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Cazmax's Resignation Note of Sadness


Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hey there community,
Some of you are my good friends, some of you I have met from time to time and some of you may not know me at all, but I the important thing to say here is that I have been thinking over this decision and seeing how it goes for about a week now. I recently moved to far away to university as a first year student and with my awful connection here and my lack of free time due to studies I am no longer to play minecraft or use the internet for too long, setting in stone my decision to say "It's been fun but so long and thanks for all the fish"
Since it seems mandatory I will now give an MCG story of my own, I've attempted to be concise as it is 4am. At the end I will tag some of those who have meant a lot to me during my time as part of the community but that makes up a lot of people, so I'm truly sorry if I miss a few out.

I began like most, playing with a few friends back when there was only Survival games 1 up until around the time Breeze island came out. Whilst in those first days I loved the game type I was not good at all and ended up not playing for a very long time. Coming back early this year, I was on Survival games in full leather with a wooden axe when a player name Fiore and his teammate in full iron armor sprinted towards me. Just as I removed my hands from my keyboard in defeat they stopped, and instead of attacking gave me a full set of iron and an iron sword for my own posting a simple ':)' in chat. We later hooked up on skype and for once I was able to learn fighting techniques from a really good player. It was during these games that I began to see moderators first hand. The only two I memorably came across was @Gravey4rd , knowing him to be top and Philly67 , the latter of which I saw many times being friendly and being such a great influence to me, to the point of inspiring me to submit a moderator application. After a nervous few weeks, I was overjoyed to find myself accepted for a teamspeak interview. Downloading teamspeak and logging on I soon found myself in the waiting room, feeling the full brunt of the pleasant community with a constant stream of good luck pokes and messages. Being accepted as moderator has been one of my top 5 highlights of 2013. I soon made many friends, moderators and non-moderators. I played in teams with so many people, the majority of them happy to use my unique tactics and knowledge of tier 2's to get to deathmatch and kill me! I now acknowledge such a large variety of people I have met in my time as good friends and over the course of my time as moderator I not only gained experience moderating and helping the community but I also drastically improved my PvPing abilities and gained so much love and respect for MCG staff and community. I have enjoyed so much experiencing MCG grow and shape itself, seeing new maps and new features as well as all the new game types. There have been low moments don't get me wrong but I, and the MCG community it seems, have managed to bounce back stronger than before each time.
I'll end, like I said, with a comprehensive tagging list (In no particular order, mainly just scrolling down the staff list):

@Philly67 - You were my inspiration for becoming mod and without you I would not have met any of the people below or experienced this wonderful community as I have. I value your friendship so much and you've always been a fun yet truly worthwhile influence on my MCG career. You've also taught me many things about PvP, mainly the importance of a flint and steel, the need to let nubs win in deathmatch and the importance of betraying any 'tem' made with random people ingame.

@Dizzy - One of my first teamspeak friends! You were so welcoming and we've had so many fun times together! You were the one person I could get to deathmatch with time after time and actually manage to murder :) I know we will keep in touch!

@Mr Dice - My favourite Josh! (tied with joshkey of course XD) Your friendliness and awesome jokes always make me smile and your enthusiasm and helpfulness have benefitted me greatly. Thank you!

@Joshkey - My other favourite Josh! You were someone I met early on in teamspeak and you made me feel so welcome and part of the community, I didn't get to play with you nearly as much as I would have liked but you're still awesome!

@wronsiski - I met you through Philly and your quiet talking late at night grew on me :p You're a cool guy and I had fun meeting you

@Adragonfire9 - Whilst we haven't talked that much I do remember some really fun occasions with you, thanks for being friendly and funny!

@Tree_TheBigKind and @DairyQueen_ - I only met you guys recently in what can only be described as one of the awesomest videos and games of survival games in all my time here. Your commentary was even better than expected, wish I had met you guys earlier!

@echo_555 - Dat laugh... Thanks for the hilarious teamspeak chats man!

@XaSxLeech - We havent spoken much recently but it was always fun playing with you on teamspeak.

@KrunchieKiller07 - Haha, as much as we sometimes argue you are really awesome! I've had tons of fun building the map with you and playing alongside you Krunch! You've forced your way into becoming one of my very good friends :p

@VeeZa - I remember playing with you and Philly and easy back in the early summer days. So much fun and I always got completely murdered in death match haha, keep it up penguin buddy.

@Easy_Soup - Playing with you and Philly so many times and even recording with you was awesome. You have a fantastic sense of humour and your mum is epic! Speak soon buddy!

