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Which Idea would you like to see?

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Cinci | Kame

Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
I was thinking about cool map ideas that sets itself apart from other maps. I have been wanting to build a mcsg map for some time now, but I have not been able to get past the first part of building it. I am terrible at terraforming, that is actually my biggest problem. I can build houses and I am a pretty good redstoner. I could never do one of those HUGE builds that they do on youtube, but I can make a code lock (like on sg 1) and I know enough to get by with making secret passage ways or moving parkours.

Knowing this, I feel that their may be some of you out there who know how to terraform and how to make it look nice and everything. That my ideas could possibly be implemented. I am not a bad builder, I can build things to look nice and clean. I have lots of trouble building things that have been rundown or destroyed, (I am terrible at using vines or making destroyed items).

The reason I am making this thread is because maybe some of you people want to build a map (aka get VIP) but are bad at certain things that I/other people are good at, but you are also good at something we are bad at. So if we have a terraformer who could make coolest looking terrain ever, but just can't build urban very well, this would be a great place to start.


Builders- people that are not bad at building, in other words, can build more than there dirt house. If you want to post screenshots that would be great! I would post some screenies, but I lost my masterpiece builds when I left this game for a few months.

Detailers-People that could add all the great details to everything. Good at making everything look natural.

Terraformer-Someone that can make the terrain look completely natural, can form mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, arches, etc.

Redstoner- I am a capable redstoner, but If someone is really good at making everything as small as possible or knows everything and can do everything with redstone.

Server- Someone (preferably one of the above) who has a decent server we can build this on.


Some map Ideas I was thinking of,

4 seasons- A map that has desert, winter, marshy, and spring all in one.

Castle kingdom -Many castles that have plenty of rooms.

The great Castle-One HUGE Castle full of rooms.

Old Town West- what a town would have looked like in the wild west

If you are interested in joining this please comment on the bottom or post on my profile page. I will give you my skype. I am not able to talk, no microphone anymore, but I can at least listen in and answer questions via skype or server. I would highly prefer ages 13-14 or older, but if you are mature I will make exceptions. I am looking for people who seriously want to do this so don't come and then barely do anything and expect to get credit. I will be trying to work on this as much as I can. There will be a limit of people but If that actually becomes an issue I will address it when we get there.

To apply please follow this template.
What is your minecraft ign?
How old are you?
Which of the above do you fit in? (Terraformer, Redstoner, Builder, etc.) You may choose more than one.
Do you have skype?
How much do you think you will be able to work on this project?
Do you have a server that we can use? World edit will probably need to be used to speed up the time.

Thank you and I hope to see some replies!
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District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Thread Status: Locked

This thread is being moved and locked due to the map/idea not having any progression in a large amount of time. If you need your thread to be reopened, PM a Staff member if this map/idea is still in the works.

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