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Ghosting and how to recognize it.

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Oct 2, 2012
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I have noticed an large amount of people saying "He hacks! I cant hit him!" Now, there may have been bans because of the issue i'm about to address.
Ghosting. Ghosting is when your client(you) and the server cant place you in a spot. Now during this time you cannot hit people and people sometimes cannot hit you. You appear frozen to others but can move on your screen.

The command to fix this is /gf or /ghostfix. This command basically tells the server make up its mind and place you in the last spot you were seen in to it.

Now I will tell you how to spot this. Ghosting can be annoying because you can be banned for it. To find a person "ghosting" look for someone is frozen and cannot be hit. While on other times the person can be hit but is still frozen. Usually you find people ghosting right after you can run to the chests.

There has(I think) been bans because of this. Here is the Better sprint part of Ghosting: Right before you ghost you could be sprinting then when you ghost you're stopped and you still have the sprint particles. You COULD be reported for this because its part of better sprint and nodus. Here is the Nodus part of Ghosting: Now, nodus comes with a better sprint feature and a "Freecam" feature (You can move around but your stopped according to the server. Basically artifical ghosting) this could look like you're ghosting. This has a down side and an up side. The down side is. Ghosting people can sometimes be hit while other times not. This causes a problem because someone could be hacking when they look like their ghosting so, you brush them off saying "oh its server lag" when they really are hacking. This could happen vice versa. You could be ghosting and be banned for use of nodus becuase SOMEONE thought you were hacking while really you were ghosting.

Ghosting us usually caused by internet lag or server lag spikes.

People have actually been banned accidentally for any of these situations above. BE SURE when reporting someone of hacking like if it looks like anything above^ Make sure when reporting its FOR SURE. This could make an innocent player banned.

If you have Been banned because of this file a ban appeal!

Hope this helped!

BTW I got the info about nodus and better sprint from the websites. I am not a hacker myself.


Apr 29, 2013
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Very nice. Though, the color scheme seems too bright for my eyes.


Oct 2, 2012
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The reason they are usually kicked is because they will porously not fix their ghost because they are surrounded by people trying to kill him/her the second he/she unghosts. And they are kicked, not banned. They can be banned, however, for repeating the offense several times. If you see someone ghosting and they won't unghost, poke a Mod. They will usually go into Global and tell them to do /ghostfix. That is when they get kicked/banned for not doing so.
No. No. No. I SAID they can be banned because people THINK they are hacking. I never once said they get banned for doing this. And its not an offence. Your basically saying you can be banned for going AFK because they could've gone AFK and gotten ghosted. I dont think anyone has been banned for ghosting. Its not their fault
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Oct 16, 2012
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First of all, you can't be banned for ghosting. It would be like being banned for having low fps. True, it can sometimes be hacks, but there is no way to know for sure, so there is not enough evidence for a ban. If a person is purposely not unghosting themselves to avoid being killed, just poke a mod on teamspeak and they will come on and /gf them.


Oct 2, 2012
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First of all, you can't be banned for ghosting. It would be like being banned for having low fps. True, it can sometimes be hacks, but there is no way to know for sure, so there is not enough evidence for a ban. If a person is purposely not unghosting themselves to avoid being killed, just poke a mod on teamspeak and they will come on and /gf them.
That maybe true but knowing to the fact that not all players have ts they cant poke mods. AND I have seen someone banned for using nodus but! he was actually ghosted. I dont know the name so dont ask. Then you state the exact problem. They COULD be hackers. I personally have seen this happen. A hacker "ghosted" and got to DM when really he was a hacker using Freecam. He had a stone sword with nodus so no one had a chance.
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Sep 22, 2013
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um sorry
but um i'm been banned for 2 days for something which i did not do
i have some witnesses which can accustom to this fact
now the only problem is that i don't know where to go to redeem my ban and this is the first time i got in trouble
i have been searching where to type this up or find at least the rules and came across this 'ghosting'
i have not ghosted in my entire 5 months since i got minecraft
if this is not were i go for things for this kind of thing i'm sorry but if you can please direct me to the place were i go to redeem this ban i would be entirely grateful :D
again sorry if i wasted ur time.

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
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um sorry
but um i'm been banned for 2 days for something which i did not do
i have some witnesses which can accustom to this fact
now the only problem is that i don't know where to go to redeem my ban and this is the first time i got in trouble
i have been searching where to type this up or find at least the rules and came across this 'ghosting'
i have not ghosted in my entire 5 months since i got minecraft
if this is not were i go for things for this kind of thing i'm sorry but if you can please direct me to the place were i go to redeem this ban i would be entirely grateful :D
again sorry if i wasted ur time.
Post a ban dispute. Coming onto a very old random thread and posting your problem on it is not going to help.
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