@Zietra - Jennifer! You are so funny and you have an amazing accent! I love our random chats and you always have me in smiling when we are in teamspeak together! We've haven't spoken in such a while :O! SMUSH BANANA!

@kristier12 - Kristie! You are so cool and hilarious and I've spent many a late hour here in UK chatting away to you despite you saying GO TO BED CAZ. Raise those lil kittens well (putting them on your head) and don't go adopting any babies for at least another 5 or so years! We haven't spoken in donkeys years!

@Linkdude1997 ,@Tal_Pal & @TheInforcerHD - I know you guys mainly through playing cube world groups, it was a very fun time and you are all really nice people

@BioGear94 - We've played a lot together, survival games and cube world. You've been a good friend and we've had some great times!

@Gravey4rd - Only met you a few times in game but I'll never forget not realising you were in my game on Holiday Resort, and making it to just the first two tier 2's on my route (5 minutes into the game) when suddenly it said 60 seconds to deathmatch. Yet another death occured and I was transported to spawn to see the one and only Gravey in full iron looking at from the neighbouring podium. 22 tributes dead within 5 minutes, gg.

@Matthew Nutt - We've definitely had our fallouts but mentoring you and building with you had definitely been worthwhile.

@InfinitySx3 - We met whilst I was building my statue on creative, looking over every 5 minutes to see you floating next to me, watching from 5 blocks away XD. You're real nice and very funny.

@Buxtonaters - Haven't got to know you that well, but you were always in the same chats as me and you're a top guy.

@MCCMorpheus - You scared the crao outta me when I thought you were Antster and had joined my channel. We didn't speak a lot but you always came across to me as a great moderator and a funny guy.

@BeauGangstro - Beau! My foreign friend who ironically isn't very good with a bow! Thanks for cheering me up with your happy tone and your enthusiasm!

@kseniagru - Kas2! We've had so many really great times on teamspeak, ingame and on OMGpop! Thanks for being a really good friend and easy to talk to always! I guess you'll be the only Kas now, you win!

@Decemberr - I'm so glad you got moderator! Thanks for being on the same level as me, you're quirky and awesome, and you have tons of funny mannerisms

@NoahSailer - We've had some great games together. Your deep voice is soothing and epic. You are such an awesome PvPer :)

@NoahSailersSlave - Hehe we've had some great times together with the gang. You are epic for the name ;)

@kpwn243 - You were the interviewer during my mod interview. You were patient with me and were supprotive even though I was a little nervous, thanks :).

@Forairan - We've only had a few run ins but you always came across to me as someone who really cares for the community and staff.

@KellieBreanne - We end up in the same channels from time to time and your sassy can-do attitude and determination to do your sr.mod duties to the very best of your ability really inspires me :) Don't drop that phone out your car window ;).

@Bowser52000 - I didn't know you that well but whenever I did speak to you, you were always accepting and funny!

@ChadTheDJ - The most commonly tagged in these posts just for being owner and allowing MCG to happen haha. I remember you saying my name in my first moderator meeting :).

@Antster360 - Working with you on survival was a whole new experience for me. Thanks for always being helpful and friendly, you do your job so well and I really look up to you.

@Dave - Similar to above, you've perfected the dosage of childish jokes and being hilarious with being serious when things need to be done. You're so great at what you do, being in your ts chat was always great!

@Bicentennial_Man - Ah Bic. First of all, can I just say that your voice on ts is one of the most melodic yet smooth things to exist XD. Secondly, I really admire your genuine love for and determination to improve the MCG community. You're fair and a real good guy and you've always been there to help when I have needed something.

@Chris_9999_ - Sorry to forget you before, like I said it was 5am! You're energy and hilarious responses to my outbreaks of madness as well as still coming back after putting up with my building OCD is applaud-able. We've also had some great times in survival games and on teamspeak. Speak soon man! (shoutout to @darty13 too, you've become a valuable member of the team and I'm glad we decided to keep you on earlier!)
There was so many that I can just tell I've missed a ton. But alas, it is 5:30am and I will pass out if I don't post this now. Message a reply below and it would make my day, whether I know you or not :). Thanks for reading through and good night MCG, remember "stay classy".
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The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
To be honest I've never actually heard about you, and I never saw you that much as an active moderator. None the less, best of luck in the future.


Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
Unfortunately i never had the chance to have a conversation with you. I wish you the best in the future and hope to see you back one day!


Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
I loved reading this, your little bit about me made me giggle :)
I do hope you'll still be coming on TS every now and then!
Good luck at university! You're about to have the time of your life and I'm so happy for you!
C + P = best tem

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