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Do you believe in god?

Do you?

  • yes

    Votes: 113 55.7%
  • no

    Votes: 98 48.3%

  • Total voters
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May 17, 2013
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I don't mean to start a flame war, but think about it, what would you prefer, knowing you're dead or not knowing. And better yet, being judged by a sky zombie who could easily send you down to a firery pit of death and pain for eternity.
If it's my Lord's decision I accept that. I'd much rather know I'm dead.
Also, I'd prefer you don't call my God a 'Sky Zombie'.

Okay I'm going to respond to all these points somewhat briefly.

1. Once again it is clear you know very little about the topic. The word theory has a different meaning in the scientific world. Science doesn't claim to offer absolute proofs and is constantly adapting when new discoveries are made, something religion mostly fails to do. This allows all theories to be open to debate, which is a good thing. However some theories are essentially proofs (but not quite), when there is so much evidence supporting it. The Big Bang is one example of this. Here is some of the evidence, just google it and maybe finally do some research for once.

- Abundance of Hydrogen/ Helium in the Universe
- Cosmic Background radiation
- The doppler effect

I hope you know that gravity is also still a theory along with the Big Bang, yet I don't see you criticising it.

2. You're wrong when you say plenty of scientists don't believe in the Big Bang. 99.9% of scientists related to astronomy believe and support Big Bang theory. So thankfully you and your silly opinion is in the minority.

3. The name is misleading, the term Big Bang came from a scientist called Fred Hoyle and the name just stuck. The Big Bang was not an explosion as it had no centre.

4. So if your fully aware that there are billions of planets, how on earth do you not understand that the probability of just one of those planets supporting life is massive, it is ludicrous to suggest the alternate.

5. A VOLCANIC ERUPTION IS NOT EXACTLY AN EXPLOSION. Also this point is completely irrelevant as the Big Bang as I said previously was not even an explosion.

So in conclusion, once again do some reading before debating on this topic and please google that little list I gave you.
You're one of those people that don't like people having opinions and religions aren't you?


Jun 11, 2012
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its certainly not turning into a flame thread. The worst thing I've done is call you silly. I think you're overreacting just little bit/ making excuses.
Dude come ON. The past two pages have been clear evidence of a flame war. I mean, your posts are practically screaming it at you. So yes, this is turning into a flame war and you are clearly the one who set this thread on fire.


Nov 21, 2012
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I am an atheist. I just find it hard to believe that there is someone in the sky with almighty power.


Jun 6, 2012
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I'm sorry, MiCr, but when you said you had other things to do with your time than research the other side of the argument it kind of set me off a bit. Before that I was agreeing with how you were debating.

And Chriscgr, just try to be gentler with your words. Saying someone's beliefs are ridiculous is just adding fighting fire with fire. I don't say someone is an imbecile for not liking Starwars, I question why they don't like it, to see if their reasons are valid and can be upheld. You can judge them once you know this, and even then

See, what I see is wrong with debates are these two things that were just presented to us in... well, a debate.

1. Someone is so offensive to the other side that their arguments, though possibly valid, are overlooked.

2. Someone is staying true to their side so much that they refuse to even look at the other presented material.

To have a successful, nice debate, you need these two things dearly. Though it seems as though these two flaws in arguments are always in every dispute. To support your side of the argument, you need to know what you're supporting against, as well as presenting that you comprehend your rival party by being civil. So please, everyone, research both sides of the story, I can't urge this enough. Even if your adamantly strict Catholic, or a self-righteous atheist, know what the other argument is, how it is, what it means, and if you can believe it or not. Please.

do u belive in llamas?


District 13
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
It may be a Inappropriate body part on a male move but its probably the truth.

and for the last time the big bang was not an explosion, certainly not a conventional one at least!
its certainly not turning into a flame thread. The worst thing I've done is call you silly. I think you're overreacting just little bit/ making excuses.
Double post. And Micr2 did the right thing and backed off, while you kept accusing him of losing and giving up. So really just drop it man. And believing in god is whether your parents teach it to you or not. If they don't, of course your going to think that it is ridiculous that there is a Mighty Spirit or something like that in the sky.

Edit 1:
I am not going to get into this convo for obvious reasons plus I'd rather not share with people I do not know. I just want to say, how In the heck can you guys manage to start flaming on a random thread about gaming and yet here you are, being very civil and mature on what is one of the most controversial and touchy subjects on the forums. Well done. The only thing I'm going to add to the convo is I don't "disagree" with any of you I am always open regardless if I actually believe it or not. I think that is just as important as the religion itself
Now there have been many others that have said that this is very civil, but this is a sr mod post so I thought I would quote this one. The reason I quoted it is because he is saying how we argue and flame on gaming but believing in god we keep completely civil. Oh wait. There is now a flame war going on this thread. And Micr2 is putting it out. Now please all of the people involved in that fight, DROP IT.


Feb 1, 2013
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Now there have been many others that have said that this is very civil, but this is a sr mod post so I thought I would quote this one. The reason I quoted it is because he is saying how we argue and flame on gaming but believing in god we keep completely civil. Oh wait. There is now a flame war going on this thread. And Micr2 is putting it out. Now please all of the people involved in that fight,
Flame war used to mean so much more than this. This is just someone being rude. It was pretty civil, and maybe Tal didn't read every last post.


