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#Zenith - Elite Clan [EU]

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Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Ok now this is starting to become a bigger thing then it necessarily needs to be. I can understand both the parts disappointment and arguments in this discussion. I value all opinions the same and usually try to look at things from all points of view. Now, all opinions are to be valued but there are other means of having your opinion heard. Some examples are PM, Skype, TS and more. Minialan and Deadskillz and other people who are having arguments on our post,posting irrelevant messages on this thread are allowed to express your disappointment and opinions regarding this situation that has occurred but I'm asking you kindly to do it elsewhere as the amount of pointless messages are filling the thread with spam and thus might result in our thread getting locked which I'm sure isn't your reason for coming here. I am open to discuss with you and your fellow members to find a point in which we are both satisfied with the result of our discussion.

Thank you for reading!
/Alvin (#Zenith mod)

My Skype: thedarkenter


Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
Ok now this is starting to become a bigger thing then it necessarily needs to be. I can understand both the parts disappointment and arguments in this discussion. I value all opinions the same and usually try to look at things from all points of view. Now, all opinions are to be valued but there are other means of having your opinion heard. Some examples are PM, Skype, TS and more. Minialan and Deadskillz and other people who are having arguments on our post,posting irrelevant messages on this thread are allowed to express your disappointment and opinions regarding this situation that has occurred but I'm asking you kindly to do it elsewhere as the amount of pointless messages are filling the thread with spam and thus might result in our thread getting locked which I'm sure isn't your reason for coming here. I am open to discuss with you and your fellow members to find a point in which we are both satisfied with the result of our discussion.

Thank you for reading!
/Alvin (#Zenith mod)

My Skype: thedarkenter
If only you understood what obo and ryska did...


Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
Ok now this is starting to become a bigger thing then it necessarily needs to be. I can understand both the parts disappointment and arguments in this discussion. I value all opinions the same and usually try to look at things from all points of view. Now, all opinions are to be valued but there are other means of having your opinion heard. Some examples are PM, Skype, TS and more. Minialan and Deadskillz and other people who are having arguments on our post,posting irrelevant messages on this thread are allowed to express your disappointment and opinions regarding this situation that has occurred but I'm asking you kindly to do it elsewhere as the amount of pointless messages are filling the thread with spam and thus might result in our thread getting locked which I'm sure isn't your reason for coming here. I am open to discuss with you and your fellow members to find a point in which we are both satisfied with the result of our discussion.

Thank you for reading!
/Alvin (#Zenith mod)

My Skype: thedarkenter
I would prefer if you didn't say I am causing arguments when I am trying to stop this k bai.


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft-Name?: emil111
What do you want to be called?: xWizzle / Johan :3
How old are you?(Atleast 12): I'am soon 13
Wins(Atleast 100): 166
Total Games: 991
How often do you play? Prob every day,
Do you have skype, if you what is your name? johan970
When did you start playing MCSG? 2-3 months ago,
What is your PvP-Strengths?: Bow and flint'n Steel
What is your PvP-Weaknesses?: Team on 3
Why do you want to be a part of this clan?: Because i'm searching a good clan :3
What was the biggest challenge you ever faced in MCSG?: Archer and Warrior Challange,
Do you think that you are mature enough the join this clan?: Yes i do. :3
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