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The most important question I'm ever going to ask on this site.

Is the staff corrupt? Explain.

  • -I'm not going to put words in you mouth this time.

    Votes: 21 84.0%
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    Votes: 4 16.0%

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Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
I'm treating the staff with the respect they deserve. That's what I'm doing.
I have to admit, in my time as a staff member, there were plenty of issues. What people don't realize, though, is that these issues aren't left alone, they are dealt with. The admins don't go around flaunting that they just used there powers to tell people off, they keep it quiet for the sake of the person who did something wrong. How would you feel if you were a moderator and the admins just publicly announced a mistake you made? It could ruin your reputation...and that's not fair.

I know how the staff operates is usually disjointed, even if only slightly...but the thing that bothers me is how people approach the problem.

And this is that problem.

Inform who? Why? Do you want the community to know so they hate the staff/MCSG more? Or do you want them to attempt to do something about it? What are they going to do? Argue everyone on the staff should look at themselves as a person to make them look for their mistakes, like you suggested in the thread?

Informing people makes things worse. Always. Things are always better dealt with silently than spread around to as many people as possible. This is how you prevent the drama and controversy you were speaking of...the reason there is so much is not solely the fault of the staff for making mistakes, it's the community trying to "inform people," sign petitions, etc..

And honestly...how is the staff divided? You just said yourself that there are plenty of people who are friends with staff, and that number only grows. Much of the forum community, even newer members, are friends with a staff member or two. Heck, even in news announcements, the devs will even throw an inside MCSG joke (like "pls tem i fan") in there. Aside from the power the individuals have...there is no divide...you know, aside from in threads like this, where the, for lack of a better way to put it, "staff hating" individuals flock.

Edit: I mean no offense with that, but honestly, the only time I notice a major "divide" is in threads like these, because people are quick to take sides.
As well, to elaborate on it a bit: The admins might now be particularly close to a lot of people or involved in the community, but have you ever considered why? If all they thought was about how awesome they were...don't you think they'd post more often to show their shiny tag? Speak for the staff? Anything?
Instead, they're spending their time working on issues you didn't even know existed. Come on, I'm not treating them like kings, I'm treating them with the respect they deserve for the work they do. I was on staff for a long while, and I've heard lots of stuff ( rumors) about what they supposedly do...but none of it proves to be true, and I wish people would take a step back and think about it for a moment, about what they are actually doing in this time.
Well I know who will be working for the NSA when they get older . . .


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
{start rant}

I think some staff members don't put enough time and effort into their positions, especially the new, recent moderators. They will ban people without even watching the evidence, or using something called "common sense". That's why people like Canziano and others who were accused of hacking were permanently banned. WE NEED to have a staff that is properly informed and that have the knowledge to do their job. Some moderators honestly have no clue what they are doing, and will ban people without carefully looking at evidence.

And I do agree that the staff doesn't listen to the community enough. After all, they are part of the community and they are doing their jobs to serve for the community. Sometimes, it seems as if we are talking to WALLS or ROBOTS and not actual human beings that will take what we tell them into consideration and do something about it. They keep everything so private and never reveal anything, as if they're working for the CIA or whatever. It's kind of silly, I mean in the end, this is an 8-bit game on the internet.

But something that made me mad was the Map Committee. Sure, they recruited skilled leaders of build teams to hopefully raise the map quality on the servers, but the one thing that everyone wants, is the one thing they won't do. Requesting for maps. They do not want us, the community, to inform them about what maps they should add and remove, which I find quite silly, and without this, the map committee isn't very useful. But, it's better than the system we had before (I guess).

Just in general nowadays, there aren't enough mods doing it for the benefit of the community as a whole, they are just becoming moderators for the red name and for themselves. It sickens me why people do this. They are not dedicated to their jobs but yet keep their positions for months. Another issue is that when a moderator or other staff members write [Poke if needed] or something along those lines, I EXPECT them to poke back. I was playing a game with a friend a while ago, and we had to poke five moderators before we actually found one willing to come on the server.

{end rant}


District 13
May 27, 2012
Reaction score
This thread will get locked. There is absolutely no doubt about it. I know this because MCSG cannot and will not take any criticism even if it was from there own PLAYERS.
I won't try to speak for the rest of the staff, so this is my opinion, and my opinion alone, on criticism.

