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MCTF2 bought by MCGamer: Is this some sort of cruel sick joke?

Should a completely broken game be passed over to upgrade something that is entirely operational?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • I have a different opinion and would like to post below what it is

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
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The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
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Is this some sort of cruel sick joke on MCGamer's part to take away my favorite game in the whole wide world?
Yup, you caught them. this whole buy out was just to piss you off and take away the game from you.

In all seriousness, this was brought up in a Developer Q&A a couple days back and, from the sounds of it, a new plugin for MCTF2 is going to be made. It sounded like development would be started in around a weeks time. You see, they have to completely redo the plugin because the old one is so outdated and is basically broken.


Nov 27, 2012
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What people have already been saying, the plugin was broken and is outdated so the devs have to completely rewrite the code.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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I am offended by what you've said.

I spend quite a bit of time with the Developers in chats and such to the point where I'd consider them friends. I know how much time and effort they've put into coding and such, and I know how much is currently on their plate. I also know for a fact that they know about MCTF2, because that has been one of their main projects for the past few weeks. It was time for an overhaul. This is one of their largest projects since MCSGv2 with a number of similarities too, such as having to adapt the pre-MC-update code to be fully conformed and efficient to the post-MC-update code. Until you've done it yourself, you don't realize just how much needs to be done in order for something of this magnitude to actually get done.

And yet you come here on a soapbox in public to portray MCGamer as the bad guy and let everyone know how we betrayed you? Because our handful of developers (whom must split their attention across many tasks and projects) can't get your favorite gamemode up and running?
Please, tell us about how we've, "backstabbed an entire community" and how we, "cover up the real truth of a situation" while we host the servers and start up a large-scale restoration project with the cooperation of the MCTF2 staff, including GibboAssassin. We've even maintained all of the MCTF2 staff as well, and given them the equivalent ranks on our system as well.
And if you're going to complain about excuses and accuse us of lying to hide our obvious ulterior motive to, "to take away my favorite game in the whole wide world", please tell us about how you've contributed positively to the development. Have you helped the developers with their monumental efforts by offering your abilities to code? Have you helped raise morale of the existing MCTF2 by keeping them together and interested with some positivity when it seems so dearly needed? Have you framed the MCTF2 community as a community that is worth the attention and interest in the eyes of a member of another community? Have you made it seem like MCTF2 is something worth developing for?
Because all I see in this thread is complaining, accusations, and bridge-burning for the sake of desperate attention-grabbing. And such actions only hurt your intentions, friend.

Everyone else, I assure you that MCTF2 is being worked on; everyone who was actually at the Dev Q&A session on Saturday heard it from their own mouths. Whether you take that as a genuine sign or simply another excuse, I assure you that I can confirm that things are getting done. But these things take time, especially with how much we have to do and how little time we have to do it.

Our devs are overworked as it is; the last thing they need is negativity posts like this one to hurt their morale.


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
I am offended by what you've said.
Because all I see in this thread is complaining, accusations, and bridge-burning for the sake of desperate attention-grabbing.
I'm glad you are offended, that what I was going for. Yes this was an attention grabber and it got exactly the kind of response I wanted. I wanted someone to pour their heart out. Thank you very much for your post. All I ever saw from the staff before was just excuses, this is much more meaty than that.
I also know for a fact that they know about MCTF2, because that has been one of their main projects for the past few weeks.
I know they know about the problem, but I am surprised to see that it is their main project finally, it has been tossed to the side for ages.
Please, tell us about how we've, "backstabbed an entire community"
I thought I made my opinions clear and somewhat articulately stated.
Have you helped the developers with their monumental efforts by offering your abilities to code?
I have offered. I don't feel like taking a monumental amount of time to find my post on the MCTF2 forums where I offered. It is buried under posts of members wondering why their game is gone. Please do not offer to make me a developer, just email me the source and I can start from there.
Have you made it seem like MCTF2 is something worth developing for?
I try to upload as much game-play of MCTF2 as I can to my Youtube channel, but it is very hard to get game-play when the servers are down. I am not very sure of how to raise positive awareness since nothing is working. I went for some negative attention instead.
everyone who was actually at the Dev Q&A session on Saturday heard it from their own mouths.
I wish I were there, but I decided to post on the forums after I heard about it. I was not aware of it in time to be there, I would have tuned in.
But these things take time
The MCTF2 has been told for over 2 years that they are getting a new plugin. Need I express to you what I think about that figure?
Our devs are overworked as it is; the last thing they need is negativity posts like this one to hurt their morale.
The negativity was only for attention, but I did not lie in my post once. All facts were facts and all opinions were opinions;)

In conclusion, I would like it if there was not a new plugin, but rather a 'fixed' old one where there are no glitches and all the classes are the exact same. New maps could be nice.
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2013
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Lets face it though, more people play MCSG that MCTF2 so you can understand why that is the dev's main priority. I am sure they are working very hard to restore MCTF2. If this was all for attention, that is really sad. You can get attention by being good.


Aug 17, 2013
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Lets face it though, more people play MCSG that MCTF2 so you can understand why that is the dev's main priority. I am sure they are working very hard to restore MCTF2. If this was all for attention, that is really sad. You can get attention by being good.
I am good. I hold second place in the hall of fame at MCTF2. I am the only player that has become OVER 9000 without cheating. Also, if you think I have not tried to be positive read this: http://www.mctf2.com/threads/suggestions-for-mcgamer.2702/

I merely wanted to make sure staff understand how a lot of people over at MCTF2 feel.

I understand that more people play MCSG, but I have never seen every server full; neither have I seen it in a state where it is unplayable. What is broken? Why are they upgrading something people already love? MCTF2 is unplayable and MCSG is playable. MCSG gets new code, but what does MCTF2 get? It gets shut down that's what.


Aug 12, 2013
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Lets face it though, more people play MCSG that MCTF2 so you can understand why that is the dev's main priority. I am sure they are working very hard to restore MCTF2. If this was all for attention, that is really sad. You can get attention by being good.
MCTF2 used to be really popular until mcgamer took it from us.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
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Hey, here's an idea:

If you don't like MCTF2 now, how about you take a couple hours of your time and get the real TF2!

It makes so much sense now!


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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MCTF2 was a closed source project where we inherited early on. Unfortunately after gaining access to the code, we realized that it was sloppy and every minor MC update made the code almost completely unusable. If we would have known this, we may have not take on the task as we have to rewrite this community from the ground up. All we can say is be patient and complaining about doesn't help. We are aware that we broke may time estimates and are actually been actively working on it. ETA, unknown but we hope way before Minecon time to get the V2 access up.
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