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My awesome win!

Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
So today I played a couple of matches , everyone of them was the same , stupid items , dying , falling in traps. But the last I played was the best of my life!
So I got to the deathmatch , I had Iron pants , iron boots , chain helmet and chestplate , 1 golden apple and 1 bow with 5 arrows. When I got to the deathmatch , I saw I had 2 opponents , a leather-chain-golden one and a full iron one! So when it started , I got shot by the leather guy , only 2 damage , when I went to kill him , he put me on fire. After a while , when the fire stopped I had 3 hearts , I ate my golden apple , and went to kill them again. I saw that the iron one , was pretty low from the bow fight he had with the other enemy , so when he started moving , I tried to snipe him from 15 blocks away , while he was sprinting and jumping , and I got him! Then I had a sword fight with the leather guy , and when he started running too , I sniped him and I killed him too!
This was my best HG I ever played!


Jul 21, 2013
Reaction score
no one can beat my awesome win.
Breeze Island I only open spawn chest. I get leather armour and a gold apple and some food. Then I run to the edge of the map and stay there. Dm starts with 2 ppl. Me and someone else with full iron and iron sword. That guy gives me some iron armour. Two pieces of boots and helmet and a stone sword. I eat my gold apple and kills him. :D.


Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
I may as well share my luckiest win.

I was afk on Demon's Breeze and when I get back it there was only 60 seconds till deathmatch! I quickly run up one of the hills and get as many chests as I can. When I get teleported back to my podium there is a gold/leather player and a full iron player. The gold/leather player and the full iron guy player fight and the gold/leather player dies. I then fight the full iron player and manage to win!

'Twas amazing :D


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
Yesterday, I went on my usual Breeze Island chest route, I only got 2 of them which only provided armour, no weapon. I encountered a person with a stone sword and I parkoured on the trees and punched him off, he didn't die so I just left him, so basically I had no choice but to camp in the creeper eye I crouched and eventually saw a couple names coming up the mountain, I assume they had nodus since I was crouching the whole time and they never appeared in spawn, one was on top of me trying to fishing rod and the second was to my left trying to reach me since I have broken the vines, I eventually got tired of this and tried to catch him off guard and punch him off the mountain but no, his head spun around and hit me until I was at 1 heart, I had almost full iron btw so I'm like ok I'm done, 1 heart, so I jumped off and somehow landed on a single vine at the bottom and ran, there was another team of 2, it was a 2v2 between the people who tried to get me off the creeper eye and them, the other team managed to kill 1 of them and the other managed to escape, I was following them and once they killed the guy who was trying to knock me off the creeper eye I picked up a stone sword he couldn't pick up and I managed to almost murder him with it but he ran off. His friend was at corn and I was going for him until the guy who ran off came back for revenge and started shooting me in the water as I tried to get to his friend, it was basically a sandwich on me, I managed to kill the guy who was shooting me and I got the other pretty low but I ran out of spawn quickly, the other was camping at corn for refill, I didn't know what to do since I was low health, I just randomly shot an arrow at him and he died. So then it was deathmatch against me and 2 other leather guys... the end.
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I don't have any other good moments :( , I am in a BIG losing streak , from 350 points I had today , I always died from laggy people that I couldnt catch , getting killed while checking the chests , or even getting QUADRA teamed :( I suck so much..

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