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Apex - AU Clan

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Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Another reason I have the opinion of Phoenix that I do:

7-8 of them get into a TS with me, keep saying they want to make it up to me, and all get in a game with me, say that I should apply for Phoenix again. I didn't trust them right up until DM when camohobic and I were about to kill the last guy, and I had a 3k bounty on me cus they all bountied me trying to be nice, saying the didnt want me to think badly of them and they were mature. Nec minute.

Camo gets me from behind while I am crafting, much to the amusement of everyone in the channel and calls me a dumb and stupid f**k for trusting them. Goes a long way to show how much they really care and how mature they are huh? And to think they called ME immature.

I also can't post on their clan page anymore unless its clan related things because they banned me from their thread. I'd like too see them come up with an excuse for this one. I even asked AlLuc, who I thought was one of my only friends in that clan, if they were going to screw me over, he replied with a no, it's all legit.


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Please don't start a flame war on our page. If you have a problem with phoenix bring it up with their leader or post it on theirs.


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Please don't start a flame war on our page. If you have a problem with phoenix bring it up with their leader or post it on theirs.
Yeah sorry, it's just I can't post on their page, Kytria will find a way to ban me, and Nick won't wanna talk with me about it, he will give me the answer everyone gives: Deal with it. Also just a suggestion, you should make your applications easier to read, with some of them I don't know if he has 2700 wins or bounty is 1d 7hrs and so on haha


Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
Please don't start a flame war on our page. If you have a problem with phoenix bring it up with their leader or post it on theirs.
Sorry i wasnt mean to do anything it's just that darkrai should just keep things to himself.


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
And croe your YouTube channel has the best intro, I so want it >.>


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
·Minecraft username: Turt1eManLol
·Age: 14
·Wins/Total Games Played/Total time Played/Bounty Wins: 386, /Games played: 2057, /Time played: 1w and 5 days,/ Bounty: 1376 however my best bounty was about 7000-8000
·Maps you generally like to play/ maps you don't like to play I like to play: sg4, sg2, sg3, breeze, holiday restort, whyvens wake, and valleyside. I don't like sg5, Survival kingdom, freeze, and lost mine.
·Skype name/Do you use optifine? Skype:Jack.meadow, I do use optifine to reduce lag.
·Game Rank(VIP, Donator, Regular etc.)Regular
·Been banned?(for?)Never, and won't be planning to.


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
Another reason I have the opinion of Phoenix that I do:

7-8 of them get into a TS with me, keep saying they want to make it up to me, and all get in a game with me, say that I should apply for Phoenix again. I didn't trust them right up until DM when camohobic and I were about to kill the last guy, and I had a 3k bounty on me cus they all bountied me trying to be nice, saying the didnt want me to think badly of them and they were mature. Nec minute.

Camo gets me from behind while I am crafting, much to the amusement of everyone in the channel and calls me a dumb and stupid f**k for trusting them. Goes a long way to show how much they really care and how mature they are huh? And to think they called ME immature.

I also can't post on their clan page anymore unless its clan related things because they banned me from their thread. I'd like too see them come up with an excuse for this one. I even asked AlLuc, who I thought was one of my only friends in that clan, if they were going to screw me over, he replied with a no, it's all legit.
Sorry for their immature behavior at the time, I actually didn't know that they were gonna do that (I got no notification) , I apologize. And screwbie, I don't hate you.
Last edited:


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Another reason I have the opinion of Phoenix that I do:

7-8 of them get into a TS with me, keep saying they want to make it up to me, and all get in a game with me, say that I should apply for Phoenix again. I didn't trust them right up until DM when camohobic and I were about to kill the last guy, and I had a 3k bounty on me cus they all bountied me trying to be nice, saying the didnt want me to think badly of them and they were mature. Nec minute.

Camo gets me from behind while I am crafting, much to the amusement of everyone in the channel and calls me a dumb and stupid f**k for trusting them. Goes a long way to show how much they really care and how mature they are huh? And to think they called ME immature.

I also can't post on their clan page anymore unless its clan related things because they banned me from their thread. I'd like too see them come up with an excuse for this one. I even asked AlLuc, who I thought was one of my only friends in that clan, if they were going to screw me over, he replied with a no, it's all legit.
Doesn't surprise me, the way you acted towards my members was to be fair disgusting, you talked about us in a negative light and now you're talking behind my back about my clan. (I didn't honestly care about your fueds with my members, talking negatively about my clan however I will definitely get involved.