If you have a problem with me and it is something you believe can be resolved by letting me know, I prefer you do, in private, let me know. If you do not believe letting me know can solve the issue you may have, send your criticism of me to my superiors so that they can sort it out. These are favorable ways of delivering constructive criticism.

Would you like to know a poor way of delivering criticism? Openly, publicly. Deliver your constructive comments and criticisms to whom it concerns, and no one else. This way, you minimize hurt feelings, minimize confusion, minimize drama, and maximize positive change.


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
We're posting after we locked the thread, TWICE! We are corrupt. [LOL]

As stated a few times, this probably wasn't the best way of going about this.
It seems you were aware of the outcome when you made this thread. It was probably pretty obvious that this would be locked and these exact things would be said.

Not limited to this topic, if you feel something is wrong, try to make a change or get someone who can.


District 13
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
As a staff member, I pretty much always have to hold my tongue and have to sugar coat everything I say. This time, I'm choosing not to. Not because I don't have anything professional to say or I'm scared of the "corrupt" staff banning me. It's because I know that by me posting anything regarding this, there will be people out there who are saying I'm saying things only because I'm a staff and that I'm too close to the staff to see the "corruption". So if you want to me to hear and respect what you have to say, Read this from what I, a 15 year old teenager who lives and breaths just as everyone else does, have to say.

To answer your question "Is the staff corrupt?", I'll answer with a few questions. Is Off topic section of the forums corrupt? Is the whole forums corrupt? Is MCSG corrupt? Is minecraft corrupt? Is Mojang corrupt? Is the USA corrupt? Is everything in the universe that was ever created corrupt? You can probably see I'm blowing this pretty out of proportion but sometimes it takes a little exaggeration for some people to notice what's ridiculously going on. The point I'm trying to get across is, you can't judge a whole group by what one person does or has done. By saying the MCSG staff is corrupt, you are saying everyone who is in it, who was in it, who will ever be in it, is corrupt. That includes you, dear pixel. Are you corrupt pixel? Chances are you'll say no. That answers your own question. If one person from a group represents the group as an entirety, then by you not being corrupt, the MCSG staff is not corrupt.

Of course I am beating around the bush a bit. The real point I'm trying to get across is, one person does not completely represent a whole group. The actions of one person may affect the group, and how it appears to others, but it does not completely affect the group. Yes there have been corrupt staff members in the past who have done things they shouldn't, but does that mean everyone in the staff is corrupt?

Now moving on to your next question, "Has there ever been mods or senior mods or even ADMINS who certainly do not deserve the rank they currently have". Of course there has. Believe it or not, everyone in the staff team is human. We all make mistakes. We sometimes make quick, irrational decisions or judgement but does that mean we're bad people? No, it means we're human. There have been staff members who shouldn't of been at their position but think about it. EVERY community has this, had this, or will have this. There will always be people who make stupid decisions, whether they be the person who is corrupt or the person who's promoting said person. However, here's the catch, if you see someone who is doing something they shouldn't, REPORT THEM to someone of higher power privately. The staff, yes even the higher staff, care about this community and do not want to see anything bad happen to it. They will deal with the issue. You may not know about it, but it is being dealt with. The staff love this community as much as the forumers do, because the staff are community members as well. Now if you're talking about people being bias, all i can say is, everyone is bias. I'm bias, you're bias, Chad's bias, Obama's bias. The reason for this is because it's human nature to be bias. It's how people survive and thrive. Without it, people will make ridiculously stupid decision.

Now regarding Bajan's ban. Bajan was one of the first major "celebrity" that came on to our servers and publicized it. It was through his support that got us a lot of players and community members. When he began breaking rules, there was an issue of what to do with him because he is famous. If we were to ban him straight away, there could of been a major uproar damaging the community greatly. Trust me, the staff wanted him banned so badly, but the product of that, at that time, would of affected the community way more than it ever could. As time went on, word began to spread and people began hating Bajan for his use of BSM, people were okay with him being banned. At first when Bajan was sent a warning message telling him BSM was against the rules, he publicized that and an extremely amount of hate was going around. The forums were being spammed with protesters against his ban, which was not in place yet, and the person who message Bajan about it(me) was being spammed with threats and harassment. Funny enough, someone emailed my personal email, which was never posted on MCSG, harassing me. All of that hate towards one person was crazy. Now imagine the whole community getting that hate from hundreds of thousands of Bajan fans. Let it be noted that the community at that time was filled with Bajan fans. The effects of Bajan being banned during his peak time at MCSG probably would of set MCSG back a while. When people began to hate Bajan for breaking rules, the uproar of fans hating the community for saying he cheating was being balanced. Eventually, Bajan was banned, and people who liked him, hated MCSG. People who hated him, liked MCSG. The point to all of this is, BAJAN WAS BANNED. He broke the rules, he was banned. End of story. Now that he's banned, just as people wanted, why are people still complaining about him? He's done for and the issue is settled. The only reason I can see with people bringing him up is for the sake of complaining. People who break rules don't always get banned instantly. There will be a wait time. Whether it be mods not dealing with abuse reports the second they come in, or a discussion happening. People who keep complaining about Bajan might as well complain about how the ban wasn't done by Chad's cat.

