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Primeval [US Clan]

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Mar 16, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:degruch9910
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:yes but my laptop mic broke so i just will use my phone and plug my turtlebeaches into them. and idk if teamspeak works with a phone but my mic might get fixed on my laptop
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths:fishing rod, f and s, teams of 2, bow, running away and block hitting on special occasions.
PVP Weaknesses:getting lit on fire, teams of 3 and water fights.
Do you agree to the requirements of the clan?:yes.


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:degruch9910
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:yes but my laptop mic broke so i just will use my phone and plug my turtlebeaches into them. and idk if teamspeak works with a phone but my mic might get fixed on my laptop
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths:fishing rod, f and s, teams of 2, bow, running away and block hitting on special occasions.
PVP Weaknesses:getting lit on fire, teams of 3 and water fights.
Do you agree to the requirements of the clan?:yes.
Get on our teamspeak please, I've honestly never seen you.


Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:hankthetank2000
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:both skype:tofuninja12
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths:strafing,blockhitting,crithitting, flintand steel, bow
PVP Weaknesses:fishing rod, hackers,teams of 4 or more
Do you agree to the requirements of the clan?:yes


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:hankthetank2000
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:both skype:tofuninja12
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths:strafing,blockhitting,crithitting, flintand steel, bow
PVP Weaknesses:fishing rod, hackers,teams of 4 or more
Do you agree to the requirements of the clan?:yes
Please be more active on the Teamspeak. The IP is on the front page.


Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score

There really isn't a way out of saying this but here it goes. I've officially decided to leave the clan. Along with that, I am completely done playing Minecraft, and video games in general. I know each and every one of you guys in Primeval who have been in from the start with me never wanted to see this. But eventually it was going to happen. Most of you know that I only have 1 more year of high school left and I really have to start getting everything ready considering what I have planned for my future. With doing this in life, I have no time to play video games anymore and Minecraft most of all.

I really loved being a part of Primeval. It was a place where it consisted of people who I considered really good friends. We all came together, put our differences aside and became friends to the point where it didn't matter how we were seen to eachother. We were comfortable talking to eachother and playing games together. This really goes out to everyone who was apart of Primeval. It doesn't matter if you were in the clan from the start or just recently joined. Each one of you members made my stay a whole lot more comforting and enjoyable.

I know my reputation in the MCSG community was thought to be a "bad guy" but all in all, those things that were meant to bring me down never really did knowing you guys knew who the REAL me was. Not everyone in the MCSG community knew me to the point to where they didn't have that "bad guy" image out of their head about me, but they based and judged me off of what they heard. All those negative things about me that was spread throughout the community were most likely never true. But I never let these type of things get to me personally because knowing I could go to Primeval and just be me around you guys. I appreciate everything you all stuck through with me.

Like I said I don't want to disban this clan. I tried my best to set a perfect example for everyone to follow. Knowing not everyone is perfect in their own way, I hope I did a good enough job to where each member in Primeval is able to stick together and all in all make the right decisions. I want to be able to come back in the near future and still see Primeval as an active clan in the community. My goal was to allow the higher ranked members in Primeval be able to lead this clan when it was my time to go. Which happens to be now..

This special paragraph goes out to the upper ranks. Axmor | ProShooterBF | Fearzon | ImNotAFK13. I hope my example of leading this clan allows you all to come together and put your differences about each other aside to keep running this clan. Like I stated before, I want to come back to see this clan still running. Hopefully when it's your guys' time to go, you would have already set an example for other people to be able to lead this clan and keep it going. Thank you guys for being there for me and being able to help me lead this clan.

This special paragraph goes out to everyone in Primeval. It was a fun journey to be around players that I really considered close friends. Without each and every one of you, my stay here during my MCSG time wouldn't be as memorable as it is now. I would state every memory I could for each member in Primeval, but this would just turn into a book. But this goes out to everyone in Primeval that we had memories with. If a memory of us appears in your head, and you're reading this, you know you did well to make my stay in Primeval amazing. I love you all Primeval members. Thank you for everything. I wouldn't trade any of you for anyone else, because I know who you all are and what you all are capable of which allows me to say that I wouldn't trade you for anyone.

Sincerely, Hiqhlights | AJ | "swag"lights <3

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score

There really isn't a way out of saying this but here it goes. I've officially decided to leave the clan. Along with that, I am completely done playing Minecraft, and video games in general. I know each and every one of you guys in Primeval who have been in from the start with me never wanted to see this. But eventually it was going to happen. Most of you know that I only have 1 more year of high school left and I really have to start getting everything ready considering what I have planned for my future. With doing this in life, I have no time to play video games anymore and Minecraft most of all.

I really loved being a part of Primeval. It was a place where it consisted of people who I considered really good friends. We all came together, put our differences aside and became friends to the point where it didn't matter how we were seen to eachother. We were comfortable talking to eachother and playing games together. This really goes out to everyone who was apart of Primeval. It doesn't matter if you were in the clan from the start or just recently joined. Each one of you members made my stay a whole lot more comforting and enjoyable.

I know my reputation in the MCSG community was thought to be a "bad guy" but all in all, those things that were meant to bring me down never really did knowing you guys knew who the REAL me was. Not everyone in the MCSG community knew me to the point to where they didn't have that "bad guy" image out of their head about me, but they based and judged me off of what they heard. All those negative things about me that was spread throughout the community were most likely never true. But I never let these type of things get to me personally because knowing I could go to Primeval and just be me around you guys. I appreciate everything you all stuck through with me.

Like I said I don't want to disban this clan. I tried my best to set a perfect example for everyone to follow. Knowing not everyone is perfect in their own way, I hope I did a good enough job to where each member in Primeval is able to stick together and all in all make the right decisions. I want to be able to come back in the near future and still see Primeval as an active clan in the community. My goal was to allow the higher ranked members in Primeval be able to lead this clan when it was my time to go. Which happens to be now..

This special paragraph goes out to the upper ranks. Axmor | ProShooterBF | Fearzon | ImNotAFK13. I hope my example of leading this clan allows you all to come together and put your differences about each other aside to keep running this clan. Like I stated before, I want to come back to see this clan still running. Hopefully when it's your guys' time to go, you would have already set an example for other people to be able to lead this clan and keep it going. Thank you guys for being there for me and being able to help me lead this clan.

This special paragraph goes out to everyone in Primeval. It was a fun journey to be around players that I really considered close friends. Without each and every one of you, my stay here during my MCSG time wouldn't be as memorable as it is now. I would state every memory I could for each member in Primeval, but this would just turn into a book. But this goes out to everyone in Primeval that we had memories with. If a memory of us appears in your head, and you're reading this, you know you did well to make my stay in Primeval amazing. I love you all Primeval members. Thank you for everything. I wouldn't trade any of you for anyone else, because I know who you all are and what you all are capable of which allows me to say that I wouldn't trade you for anyone.

Sincerely, Hiqhlights | AJ | "swag"lights <3

You were a great leader. Good luck in your future endeavors! :)


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for being honest. And thank you for being the best leader anyone could have possibly hoped for. We'll miss you. Thank you for creating something that has created some of my best memories thus far. I promise I will try my best to keep at least the memories of this clan alive. You may come back and see us as a different clan, a different name. But at heart, we're Primeval. That will never change.

Good luck Hiqhy. Good luck in the future, and I hope you'll come back and visit every now and then.

And to Primeval, thanks for the memories. We'll be back.
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