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Meet the cat!


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hey there,

I'm MiCr2, also known as the MasterCat, I first join MCSG in May 2012, about 3 weeks later I applied for moderator and was given the rank in June 5th. I was interviewed by tired C4 and a busy kpwn ^_^
I then stayed moderator until January 20th, because I was promoted to owner on another community, so I resigned my position here. A month later, I got in touch with Chad and was offered admin in the MCTF2 community, we never got to have an interview, so Gibbo got the position instead and I was offered mod which I accepted.
For 6 months I went inactive on MCSG since I was busy at the other 2 communities, but then I came back when I left the community I once owned (long story, I was basically kicked out, if you want more detail PM me), then I was given my rank as mod here back again when the MCTF2 community merged in with MCSG to create the MCGamer Network.
So altogether I have been staff for this network for over a year now :)

Why I am called MasterCat:
No idea, lol. Back in 2012, I started having cat pictures as my profile avatar, people liked and I somehow got my fame through that, I haven't changed my avatar in ages, since everyone would say: "Get that cat back now!!!!" lol

Some personal info about me:
I'm 18, 6'2 which is around 191 cm, I live in Austria, but I really come from Great Britain. I am allergic against cats and dogs. My rl job is a film creator.

Want to know more about me? Comment below!

- MiCr2


District 13
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Kinda ironic that you are the master of cats and you are allergic to them...

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