Let's go to the start, I'm going to unveil the truth of why you were denied. At first all of our members liked you, I thought telling you to get to 200 wins and you'd have a spot in the clan would be well and all, at the start I thought it was a good idea and it was actually working out, although turns out I was wrong. You acted like you were in-charge of Phoenix, like you were an official member and had a right to say anything about us. One by one you started enraging our members, you even posted on our thread to alert us that someone hated you and you hated them (Please, where did you ever get that idea...) I've tried to protect you, I've tried to stop members from the clan bothering you further, looks like I was wrong to attempt to give that shield.

You speak about the whole of Phoenix badly, constantly talk behind my back about Phoenix and in return believe that myself, my members and such will just ignore it and leave you alone. Believe me, I've tried to calm them down but you constantly bring up about how we're immature, a terrible clan and the such. Regardless, why the hell do you bring this up with Apex!? Do you even understand what you're trying to do, make Apex have a bad opinion of us? Make everyone reading have a bad opinion of us, sorry man it's not going to happen, although the way you act towards Phoenix gives me something to laugh at, it really does. Your arguments are pathetic, if you have any feuds with Phoenix please tell me, telling anyone else will result in a massive flame war, etc. (I'm sure the mods don't want to deal with that)

Anyway, if you continue to keep talking about Phoenix the way you do I will have a mod to come and give you consequences, if you have anything to say please say it to me.

Also, Croe I apologize for having to write back to Screwbie which may cause flame on this thread but as a fellow clan owner I believe you can understand someone insulting you, or speaking badly of you does not simply slip by.


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Doesn't surprise me, the way you acted towards my members was to be fair disgusting, you talked about us in a negative light and now you're talking behind my back about my clan. (I didn't honestly care about your fueds with my members, talking negatively about my clan however I will definitely get involved.

Let's go to the start, I'm going to unveil the truth of why you were denied. At first all of our members liked you, I thought telling you to get to 200 wins and you'd have a spot in the clan would be well and all, at the start I thought it was a good idea and it was actually working out, although turns out I was wrong. You acted like you were in-charge of Phoenix, like you were an official member and had a right to say anything about us. One by one you started enraging our members, you even posted on our thread to alert us that someone hated you and you hated them (Please, where did you ever get that idea...) I've tried to protect you, I've tried to stop members from the clan bothering you further, looks like I was wrong to attempt to give that shield.

You speak about the whole of Phoenix badly, constantly talk behind my back about Phoenix and in return believe that myself, my members and such will just ignore it and leave you alone. Believe me, I've tried to calm them down but you constantly bring up about how we're immature, a terrible clan and the such. Regardless, why the hell do you bring this up with Apex!? Do you even understand what you're trying to do, make Apex have a bad opinion of us? Make everyone reading have a bad opinion of us, sorry man it's not going to happen, although the way you act towards Phoenix gives me something to laugh at, it really does. Your arguments are pathetic, if you have any feuds with Phoenix please tell me, telling anyone else will result in a massive flame war, etc. (I'm sure the mods don't want to deal with that)

Anyway, if you continue to keep talking about Phoenix the way you do I will have a mod to come and give you consequences, if you have anything to say please say it to me.

Also, Croe I apologize for having to write back to Screwbie which may cause flame on this thread but as a fellow clan owner I believe you can understand someone insulting you, or speaking badly of you does not simply slip by.
Ok, I never meant for Apex to get a bad opinion of Phoenix, and my opinion of you and such members has not changed since I met you. I am not going to deny I have acted badly towards the memebers who abuse me, but not horribly. You can't deny they have acted the same as me if not worse, and if you read my message, imagine yourself in that position? To get told you could have another shot at Phoenix and they didnt want me to get a bad image of them, to then again bounty me and try and play nice until the end were they swore and abused me AGAIN? I was a bit mad, lets leave it at that.

I am sorry if I acted like I owned Phoenix, I am sure I didn't, but if I did I was probably excited to join the clan, sorry


Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, I never meant for Apex to get a bad opinion of Phoenix, and my opinion of you and such members has not changed since I met you. I am not going to deny I have acted badly towards the memebers who abuse me, but not horribly. You can't deny they have acted the same as me if not worse, and if you read my message, imagine yourself in that position? To get told you could have another shot at Phoenix and they didnt want me to get a bad image of them, to then again bounty me and try and play nice until the end were they swore and abused me AGAIN? I was a bit mad, lets leave it at that.

I am sorry if I acted like I owned Phoenix, I am sure I didn't, but if I did I was probably excited to join the clan, sorry


Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Mind taking this argument somewhere else? This thread is supposed to be for Apex applications
It seems like I'm being ONE OF THOSE GUYS, but to be fair Nick started it xD Anyway yeah, I hope I get trialled soon, and Omaster when are you gonna upload that vid of you and I? You ate 2 g apples lol >.>
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