*Thapple looks at Zane for about 40 seconds.*
*Reaches for Zane*
*Rips necklace off, and stabs with an axe*
NNNNOOOO that was Zane :'( I Lost a Friend today.
*Stands over Zane's body.*
You were a Friend and a Hero. Sam, he happened to not be fooled by your trickery. But that's ok I'm locating your bed or Spawn for you so that I can collect you. Its a good thing Minecraft works that way.
*looks at thappletree*
Sam, We need just one bacca, so that we can find the cure. Sam, you appear to really hate Baccas. Just as much as I do, but to solve this outbreak we need one. And Zane is willing to help us in our cause.