Quick statement on Tpem getting mod, Tpem got it by working hard for it. He went through the process just like everyone else. Sixzo knew there would be accusations of him helping Tpem so Sixzo, himself, decided not to have a say in it. Don't make assumptions unless you know the whole story. Case closed.

Now with the topic I find most ironic, people accusing staff of thinking they're all that and thinking normal members are nothing. Believe me when I say this. The staff do the things they do for the community. Mods ban rule breakers for the community. Srmods hire mods for the community. Admins dealt with server issues for the community. The staff literally spend their free time, doing non-paid work for people they don't know. My weekend nights, as well as other staff, consist of working on things for the community. Why? Because I want to see the community succeed and so do the others. When we don't respond right away or say we're busy, chances are, we are busy. The staff do a lot of work for the community, and especially the senior staff. People always say we never play any MCSG so we shouldn't be sr staff but the thing is, we're so busy working on other MCSG stuff that we don't have time to play it. We all love playing the game, don't get me wrong. It's the reason we became staff in the first place. But when we have time for MCSG, it's for higher priorities. Succession of community > our fun.

The problem I have with all these questions is that they're all so vague and easily manipulated to make anyone look bad. There's a good and bad to everything, it's your decision whether to see the good, the bad or both.

Also I've noticed while writing this, there has been a lot of nonsensical arguing, which led to it being locked. But I do feel there is a topic to be discussed here and if it doesn't get discussed sooner or later to it's entirety, then people will keep bringing it up. Although the moderator who locked this thread had every right to, I want this issue to be resolved so I'm unlocking it. I will be watching every post of every minute. If there isn't a mature, logical conversation going on, It' getting locked again. I'm telling all of you this so you won't say in the future, "the staff lock our threads because they hate criticism".


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I completely agree with you, but the problem is that not everyone thinks this way.
When you look at it in perspective, we're a bunch of strangers staring in front of computer screens day in and day out playing what seems to be an 8-bit game made of pixels that runs on Java, and we complain about the corruption of a staff that have non-paid jobs and work for a community that plays an 8-bit Java game. There's a lot of exaggeration in this thread. What does the word "corrupt" mean? It means "guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity." Do you believe this is the proper word to describe the staff?

No, not at all. You know what's corrupt? The Quebec Government, but I won't get on that topic since it's irrelevant.

Are moderators honest? Yes, they are. Do they bribe? Seriously? Do they lack adherence to moral principals? No.
This word is silly to describe this group of people.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
As a staff member, I pretty much always have to hold my tongue and have to sugar coat everything I say. This time, I'm choosing not to. Not because I don't have anything professional to say or I'm scared of the "corrupt" staff banning me. It's because I know that by me posting anything regarding this, there will be people out there who are saying I'm saying things only because I'm a staff and that I'm too close to the staff to see the "corruption". So if you want to me to hear and respect what you have to say, Read this from what I, a 15 year old teenager who lives and breaths just as everyone else does, have to say.

To answer your question "Is the staff corrupt?", I'll answer with a few questions. Is Off topic section of the forums corrupt? Is the whole forums corrupt? Is MCSG corrupt? Is minecraft corrupt? Is Mojang corrupt? Is the USA corrupt? Is everything in the universe that was ever created corrupt? You can probably see I'm blowing this pretty out of proportion but sometimes it takes a little exaggeration for some people to notice what's ridiculously going on. The point I'm trying to get across is, you can't judge a whole group by what one person does or has done. By saying the MCSG staff is corrupt, you are saying everyone who is in it, who was in it, who will ever be in it, is corrupt. That includes you, dear pixel. Are you corrupt pixel? Chances are you'll say no. That answers your own question. If one person from a group represents the group as an entirety, then by you not being corrupt, the MCSG staff is not corrupt.

