I had a lucid dream where I created a home for myself in like, a medieval age, then I did a bunch of things because I could, which included chopping down trees and mastering lightning (that was really cool, especially since when I woke up it was a thunder storm). At the end of my most vivid lucid dream it was a massive battle on a plain, and I controlled what I did with my weapon, and where I went. Oh god, it was emotional, too. Lucid dreams are scary and amazing. And hard to get, for me.
Also, I have extremely strange dreams, and a lot of recurring settings with different scenarios. Such as, three different dreams or so I was at a carnival with a giant face tower thing in the middle, and the typical carousel and mirror maze and vendors all around.
1st time: Normal carnival, the tower had a happy smiling face in its LCD lights. Walked around, did some sideshows, had a great time.
2nd time: As a detective, I had a case to investigate a murder at the carnival. Creepy as hell, the LCD face had a frown. All I remember from that one is broken glass, storm clouds, and blood everywhere in the mirror maze.
3rd time: A dustblown post apocalyptic situation, I'm alone and walking through the desert. I see a collapsed tower thing with a dim screen. I walk up and brush off the dust layer to find a grey neutral face with Xs for eyes. I set up a rig somehow to pull the tower straight... and I forgot the rest. I made the tower face happy.
Drems, what do?