Actually an old story i would like to share.
Well, one day, we and my friends were waiting to be picked up from school like, 10 years ago? Maybe it was in 3rd or 4th grade. Well my friends were like "Hei Roberto (my name)!" And im like "WAT DOO YU WANT?!!"<--- i was kinda mad at them for stealing my Nutella sandwich. They said "Dont yu wunt a kewl nam 4 lik, wen yur make ur account on the internet?!" <--Dont remember what the hell was "an account for the internet". And i said sure. So we came up with like, 50 awesome names! There was ShockNave, BoomGroom, MeltingOrange, PhoenixEnforcer, and soo many epic names 10 year olds would make. I finally decided that "TheAmberThief" was the coolest name out there. So it became my name on all things like Skype and other jazz. Eventually Minecraft became a thing and it was instantly popular with my friends. I made an account and i made the biggest fail in my Minecraft career. I TYPED IN "TheAmberTheif" INSTEAD OF "TheAmberThief". So yea, found out cuz a couple of months later my English teacher taught me that i goes before e except before c. Was the biggest facepalm moment of my life. Now im stuck with a misspelled (did i just misspell misspelled?) name for the rest of forever. Since my forum account is directly linked to my minecraft 1, i have that here now. So i guess i can buy a new account, but you know, money.
So i guess if you want to laugh at me, well, its a perfect time to. Just dont type in THEAMBERTHEIF UR A MURON UR SUCH A NUB YU PUP! in chat if you meet me.