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Ew Nellie Kill it With Fire


Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
Hi I'm Nelson, I've read some of these threads out of boredom so now I'm making one...out of boredom. I'm gonna list random facts now. It's of mild length.

Factoids of Mild Interest:

- I'm 16
-I live in Oregon(plz don't stalk meh)
-Despite popular belief(based on my username) on TS I AM a male
-I'm a high school Junior
-I'm in the top choir at my school(I got in at the last second :D)
-I like to use parenthesis(a lot)
-I play bass and have been playing since late April-ish
-I'm already in a band(a nub band but still a band)
-Our running name is Silence on the Radio
-We have an accordion player...who doesn't know how to play accordion, he just has one
-I don't know if I accidentally just posted this, wtf is going on computer!
-I play racquetball for my school and got varsity freshman and sophomore year(the coach totally didn't ask if someone didn't get a letter after giving everyone on the team one pffft I has skillz that got me it)
-Seriously though I played in the national high school racquetball tournament both years and I plan to play the next two years as well
-You can call me Nelson, Nellie, or Wilbury(There is a reason)
-My favorite bands are The Who, The Beatles, The Traveling Wilburys(Like above...there is a reason...its not just some weird thing...)
-I can read and write Japanese fairly well, speaking is another story though...
-And Finally how I chose my username...So my name is Nelson and I got it from my Grandfathers last name(My moms so I'm not Nelson Nelson) Anyways he used to live in Japan and his co-workers couldn't pronounce his name well... so they nicknamed him Nellie-San. Then I stole the nickname. There's and underscore because I'm an idiot and put it in there. Now I want to dropkick it into the sun.

Now I'm gonna list my friend things(hopefully in order of when I met them):

@ErinEquinox -You were the first person to ever team with the nubby me...I just added you on skype...I'll call you eventually...

@DQIX1 -You were my waiting room buddy and playing with you was the first non-type teaming with a complete stranger. You taught me how to use flint and steel...I ruv u rong time

That's all I remember in order...yay random now

@Decemberr -CONGRATULATIONS ON MOD, anyways you're nice...and the first person to ever get me show my face on the internet to strangers via Google Hangouts

@T3chnoSpider -You cool brah, also i'm livestreaming with you as I write this so...yeah. Also you are the best twerker I have ever seen.

@Mman1234fcn83i -You're lip gloss be poppin' gurl

@FantasticTardis - Fezzes are cool

@xstephaniemmx -I feel bad but I have nothing interesting to say ;-;

@Soul -Apperently we are a ship in Team Onesies...#Nelliev2/Soul_San 4eva

@zanaboss -You are the king of trolly trolls who troll

@TheManeEvent -You find my face funny...creep...

@Bulletshield3 -You and Stephanie eh...I also have nothing to say...;-;

@subv3rsion -I was in a Google Hangout with you at one point...I've seen your face...Potato

@GotCubes -Redstone Rubiks Cube. That is all

@Lively -Live in Family. That is all

@Mr_Gears -Geeeeeeaaaaarrrrrs We make the greatest screenshots evar

If I forgot you it's because I am forgetful


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score

Can't wait to call ya buddy.
By the way, love your family history and the history behind your IGN : )


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
The days in the waiting room.... best part of my summer, honestly.

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