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
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Not meaning to offend anybody, but personally from my knowledge of Buddhism it seems more of a philosophy than a religion to me.
That's because it originally was a philosophy until a man brought himself into the equation. It was the beginning of the mix of Daoism and Confucianism up until about 300 BCE when it became a religion in Eastern Asia. As it started to migrate more East (Towards the Qin and Han Dynasties in about 350-400 BCE and right before the fall of the Han dynasty) it started to gain influence. Once the fall of the Han dynasty came to pass due to a large population drop (small pox and meseals) and the emperors just being puppets and figures used by the generals, there was no more need for Confucianism(which I find HIGHLY interesting). This brought forth the large spread of Daoism and Buddhism. However, while this was happening in the new three Chinese regions, Christianity was becoming the official religion of Rome.


Here is a very logical explanation on how the Big Bang could not have created the universe:
"Big Bang" meaning explosion. Do you know any explosion that created something wonderful, something so exact? Well I haven't. The Earth is the the right size, the right distance from the sun, orbits around the sun perfectly, has a moon orbiting our earth perfectly, all of this could not happen "by chance" or through an explosion.
If the earth was 5%, just 5%, out of order, the earths climate would be so different, we could not live here. The fact that everything is so exact just proves that it couldn't have happened through a big bang.
You just explained exactly what I've been thinking for the past few days. Have you ever noticed how perfectly the Human body was made? Think, what is the use for fingernails... But then think how weird and ugly our fingers would look without them. Do we really NEED eyebrows for ANYTHING? No. We would look REALLY strange with just one nostril... Everything seems to work out TOO perfectly for there not to be something governing the existence of us. I hope I didn't just offend anyone with the physical issues that they may have listed above, but if you are one of those people, the reason people think you look weird (sorry, but people are rude and will think you look weird) then it means that it's irregular. I might be spamming this thread, because I'm just going through the thing and replying to any message I seem fit to reply to so sorry if I am spamming xD I'll try to edit it all into one thing once I catch up to the end :p


I am a strong Christian. Well, in my religion I believe that only God can decide if I am a Christian or not. I am a human which means I will fall to temptation. To be a Christian you have to stray away from temptation. I, like most people, will occasionally fail to do so, so I can only consider myself a follow in the Christian faith. I have always been highly interested in God and my religion. My grandfather is a pastor, as was his Dad, brother, etc. There is a long chain of religion in my family. People could argue that I believe in God only because my family branded me with a cross when I was born. If any of you know who Freud is, he was a Psychologist who believed in a thing called the Id, Ego, and Super Ego. When you are a child and do not make decisions for yourself you are in the Id stage. When you can finally think and understand for yourself, you have reached the Ego stage. This means you have developed a free will and will start to actually create ideas and think. A Super Ego is when you think too much and care too much. You try to do your best to follow your own examples and help others achieve Super Ego. If you know me very well (passed my try-hard comedic preference and actually KNOW my intellectual and caring side) you will probably assume me to be this. You might called me ego-tistical and self absorbed or self unaware for calling myself this, but I truly believe it due to how much I relate to these characteristics. When you reach the Ego and Super-Ego stages is when you will probably decide on what religion you are. I was always raised in church, as it was probably assumed. When I was about 5-8 I would sit in the front row of my grandfather's church every Sunday and listen to his sermons. I was so absorbed with the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ as I knew him. I never once questioned his existence. However, as I started to develop my Ego (which was WAY too young for someone to do at the age of 6, but again if you knew me you would clearly see this. People with higher IQ's will reach their ego and super ego a lot faster than people with lower IQ's. I have an IQ of 150 - Genius level) I started to think for myself and I did realize FOR MYSELF that I truly did believe in God and all of his works. To this day I want to be a missionary to spread his word and teachings in the Bible to countries and places that are less fortunate. When I grow old, I want to become a Pastor myself and help people be saved.

*UPDATE - Guys, Religion is like... MY topic.... Expect this to be an extremely long post.

You gave people two options. Do you believe in God? Yes or No. I know that I automatically saw this as "Christian or Atheist" as most people did. You seem to be forgetting the option of "I have a religion other than a monotheism that believes in the Christian/Jewish God." I have seem many people say that they are Buddhist or Hindu.

Guess what... *UPDATE

I would like to share something I have come to realize about Hinduism. If you REALLY look at the main points of Hinduism and Christianity (This does also pertain to Judaism, because I haven't yet found a connection to Jesus yet through the two religions) they are a lot alike. Hinduism focuses on what Christians would call "angels." In Christianity, each angel has a name and a story. You know Lucifer? He was the angel that is now called Satan. Anyway, Hindus do have a singular being that is above the "angels" in their religion, but I have understood that he is not highly recognized in today's Hindu teachings. I have kind of gathered that Hinduism and Christianity could highly be the same thing just taught differently. Most of them follow the same practices. You see, once Christianity reached India and China they actually developed some of the rituals from Hinduism that Christians call "Fasting." There is a lot more evidence to prove this theory, but like I just said. It's a THEORY and I could be dead wrong, I don't know. It's been awhile since I've looked into it much.


