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Aviate | (US & CA Divison)

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Apr 5, 2013
Reaction score
Clan tag: AviPurge
  • Name: Garren
  • US/CA: Both.
  • Age: 13 years old, turning 14 soon.
  • IGN: Purge_Hawk1
  • Wins/Total: 129
  • *Skype: Purge_Hawk1
  • Teamspeak: Yes, I am known as Purge | Garren.
  • *Mic: Yes, a good one.
  • Best PVP Quality: Strafing.
  • MCSG Donator: Yes, as of now.
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: I like teamwork, and potatoes. ;)
  • What makes you unique: I like potatoes.
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Can't buy another MC account :/
  • Comments: nope.


Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
you better add me my name is thuh and im pro at whatever u guys play i actually don't know but look at my stats im op pro man


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
  • Name: Devin A. Burke
  • US/CA: I reside in Florida, U.S., however, I can play CA if needed.
  • Age: 14
  • IGN: Lucidictive
  • Wins/Total: 200-300/1300-1400. I can explain my terrible statistics if we ever talk.
  • *Skype: Yes, I have a Skype. You may add me: Slingshot1200 (I know crazy name right, 12 years old is a trip)
  • Teamspeak: I have TeamSpeak, and I actually prefer using it over Skype.
  • *Mic: I have a microphone, and it actually is pretty decent. You'll see if we ever communicate.
  • Best PVP Quality: Well, I don't know. You'd have to fight me to see I guess. I'm a well-rounded player.
  • MCSG Donator: Yes, I am a gold donator, however, I did not buy this myself, a friend bought it for me :)
  • Why do you want to join Aviate: This is a bit complicated. I'm joining for a few reasons. The first, and most important reason, is to meet new people. I've been hanging out with the same people for a long time, and I'm beginning to feel like I am sort of, disconnected from them. I'd love to meet new people. The second reason is because I see this as a fairly new clan, where I can be recognized as a good PvPer among the community.
  • What makes you unique: I don't know. A lot of people call me unique though, so I'll guess you'll find out through communication.
  • Willing to change IGN in the future(VERY IMPORTANT): Unfortunately, I do not have any money to spend on games. This minecraft account, optifine cape, and donor status has all been gifted to me from several friends. I do not like asking for donations, however, if it is essential, I may ask some people for another account. So yes I am willing, however I may not be able to.
  • Comments: I wanted to add that I can help you with MCSG, things to look out for and whatnot. For example, clan hoppers, I know a lot of names that will attempt to join your clan, and when accepted, will leave within a week or two. I want to help you grow this clan into fruition.
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