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#Elysium [US Clan Now Recruiting]

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Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
1. IGN: wicky9722
2. Age: 16
3. Wins (Be honest): 558 as if in now.
4. Skype username (PM it to me if you don't want to say it publicly): Wizterfix
5. PvP Strengths: FNS and decent with a rod :/
6. PvP Weaknesses: Bows, Hackers and Connection
7. Got a mic?: Yes
8. You cool?: im Kewl
9. Why should we choose you?: I like to think im a decent player when (my connection isnt poopy ) but i hope this will be a fun ride.
10. Have you teamed with anyone in the clan before? If so, who?: Nope but i would like to get to know you guys personally.
11. You in any other clans?: No the clan i was recently in was disbanded.
12. Do you agree that by applying, you accept all of the requirements and rules above?: Yes
Accepted please add minecrafter731 on Skype. :)
1. IGN:Brandon6895
2. Age:13
3. Wins (Be honest):1567
4. Skype username (PM it to me if you don't want to say it publicly):Fusion has me.
5. PvP Strengths: Bow stun ( like the fishing rod stun technique ) Sword strafing, FnS
6. PvP Weaknesses:mad:Zypes
7. Got a mic?: Yes
8. You cool?: I hope so :)
9. Why should we choose you?: Well, people like to choose me because of my rank on the leaderboards...but I disagree that people should pick someone just because of their ranking!
10. Have you teamed with anyone in the clan before? If so, who?: I have with both of the leaders and some members.
11. You in any other clans?: Not currently.
12. Do you agree that by applying, you accept all of the requirements and rules above?: Of course :) Kind of why I posted this application ;) If I didn't agree, I wouldn't apply in the first place. :p
Accepted add minecrafter731 if you don't still have it :)


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
1. IGN: mediapeople
2. Age: 12
3. Wins (Be honest): 249, (i have a pretty bad ratio but it is because i lost 2000 games not knowing what i was doing so i am overall good at PvP.
4. Skype username (PM it to me if you don't want to say it publicly): elijah.davis73
5. PvP Strengths: bow F&S, and pretty good with the sword
6. PvP Weaknesses: dem hackerz
7. Got a mic?: OHHHHHH YEAHHHH
8. You cool?: yes
9. Why should we choose you?: because i am the chosen one
10. Have you teamed with anyone in the clan before? If so, who?: I have teamed with Spooch100
11. You in any other clans?: no
12. Do you agree that by applying, you accept all of the requirements and rules above?: yes

i dont have a steve skin just saying xD


Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
1. IGN: mediapeople
2. Age: 12
3. Wins (Be honest): 249, (i have a pretty bad ratio but it is because i lost 2000 games not knowing what i was doing so i am overall good at PvP.
4. Skype username (PM it to me if you don't want to say it publicly): elijah.davis73
5. PvP Strengths: bow F&S, and pretty good with the sword
6. PvP Weaknesses: dem hackerz
7. Got a mic?: OHHHHHH YEAHHHH
8. You cool?: yes
9. Why should we choose you?: because i am the chosen one
10. Have you teamed with anyone in the clan before? If so, who?: I have teamed with Spooch100
11. You in any other clans?: no
12. Do you agree that by applying, you accept all of the requirements and rules above?: yes

i dont have a steve skin just saying xD
Accepted please add minecrafter731 on skype . I had the same problem with my w/l :)
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