Catholics! Some of you said that you are Christians. Sorry, but if you are Catholic you are not a Christian. A Catholic, like a Jew, is not Protestant. If you don't know what that means, look it up :p And start paying more attention in church.


If you are an atheist looking at a Christian and getting your opinion off of them, you're probably already wrong in your opinion right there. I know, wrong opinion? You're an idiot for saying that. But hear me out. There are MANY denominations in Christianity. I have been raised Pentecostal. No, not the type of Pentecostal that isn't allowed to cut their hair and can only wear skirts. We're not amish. Anyway, if you are basing your opinion off one or a handful of Christians, you are probably not getting a good judgement. I would really look into the religion and each individual doctrine before you make a final decision.


Yeah, that might have been a lot of information for some people. It looks as if some of you might want to learn a little bit more about your own faith before you start running off and telling people that they are wrong for not believing. You can't pass judgement when your own judgement is wrong! Bye guys! Drive safely!
Last edited:


Jun 27, 2013
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I'm just going to say this quickly because I think I should resolve it as I don't like making enemies. When I debate I do have a somewhat aggressive style, and I won't exactly be all nice a cheery towards you. I don't really see the point in a debate when everyone is all polite, the point of a debate is to tell someone that they are wrong and you are right and explain why, obviously you shouldn't be a total dickhead but being too nice just slows the process down. I personally couldn't care less if someone was to call me and idiot or silly, all I'd do is argue back more and hopefully that would fix the situation. I also still think you guys are exaggerating the rudeness of my comments, I certainly didn't begin flame war, most of my comments were relevant to the topic with maybe a few tame/harsh words imbedded :p

so my intentions were not really to offend anyone and I would still love it if micr2 would reply to my reply to his reply please, I'm interested to hear your response and then argue against you once more :p

I obviously respect your right to hold your opinion, but micr2 you really should read up on the Big Bang theory, it seems insane in my eyes for you to make a judgement on this issue without even doing that much research on the topic.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
I'm just going to say this quickly because I think I should resolve it as I don't like making enemies. When I debate I do have a somewhat aggressive style, and I won't exactly be all nice a cheery towards you. I don't really see the point in a debate when everyone is all polite, the point of a debate is to tell someone that they are wrong and you are right and explain why, obviously you shouldn't be a total dickhead but being too nice just slows the process down. I personally couldn't care less if someone was to call me and idiot or silly, all I'd do is argue back more and hopefully that would fix the situation. I also still think you guys are exaggerating the rudeness of my comments, I certainly didn't begin flame war, most of my comments were relevant to the topic with maybe a few tame/harsh words imbedded :p

so my intentions were not really to offend anyone and I would still love it if micr2 would reply to my reply to his reply please, I'm interested to hear your response and then argue against you once more :p

I obviously respect your right to hold your opinion, but micr2 you really should read up on the Big Bang theory, it seems insane in my eyes for you to make a judgement on this issue without even doing that much research on the topic.
When it comes to debating religion you almost have to be nice, as it's very easy to offend someone through their religion.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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is it over because you're losing badly? :D

I don't really see the point in a debate when everyone is all polite, the point of a debate is to tell someone that they are wrong and you are right and explain why, obviously you shouldn't be a total dickhead but being too nice just slows the process down.
...The point of a debate is never to "win" the argument, nor to be proven right. The point of a debate is to come to a conclusion that both viewpoints are satisfied with. In a debate, both parties should be really open to new, "better" ideas, even if they oppose their own or "prove them wrong". Of course, you do stay on track and argue your side, but you have to know when you're actually wrong and accept it. For one point to be wrong is not for your whole argument to be invalid. In many, many debates, neither party is proven to be completely right in all arguments, and this is how debates help. As an example, I could argue my side that Xbox is better than the PlayStation, but the thing is...not everything about the Xbox is better than the PlayStation. The point of this debate in the end is to state my look on it and learn from the opposing one, and if possible, come to a conclusion, something me and the other debater can agree on about both systems, not to win. Maybe, the results of the debate will teach me something, or even teach Microsoft/Sony something for the future, to help better their systems or my ideas.

...If you and the other "debater" don't learn anything new from the other in the debate, it wasn't a debate, it was just differing opinions. This is completely fine, after all, especially when the topic is religion, where trying to prove anything isn't usually going to get you very far...but it really wasn't a debate, nor has either party "won".

Finally, it is never necessary to stray from being civil. That's what slows the process down. Tell me...how is calling the opposing debaters opinions "silly" not slowing down the process, and how would not saying it slow it down? Even if he may seem "misinformed," he at least deserves the right for you to consider them seriously. There is a way to discuss things without being offensive or overly nice...it's called being neutral, and in any type of debate, it's all someone should be, to avoid conflict. Just because you wouldn't be insulted for being called an idiot, doesn't mean others won't be or shouldn't be.
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