This would be in effect when it's not a soloist fighting a team too. Say a team is fighting someone and a solo player wants to finish them off, how will he do this when one of the team members gets more health?
That is a con of the idea, but I think it wouldn't happen too often. It's more likely it would benefit solo players rather than players on a team.
I know, I can read, he'd gain about 3 hearts in 10 seconds, all he has to do is run for a tiny bit then have an extreme advantage on me.
Well, I don't think it would be extreme, but that is somewhat the point. If he takes out your teammate, he deserves to recover some health to help take you out. If it's 2 against 1, that means it's 2 swords vs. 1 sword, 20 hearts vs, 10 hearts, 2 sets of armor vs. 1 set of armor. I could go on, but the solo player should be able to recover 3 hearts if he doesn't lose his own 10 first.
Like he says, this idea can be extremely unfair to many. Also, you really don't need to hound people over giving a recommendation how this idea can be improved on. If people don't like the idea, they just don't like the idea.
Although it may be unfair to many, I think it will benefit most. You have to see that most people who player MCSG are people who solo. Also, I don't mind if people don't like this idea. I even encourage arguments so that I may see how the people who oppose the idea see this idea. However, I do mind when all they post is "This sux," because I've stated multiple times that such a post is useless. It doesn't help me see why that do not like the idea so I can get a better understanding on a flaw the idea might have. I'm not hounding people because they don't like the idea. It's because their post does not give me another perspective on the idea.
I think you mean 'Realistic Games'. Not 'Futuristic Games' xD
So should this only be implemented in TSG3?
I'm kidding haha