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MCTF2 bought by MCGamer: Is this some sort of cruel sick joke?

Should a completely broken game be passed over to upgrade something that is entirely operational?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • I have a different opinion and would like to post below what it is

    Votes: 1 9.1%

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Aug 17, 2013
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A while back MCTF2 was acquired by MCGamer. Most people here would not even begin to understand what MCTF2 was when it was its own separate thing. I happen to remember the state of the servers before they were a part of some larger network. They are memories I look back to fondly. That warm feeling I get from the nonstalgia is crushed; however, when I think to the current condition of the servers. They are completely unplayable almost 95-99% of the time due to them being crashed and not restarted, or there is atrocious lag that makes the game entirely unplayable. For a while I went around on teamspeak poking every staff member asking for the servers to be fixed. I quickly learned from doing this that no one even knew who's responsibility it was to upkeep the servers. The dev's said that the admins should be able to fix the servers, and the admins said the dev's should be able to fix the servers. It soon became woefully apparent that the servers would never be fixed with any sort of regularity. After 2 months of this same bullspit happening over and over it began to dawn on me. Is this some sort of cruel sick joke on MCGamer's part to take away my favorite game in the whole wide world? I have asked, pleaded, and begged to anyone that would listen and all I have ever heard in response was that the developers were working on it. This turned out to be a complete and total fabrication once I learned that the dev's are all hard at work on MCSG even though I went and played MCSG, more than I can say for MCTF2; which is, and almost always is utterly unplayable.

All I can say is. No matter what the admins say, and insist upon being the truth, I will always feel betrayed by MCGamer. MCTF2 was stolen from us. Then it was neglected to the point it cannot even function. Then we (the MCTF2 community, nothing to do with MCSG) were lied to about the servers being fixed. I am told the dev's "Have lives outside of Minecraft" and cannot be bothered to fix MCTF2, but this is just what a wise man, my father, taught me is an EXCUSE. Excuses are made to cover up the real truth of a situation. The real truth about MCTF2's situation is that nothing is being done to fix it; although, MCGamer is responsible for the well-being of MCTF2 they have shirked this responsibility to the point that. They have back-stabbed an entire community and do nothing to remedy this atrocity.

The truth is, I would like to hear what the community thinks about the naked truth posted here. Throw away any predispositions you have heard the staff whispering in your ears like sweet nothings and tell me what you think about this as if it were your own precious favorite game ever that was destroyed. I wouldn't mind not seeing a single post from any staff. I have already heard what you have to say.

Too Long, Didn't Read: MCSG is operational. The lag in the hub is easy to deal with. If it is not broken, do not fix it. MCTF2 is broken.

Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Can't say I'm not upset about what's going on w/ MCTF2 but all we can really do is wait - I don't know better than you do regarding when the new plugin will come out, but I do know they had a few test games with it a while back if that makes you feel a bit better. I do hope it comes out soon though - being an Australian player, whenever I try to go on the servers, they're always down for me :/


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Someone went pretty deep.

On other words, yes. I understand you. But Mccgamer's main game is Survival game —as you can see—, but nothing much we can do about this problem. Maybe it will get fixed on the future.


Jun 7, 2013
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Also MCGamer didn't really buy MCTF2 right??? Just saying...


Aug 17, 2013
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Also MCGamer didn't really buy MCTF2 right??? Just saying...
I am fairly sure I read some staff member say something somewhere about buying. It's on the MCTF2 forums. It is buried under posts of members wondering why their game is gone.


Oct 30, 2012
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yeah MCTF2 was originally designed by the developers of MCSG, it was its own separate community just because it seemed unfair at the time for bans on MCSG to transfer over there. The staff of MCTF2 were 95% staff of MCSG, i myself was a senior moderator there.

Then the merge happened because of the hub and because, all the servers are paid for via chad, the money going into the servers comes from the donations from both communities.

I dont know whether you were around in the last few weeks of MCTF2 before all the MCSG games were moved to MCGamer Hubs. But it didnt work almost 100% of the time.

The game type has been moved over so all the developing staff can focus on it when they get the time. The idea is that the devs now develop everything (Unlucky Bill) so everything gets looked at. Hopefully the game type will be fixed soon.


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
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In the Dev Q&A last night, they said that they plan on completely reworking MCTF2, but they have to learn the system, or code, or whatever it is they said, first.


Mar 30, 2013
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In the Dev Q&A last night, they said that they plan on completely reworking MCTF2, but they have to learn the system, or code, or whatever it is they said, first.
I believe it's the code that they need to rewrite


Aug 17, 2013
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In the Dev Q&A last night, they said that they plan on completely reworking MCTF2, but they have to learn the system, or code, or whatever it is they said, first.
I really wouldn't mind the waiting, but this is what they have been saying ever since people started complaining about the plugin taking too long. They announced the new plugin more than 2 years ago. I honestly do not care about the new plugin. I just want the servers to be playable. Which they are not.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
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i played MCTF2 a couple days ago with my friend, I didn't find anything wrong with it and we had fun ^-^
then again, i'm not bothered by small things like lag


Aug 17, 2013
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i played MCTF2 a couple days ago with my friend, I didn't find anything wrong with it and we had fun ^-^
then again, i'm not bothered by small things like lag. I do not play MCTF2 normally and do not understand what goes on over there so my opinion may be discredited.
Lag is not a very big issue, but the lag that persists on the MCTF2 servers is a very large issue because it is a very large amount of lag. After servers being up for a while; however, there comes to be lag spikes that last for 30 seconds to minutes at a time. I am sure you can understand that the game is unplayable in any normal fashion if I can not shoot at someone until a full minute after seeing them. Then the server updates the client information and it is then functional for a second or two. After the client information gets updated the person teleports halfway across the map and I can not shoot at them like I would be able to normally. The tenth to two tenths of a second of lag that is normally there is not game breaking. It is when there are minutes of lag at a time.

Compare it to when you are playing MCSG, and all the players suddenly freeze (this is lag). Imagine then, that instead of unfreezing in several seconds that they remain frozen, and that every minute or so the players would skip around the map and be unable to hit each other, ever. Imagine further that every server you join has this same problem and that you cannot even play at all. How would you feel then?

EDIT: The servers have been down for about a week, so you played on them a week or so ago right?
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