgotten, Primeval, Impalers, Sovereign, and then Audacity.
You cool?: Shoot mayne I'm da best.
Best puppy picture:

That ain't no puppy picture!!


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
ohai haven't seen you guys in a while.
Anyway, I'm going to make a new banner for you guys soon <3
I don't liek mah nooby old art :c


Jun 5, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: jacobcrocks
Age: 13
Donor: None
Wins: 270+
Got Skype/TS: Yes I do.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) thelaeren
Got a mic: Indeed
Timezone: Pacific
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: A lot. Mostly Bran and Max but I have teamed with all.
PvP Strengths: I am very good with all of the secondary weapons (FNS, Rod, Bow) and I'm also good at taking out teams 2-3
PvP Weaknesses: I find myself bad at taking out teams of 3+ and I seem to get the wrong end of the rod (Get killed by rishing rod trick all the time) otherwises I think I'm decent at most things
Past Clans (If any) I was co-leader of #KewlKidzKlan (Btw a troll), was a member of Chirishii, The Return and #Goomy
You cool?: I usually am last to get picked in gym class... But other then that YEA!
Best puppy picture: My dog. He had a tumor in his leg and bone cancer, we had to put him down last Thursday and I've been having rough times with it. For this I leave you with a cute picture of him (a St. Bernard over 150+ pounds :3)

michael harmon

Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Move over big boy @michael harmon

Minecraft ID: Epic_Frog_Song
Age: 16
Donor: Indeed
Wins: 1040+ (Total)
Got Skype/TS: Yes, puttmeincoach. I have the ts3 as well.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) puttmeincoach
Got a mic: Yes I do, there turtle beaches x12, got them on Amazon for 50 bucks, pretty sweet deal, skipping got me to 56 dollars tho. I didnt use my coupons. And it was not a gift item. heres the specs:

    • Amplified Audio - Enhances game sounds for a more immersive experience
    • In-line Amplifier - Quick access to gaming audio controls
    • Variable Bass Boost - Adds depth and realism to the game audio
    • Microphone Monitor - let's you hear what you're saying
    • USB Powered - No batteries required
Timezone: Us-Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Teamed? I think a good bit, not to sure tho.
PvP Strengths: Water PvP, I wreck @michael harmon everytime. FnS, I guess a bow now ;)
PvP Weaknesses: I kinda screw around in pvp..
Past Clans (If any) oh jeez, well here we go. Rivals, The Fallen,Rebels, Empire, Affliction, Forgotten, Primeval, Impalers, Sovereign, and then Audacity.
You cool?: Shoot mayne I'm da best.
Best puppy picture:

I don't recomend this guy i herd hes bad at the gam :p haha jk I love ya froggy but you will never beat me so go kill yourself <3
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