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#Elysium [US Clan Now Recruiting]

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Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
1. IGN: rileywann
2. Age:13
3. Wins (Be honest): 70
4. Skype username: Rilezz
5. PvP Strengths: Long Range Bow and Stealth
6. PvP Weaknesses: Sneak Attacks and Diamond sword off-spawners....
7. Got a mic?: Turtle Beach P11
8. You cool?: I tink
9. Why should we choose you?: Ive Been in past clans like Nitride and just wanna have fun.
10. Have you teamed with anyone in the clan before? If so, who?: Probably not.
11. You in any other clans?: Not now.
12. Do you agree that by applying, you accept all of the requirements and rules above?: Course Bro.
Denied get to 250 wins and we will accept you.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Uhm..when will I do my interview? I really don't want to do it tonight because I've had my headset on forever and my ears hurt :c


May 22, 2013
Reaction score
1. IGN: UltimateAFS
2. Age: 15
3. Wins (Be honest): 546 and counting
4. Skype username (PM it to me if you don't want to say it publicly): none as of now, im working on it, but im going through some bugs...possibly in the future.
5. PvP Strengths: Straffing, turn around bowshot, taking on teams of two, and I recently got the hang of fishing rod technique.
6. PvP Weaknesses: I. hate. water. FOREVER.
7. Got a mic?: not yet (broken)
8. You cool?: would I be here if I weren't?
9. Why should we choose you?: I consider myself a skilled player, even if I do have some more improving to do. I'm a former member of #defiance and a friend of jcamotts (he directed me here :p). And, the one FrenchFried is talking about in his ost says "Ive got Ulti!!!!!"
10. Have you teamed with anyone in the clan before? If so, who?: jcamotts, and I know, though I have not teamed with, quite a few other people in the clan.
11. You in any other clans?: #defiance disbanded, so not anymore
12. Do you agree that by applying, you accept all of the requirements and rules above?: other then the mic requirement (working on it) yes.

Also I know that not having Skype does lower my chances, but still, its worth a shot :p


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
1. IGN: UltimateAFS
2. Age: 15
3. Wins (Be honest): 546 and counting
4. Skype username (PM it to me if you don't want to say it publicly): none as of now, im working on it, but im going through some bugs...possibly in the future.
5. PvP Strengths: Straffing, turn around bowshot, taking on teams of two, and I recently got the hang of fishing rod technique.
6. PvP Weaknesses: I. hate. water. FOREVER.
7. Got a mic?: not yet (broken)
8. You cool?: would I be here if I weren't?
9. Why should we choose you?: I consider myself a skilled player, even if I do have some more improving to do. I'm a former member of #defiance and a friend of jcamotts (he directed me here :p). And, the one FrenchFried is talking about in his ost says "Ive got Ulti!!!!!"
10. Have you teamed with anyone in the clan before? If so, who?: jcamotts, and I know, though I have not teamed with, quite a few other people in the clan.
11. You in any other clans?: #defiance disbanded, so not anymore
12. Do you agree that by applying, you accept all of the requirements and rules above?: other then the mic requirement (working on it) yes.
Also I know that not having Skype does lower my chances, but still, its worth a shot :p
1. IGN: Pixelatorx2
2. Age: (teens, I wont disclose this online, sorry)
3. Wins (Be honest): 330
4. Skype username (PM it to me if you don't want to say it publicly): No, @Jcamotts got in without skype
5. PvP Strengths: Great at running from teams and killing them 1 by 1 even if Im out numbered 1-7. Good sword battler, great at FnS also amazing sniper
6. PvP Weaknesses: Usually fights with a team of 2, weirdly I can take out teams of 3+ but not 2....
7. Got a mic?: Dont generally use it much, it creates BAD echo and bad sound, but in worse case sonario I can
8. You cool?: ofc brah
9. Why should we choose you?: Because I can be useful in clan battles and am a faithful teammate
10. Have you teamed with anyone in the clan before? If so, who?: Nope, I dont belive so
11. You in any other clans?: No.
12. Do you agree that by applying, you accept all of the requirements and rules above? Yes
Both of your apps are pending. Frankly, you're going to need a mic + skype for this clan to communicate with other players. Once we get a TS server (Hopefully soon) you won't need skype, but a mic is necessary.
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