Of course I am beating around the bush a bit. The real point I'm trying to get across is, one person does not completely represent a whole group. The actions of one person may affect the group, and how it appears to others, but it does not completely affect the group. Yes there have been corrupt staff members in the past who have done things they shouldn't, but does that mean everyone in the staff is corrupt?

Now moving on to your next question, "Has there ever been mods or senior mods or even ADMINS who certainly do not deserve the rank they currently have". Of course there has. Believe it or not, everyone in the staff team is human. We all make mistakes. We sometimes make quick, irrational decisions or judgement but does that mean we're bad people? No, it means we're human. There have been staff members who shouldn't of been at their position but think about it. EVERY community has this, had this, or will have this. There will always be people who make stupid decisions, whether they be the person who is corrupt or the person who's promoting said person. However, here's the catch, if you see someone who is doing something they shouldn't, REPORT THEM to someone of higher power privately. The staff, yes even the higher staff, care about this community and do not want to see anything bad happen to it. They will deal with the issue. You may not know about it, but it is being dealt with. The staff love this community as much as the forumers do, because the staff are community members as well. Now if you're talking about people being bias, all i can say is, everyone is bias. I'm bias, you're bias, Chad's bias, Obama's bias. The reason for this is because it's human nature to be bias. It's how people survive and thrive. Without it, people will make ridiculously stupid decision.

Now regarding Bajan's ban. Bajan was one of the first major "celebrity" that came on to our servers and publicized it. It was through his support that got us a lot of players and community members. When he began breaking rules, there was an issue of what to do with him because he is famous. If we were to ban him straight away, there could of been a major uproar damaging the community greatly. Trust me, the staff wanted him banned so badly, but the product of that, at that time, would of affected the community way more than it ever could. As time went on, word began to spread and people began hating Bajan for his use of BSM, people were okay with him being banned. At first when Bajan was sent a warning message telling him BSM was against the rules, he publicized that and an extremely amount of hate was going around. The forums were being spammed with protesters against his ban, which was not in place yet, and the person who message Bajan about it(me) was being spammed with threats and harassment. Funny enough, someone emailed my personal email, which was never posted on MCSG, harassing me. All of that hate towards one person was crazy. Now imagine the whole community getting that hate from hundreds of thousands of Bajan fans. Let it be noted that the community at that time was filled with Bajan fans. The effects of Bajan being banned during his peak time at MCSG probably would of set MCSG back a while. When people began to hate Bajan for breaking rules, the uproar of fans hating the community for saying he cheating was being balanced. Eventually, Bajan was banned, and people who liked him, hated MCSG. People who hated him, liked MCSG. The point to all of this is, BAJAN WAS BANNED. He broke the rules, he was banned. End of story. Now that he's banned, just as people wanted, why are people still complaining about him? He's done for and the issue is settled. The only reason I can see with people bringing him up is for the sake of complaining. People who break rules don't always get banned instantly. There will be a wait time. Whether it be mods not dealing with abuse reports the second they come in, or a discussion happening. People who keep complaining about Bajan might as well complain about how the ban wasn't done by Chad's cat.

Quick statement on Tpem getting mod, Tpem got it by working hard for it. He went through the process just like everyone else. Sixzo knew there would be accusations of him helping Tpem so Sixzo, himself, decided not to have a say in it. Don't make assumptions unless you know the whole story. Case closed.

Now with the topic I find most ironic, people accusing staff of thinking they're all that and thinking normal members are nothing. Believe me when I say this. The staff do the things they do for the community. Mods ban rule breakers for the community. Srmods hire mods for the community. Admins dealt with server issues for the community. The staff literally spend their free time, doing non-paid work for people they don't know. My weekend nights, as well as other staff, consist of working on things for the community. Why? Because I want to see the community succeed and so do the others. When we don't respond right away or say we're busy, chances are, we are busy. The staff do a lot of work for the community, and especially the senior staff. People always say we never play any MCSG so we shouldn't be sr staff but the thing is, we're so busy working on other MCSG stuff that we don't have time to play it. We all love playing the game, don't get me wrong. It's the reason we became staff in the first place. But when we have time for MCSG, it's for higher priorities. Succession of community > our fun.

The problem I have with all these questions is that they're all so vague and easily manipulated to make anyone look bad. There's a good and bad to everything, it's your decision whether to see the good, the bad or both.

Also I've noticed while writing this, there has been a lot of nonsensical arguing, which led to it being locked. But I do feel there is a topic to be discussed here and if it doesn't get discussed sooner or later to it's entirety, then people will keep bringing it up. Although the moderator who locked this thread had every right to, I want this issue to be resolved so I'm unlocking it. I will be watching every post of every minute. If there isn't a mature, logical conversation going on, It' getting locked again. I'm telling all of you this so you won't say in the future, "the staff lock our threads because they hate criticism".
Well said.

I can't help but feel I was part of the reason the thread got locked in the first place. (aside from just in general what the thread was about.) I do apologize in advance of this was the case - my posts were a little rushed because I knew it'd be locked soon.

(I edited my posts a bit, to try to elaborate a bit on what I really meant on parts I feel may have been seen the wrong way.)


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
I completely agree with you, but the problem is that not everyone thinks this way.
When you look at it in perspective, we're a bunch of strangers staring in front of computer screens day in and day out playing what seems to be an 8-bit game made of pixels that runs on Java, and we complain about the corruption of a staff that have non-paid jobs and work for a community that plays an 8-bit Java game. There's a lot of exaggeration in this thread. What does the word "corrupt" mean? It means "guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity." Do you believe this is the proper word to describe the staff?

No, not at all. You know what's corrupt? The Quebec Government, but I won't get on that topic since it's irrelevant.

Are moderators honest? Yes, they are. Do they bribe? Seriously? Do they lack adherence to moral principals? No.
This word is silly to describe this group of people.
I understand what you mean but I hate to say it but certain mods are dishonest and corrupt. It seems to be the generalization of this that makes people upset. I'm not saying either side is right. I actually feel both sides are wrong. In a perfec world I'd like for both sides to compromise and get this whole thing fixed, but until that happens I'll be watching the flame wars in shame. I'll admit I'm not the best person to say it but I fel both sides are wrong and both are right. We just need to get a long and actually keep our promises to each other.


District 13
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
I completely agree with you, but the problem is that not everyone thinks this way.
When you look at it in perspective, we're a bunch of strangers staring in front of computer screens day in and day out playing what seems to be an 8-bit game made of pixels that runs on Java, and we complain about the corruption of a staff that have non-paid jobs and work for a community that plays an 8-bit Java game. There's a lot of exaggeration in this thread. What does the word "corrupt" mean? It means "guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity." Do you believe this is the proper word to describe the staff?

No, not at all. You know what's corrupt? The Quebec Government, but I won't get on that topic since it's irrelevant.

Are moderators honest? Yes, they are. Do they bribe? Seriously? Do they lack adherence to moral principals? No.
This word is silly to describe this group of people.
Yes, sadly the silly truth is, I'm having to tell a bunch of people playing a game that the staff are not out to get them. The problem is when uninformed individuals make assumptions that are written in rhetoric ways, which lead people to ignorantly rally behind them and make the same assumptions. Also regarding your earlier post, some new staff members do make mistakes. This is because they're new. They may not deal with situations as well as veterans but you can't really blame them for not knowing everything at once. They'll learn from their mistake and improve. The mistakes that past through, are dealt with higher staff. Also, when you poke a moderator, and you don't in the server, it doesn't mean they're not doing their job. If you were able to notice them ingame, the accused player might as well.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I understand what you mean but I hate to say it but certain mods are dishonest and corrupt. It seems to be the generalization of this that makes people upset. I'm not saying either side is right. I actually feel both sides are wrong. In a perfec world I'd like for both sides to compromise and get this whole thing fixed, but until that happens I'll be watching the flame wars in shame. I'll admit I'm not the best person to say it but I fel both sides are wrong and both are right. We just need to get a long and actually keep our promises to each other.
Certain moderators may be dishonest and corrupt, but why should such a small percentage of such a large group of people reflect upon how all of them are?


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
Certain moderators may be dishonest and corrupt, but why should such a small percentage of such a large group of people reflect upon how all of them are?
I agree it shouldn't though it needs to be brought to attention not thrown aside like it has in the past.
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